12/22/22, 8:43 PM - This business works with other companies to manage this chat. Tap to learn more. 12/22/22, 8:43 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If I start a chat and it goes sideways because you all are absolutely insane to be having Mal adjusted directive technology that I label #BigManKillingTechBug interface to be connected to two sides of the polar opposites. One side the normal and the other side tapped into the dark net of digital overlay for some sinister purpose to nullify normalcy . Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978/in-the-alls-of-all-halls-of?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=a14b36f1d2b84b59b3c406a3bbb4299f&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/22/22, 8:43 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/22/22, 8:43 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/22/22, 8:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes . am alone. I will explain why 12/22/22, 8:44 PM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 12/22/22, 8:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: No one holds me to a circle of influence standard. I belong to no one's circle of influence I have no circle of influence that is basically the crisis 12/22/22, 8:44 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 12/22/22, 8:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Repeating... If I start a chat and it goes sideways because you all are absolutely insane to be having Mal adjusted directive technology that I label #BigManKillingTechBug interface to be connected to two sides of the polar opposites. One side the normal and the other side tapped into the dark net of digital overlay for some sinister purpose to nullify normalcy . Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978/in-the-alls-of-all-halls-of?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=a14b36f1d2b84b59b3c406a3bbb4299f&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/22/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Check out Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=ed3a6d61496c4e849da557d545faa51b&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/22/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Good evening, thank you so much for reaching out to us for support. 12/22/22, 8:47 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 12/22/22, 8:47 PM - Crisis Text Line: Would you like to tell me what originally brought you to the platform and then explain why are you upset upon waiting to speak with a counselor? 12/22/22, 8:48 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) 12/22/22, 8:48 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/22/22, 8:48 PM - Crisis Text Line: I am unable to receive images. 12/22/22, 8:48 PM - Crisis Text Line: Can you describe the picture you sent? 12/22/22, 8:49 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I am upset. Yes I can describe the picture 12/22/22, 8:49 PM - Crisis Text Line: I understand that you are irritated which is why I asked if you could explain to me why you were feeling upset. 12/22/22, 8:51 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: It is a WhatsApp avatar of a identity called Makta Pond. Has the words on the bottom of the image: Are you are aware of the huge hate based criminal activity known as gang stalking? 12/22/22, 8:52 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I really don't have the patience to deal with anybody I just want to scream and strangle somebody 12/22/22, 8:52 PM - Crisis Text Line: I am not familiarized with Makta Pond. 12/22/22, 8:52 PM - Crisis Text Line: Have you tried reporting the abuse to the authorities? 12/22/22, 8:52 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: When you're not familiar with somebody or something you put the name into Google right I'll give you the search link for that 12/22/22, 8:53 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: They have on a 911 text interface that I have in the record that they claim the sanity of police department claims that I'm abusing 911 and that gang stalking is not according to California's criminal code a crime. When it is a crime. According to my legalquestions.com. what is gang stalking, they say it is a crime. 12/22/22, 8:54 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: my legal questions.com, fact check it is a crime. 12/22/22, 8:54 PM - Crisis Text Line: Do you feel safe telling me what city and state you live in? 12/22/22, 8:54 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978/in-the-alls-of-all-halls-of?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=8ead66e2d945475d87d3f03e6d013303&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/22/22, 8:56 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Of course not because it's the San Bernardino Police department and I'm in San Bernardino California. And as of April of this year there was a California state auditors investigation that was put into view. The others report received no written in response from the San Bernardino Police department on the recommendations they are seeking. So there is no way to get the San Bernardino Police department to budge an inch. They are a haters free for all I have to go out of the country for claiming and trying to get asylum status just asylum's protection status 12/22/22, 8:57 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: There is no resource to help absolutely nobody cares to give me the legal capacity to bring this forward into the view of a community affairs board of holding that gang stalking is an unacceptable parameter of existence in the United States of America and is highly criminal. I have no ability but to just say piss off America 12/22/22, 8:58 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And I'm just so pissed off and so upset because none of my interfaces that I begin with. I had put to the first experiences on crisis text line but the crisis counselor called me a prank. 12/22/22, 8:58 PM - Crisis Text Line: I think it's healthy for you to be outraged over being harassed. 12/22/22, 8:59 PM - Crisis Text Line: I am in the process of helping you file a report. 12/22/22, 9:00 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Can you do me a favor? Can you read the title of a SoundCloud post. Put that title into text back to confirm to see the title holds an audio public address. 12/22/22, 9:00 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978/in-the-alls-of-all-halls-of?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=8ead66e2d945475d87d3f03e6d013303&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/22/22, 9:00 PM - Crisis Text Line: Would it be okay with you for me to share a resource with you? 12/22/22, 9:01 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes please. Something that has some clout that can give me legal capacity to a complaint that has the authority to fire people who are not doing their job 12/22/22, 9:02 PM - Crisis Text Line: https://www.sbcity.org/city_hall/police_department/report_a_crime 12/22/22, 9:02 PM - Crisis Text Line: It's a good idea for you to file the report of the incident through their online portal. 12/22/22, 9:02 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I am waiting for the title to be echo back to me please 12/22/22, 9:03 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm reporting a crime. The crime is the actual San Bernardino Police department's 911 dispatch center. The crime is being committed by their own staff and you think that it's okay to provide the report of a crime URL. Seriously? 12/22/22, 9:04 PM - Crisis Text Line: Yes, because you will have evidence that you filed the report. 12/22/22, 9:04 PM - Crisis Text Line: A responsible human being should reply to your email. 12/22/22, 9:04 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Seriously a break of insanity of illogical disorder of civil dysfunction. 12/22/22, 9:04 PM - Crisis Text Line: I understand that you are feeling irritated as a result of the treatment you received. 12/22/22, 9:05 PM - Crisis Text Line: Would you like me to share additional legal counsel information? 12/22/22, 9:05 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That would be like internal affairs of a conspiracy they're continuing to cover up. I need somebody in a different methodology that puts some clout and the view of my reports that will actually give me the ability to pinpoint a source to have somebody fired for this it's not a simple thing of filing a report within the same department where the crime is being committed come on now 12/22/22, 9:05 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Again legal counsel for the San Bernardino Police department would be the City attorney his name is Tim Prince he's a former classmate of alumni class of 1983 from San Bernardino high School and that fails. 12/22/22, 9:07 PM - Crisis Text Line: I want to check in on your safety, are you having any thoughts of suicide? 12/22/22, 9:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Anything other than that it's just another attorney that side on their side there's no clutch you're giving me nothing but cure nonsense why don't you look for some clout help me a resource that has some clout that can do a a deed that makes it appearance there is a serious need a seriousness involving my complaints I don't see how you can think it any other way but just an absolute nonsense you have no understanding to how a conspiracy works among a bunch of collaborators. You don't understand how that works. Have to break out of that circle and into some other circle of clouds that would give them give me leverage. 12/22/22, 9:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Take what I said please and if you have to link to the SoundCloud but take what the title of the SoundCloud post is showing in this tool take that title and repeat it back to me and you would not have to ask that question. The word suicide is in the title. Where does it go from there that the actual audio is a full public address that applies to everyone in its reach. There is a public authority to which is a matter that will grant me legal capacity that is being restricted from my ability to hold that resource accountable. 12/22/22, 9:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: There isn't California state auditors report on the San Bernardino Police department that allowed them to get away with a following statement sir. This is an outrageous condition of conspiracy 12/22/22, 9:10 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: http://auditor.ca.gov/reports/2021-105/index.html 12/22/22, 9:10 PM - Crisis Text Line: I understand that you are outraged. 12/22/22, 9:10 PM - Crisis Text Line: I want to ensure that you are safe, are you having any suicidal thoughts as a result of the harassment? 12/22/22, 9:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Agency Comments Each of the departments that submitted written responses to our report generally agreed with our recommendations, with some exceptions. Stockton Police did not clearly state whether it would implement our recommendations, but noted that it would analyze our audit and see how it can align its policies and procedures with best practices. San Bernardino Police did not submit a written response to our report; however, we incorporate its perspective on our findings and recommendations throughout the text of the report. 12/22/22, 9:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The auditor report that was supposed to generate a written response upon it could not provide a written response upon it because I have a written journal of events that would counteract and counter-prove that anything they say would be a lie. And in that it would prove that it was a lie it would be they would be guilty of perjury upon what the statements of a written response would have been. They are stuck because I have a written journal of interactions with the police. They could not provide a written response directly because of me. And I'm supposed to just file a standard report a crime report? 12/22/22, 9:12 PM - Crisis Text Line: Earlier you mentioned you were being harassed, now you are referencing an audit. 12/22/22, 9:13 PM - Crisis Text Line: You have deviated from answer my question in relation to whether or not you are feeling suicidal. 12/22/22, 9:13 PM - Crisis Text Line: answering* 12/22/22, 9:13 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes I'm being harassed but a condition of tactics that are covered in the national institutes of health research findings on the subject known as gang stalking. 12/22/22, 9:13 PM - Crisis Text Line: You deflected the solution I offered you. 12/22/22, 9:13 PM - Crisis Text Line: I can not continue offering you support if I can't complete screening you for safety 12/22/22, 9:14 PM - Crisis Text Line: Are you having any suicidal thoughts as a result of being harassed? 12/22/22, 9:14 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: No I have not deviated from the answer. I'm answering it in an indirect way that's completely two different things. I'm answering it in an indirect way. The way I'm answering it here is for you to read the title of the SoundCloud as the answer to which that is the source of the answer and that you return the answer back to me that you got the answer the answer is the title of the SoundCloud. That's indirect reference sir that's not deviation. 12/22/22, 9:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: Texting in was a smart first step, and shows how self-aware you are. What do you think step two might be? 12/22/22, 9:17 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Take the downtown title out of the links here and return that upon me and then I will answer you. There's a standard of negotiated terms on this chat. I'm in control of consensual practices. I do not consent to you taking what I say out of context because I am bringing the entire presentation as the answer to your question. The entire presentation of the SoundCloud is the answer the answer is a text word and a audio media presentation. Together in a multimedia couple that is the answer. That is an indirect way of saying yes that you have to understand if parameters it's not a simple question to answer with a simple word sir that is outrageous that you cannot expand into a better way of giving definitions of what you mean and what I mean. This is negotiated conversation not a command bastardization that I must follow your lead or else you don't accept my answer. We are equals inclusion I don't have to bow down to submission of any kind of rules. The rules are the fact that this is a negotiated conversation as all conversations are I'm sick and tired of not having an empowerment sir of control sir those controls are within my reach to navigate this directive for you to take the title of the SoundCloud and return it back to me and I'll provide you more information. That is the answer and the only way I will proceed to answer your question. Do you understand? 12/22/22, 9:18 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Repeating audio post Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978/in-the-alls-of-all-halls-of?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=8ead66e2d945475d87d3f03e6d013303&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/22/22, 9:18 PM - Crisis Text Line: I’m hearing your pain. I’m wondering who else you’ve shared this with--friends, family, therapist? 12/22/22, 9:19 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Please take that title copy it back into this chat as you have looked back the answer and I will answer you further what I mean acknowledge the media is in the answer or I'm going to cut this off and then go commit suicide because I have and I should have legal capacity and I should have a circle of influence to direct this conversation in the manner to which it is best serves the answer. The answer is my answer the style to which my answer is already placed into an audio. You can do this sir you can do this 12/22/22, 9:20 PM - Crisis Text Line: Are you planning to hurt yourself? 12/22/22, 9:22 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm not planning to but since you're not following a directive I might as well do it because I have no empowerment to do what is a natural thing and have legal capacity and a circle of influence to answer your question in the style and nothing that best answers you. Do not limit myself to a rule of order that does not provide you to just repeat the title of the audio back into the chat like a normal person can. You can do that as simple as a simple simple way. That again acknowledges the audio as part of the answer and I will proceed. But you're forcing me to not have a voice in the matter to which I desire and that is impactfully and insult on top of insult on top of insults and you cannot do that you cannot be that you have to be better than that you have to be a true counselor that takes into the view that this is a tool that is multi-dimensional it is a valid object in this tool and you can do what I am telling you because that is the way that best answers your question provide the best answer on the test. That is the best answer for your question. Don't provide the second best answer which is what you're trying to make me do I'm demanding the first and best answer of the best of excellence and you will not allow me to have that excellence you want to do great me down to a second best answer I think it's insulting and offensive 12/22/22, 9:24 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And if I cannot get that through to your brain immediately you're causing a break in this bad enough to show that you cannot actually hold the best of us out here that you have a hidden agenda that does not serve the best of our mental capacity and our mental function and our mental wellness you have some other agenda that guides you to just completely obliterate the best answer the best answer is for you to go out to SoundCloud and get the title and return that title back into the view of this chat that acknowledges the media is a part at the answer expansion. The answer is a different style than you want or a different form and if she wants but I have the right to that style and that right of form and you cannot take it away from me just at rim because it's not in your policy or rules or whatever you were trained with the rules and whatever you were trained with need to be changed. That's what I'm trying to tell you all you cannot limit us to a narrow view just because you don't want to have responsibility of moral agency on to facts they are documented 12/22/22, 9:27 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: My email address is; factsdontlie.hatedon.idied@gmail.com I died by suicide because the crisis text line counselor would not obey and would not continue to obey the law of my rights I have my rights and there is a violation of those rights by not performing the actions that best serve your answer. You are denying my rights to the rights that I have. You're violating then United States code is right here and now in this moment of time you're violating my rights to United States code title 18 section 242 deprivation of rights under color of law. Now we have a justice.gov link that then follows also into this view you have the ability to link to it and read it for yourself it's penalty should I die even by suicide caused by you the crisis text line counselor denying my rights cause my suicide. Then therefore you would be guilty to a punishment of possible death penalty. 12/22/22, 9:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: It is simple logic. I have the right to answer you in any methodology I choose. It's United the United Nations declaration of human Rights title 19. You cannot make operation policies that violate the callers or texter rights that is my complaint the Dr Alfie. You cannot make a crisis text line hold a communication parameter that violates our rights and you have done that and nobody has challenged you to the fact that you cannot do that it's against the law 12/22/22, 9:29 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-law 12/22/22, 9:29 PM - Crisis Text Line: I want to make sure I am giving you the help you need. Let's take a step back. It sounds like you are thinking about suicide. Have you thought about how (1/2) 12/22/22, 9:29 PM - Crisis Text Line: you might kill yourself? (2/2) 12/22/22, 9:33 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I have a message the fact that I told my mother this a while back when and that's in the the chat conversation she came up to me and said to me that she wanted me to make a promise that I would not commit suicide before she died and playing that it would be okay to commit suicide after she died and I the way I answered her is the same way I'm going to answer you. I have a covenant agreement that if I were to actually hold a trueness of such an action that it would have to be in view that I have to go back to Denver and talk and have one of my students that I talked about this I'm not bringing that person's identity in this and that I'd have to make final arrangements with my students carrying them out before I would actually commit suicide. I don't have the affordability to go to Denver right to seconds so I'm not in imminent danger of committing such an action but by continuing to violate my rights and continuing to operate this text crisis line in a way that violates my rights and the fact that I cannot get you to do a simple thing acknowledging and audio that is posted at SoundCloud and it's title that it says by suicide I died by suicide. The SoundCloud audio presentation is coupled with the answer it provides you the understanding of what I'm saying rather than being misinterpreted and therefore it doesn't have to go to a point where it's misinterpreted. There is a solution that must be put into my life that takes away the need to commit suicide instead that is an empowerment of giving my rights of legal capacity and other various other details the view of normalcy of disability inclusion you must take my answer as my answer the style that I demand and he must take that answer and do it right. You cannot violate my rights just because that is the part of your policy. Your policy is against the law and you have the need right now to not follow such a policy and you need you need to follow the law and take what I've said and break the policy that they gave you because it's against the law and it's intentionally against the law and I know why 12/22/22, 9:36 PM - Crisis Text Line: I want to understand you and help you. Would you feel comfortable sharing your name? 12/22/22, 9:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Because I know the truth about all of what has happened here. And you continuing to just deny MY DIRECTIVE TO GO GET THE TITLE OF THE SOUNDCLOUD AND COPY IT INTO THIS TEXT CHAT WINDOW TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THERE IS A ACTUAL SOUNDCLOUD AND WHAT IT SAYS AND WHAT IT DOES PROVIDES AN EXPENSIVE ANSWER ON WHAT IT MEANS TO BE SUICIDAL ARE PLANNING SUICIDE OR COMMITTED TO ALREADY BEING AND DOING THE ACT MEANING HAVING A PLAN TO PERFORM THAT ACT I HAVE NOT YET COMMITTED TO THAT BUT YOU MAKE IT APPARENT THAT I CAN'T DIVIDE MY LIFE INTO PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO EMPOWER EACH AND EVERY ELEMENT OF MY LIFE THAT THE STRUCTURES OF OUR CIVIL SOCIETY THAT YOU HAVE GENERATED IN ALL OF THIS IS INTENTIONALLY DECIDED TO DIVIDE OUR ENTIRE CULTURE OUR SOCIETY TO DIVIDE AND MAKE A WEDGE IN OUR SOCIETY INTENTIONALLY TO BALL OUT OR BREAK OUT ME AS A TARGETED INDIVIDUAL AND GIVE ME NO ABILITY TO HAVE LEGAL CAPACITY OR NO ABILITY OF A CIRCLE AND INFLUENCE THERE IS NO REASON TO LIVE IN THAT KIND OF CONDITION IT IS A CORRECTIVE ADAPTIVE SOLUTION THAT MUST BE PUT INTO PLACE THAT PREVENTS MY SUICIDE. MY SUICIDE IS NOT IN THE DANGER THAT YES I AM CONSIDERING SUICIDE AS AN OUT THAT I AM A TARGETED INDIVIDUAL OF GANG STALKING AND WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. THE ANSWER IS IN THE SOUNDCLOUD PRESENTATION IT IS TO BE A PART OF THE ANSWER IT IS TO BE MERGED INTO THE ANSWER THAT YOU ARE SEEKING FROM ME IT IS NOT AN OPTION BUT IT DEMANDS OF AN UNDECLINABLE DELIVERANCE OF THE TRUTH PIC YOU ARE TAKING WHAT I'M TELLING YOU AND NOT PERFORMING THE ACTION AS NATURALLY NEGOTIABLE BY ALL PERSONS IN ANY KIND OF SITUATION THAT I DO NOT HAVE TO ALLOW YOU TO VIOLATE MY RIGHTS AND CONTINUE THIS CONVERSATION SO I'M GOING TO DISCONNECT THIS CONVERSATION AND BECAUSE OF THIS INTERACTION THAT YOU VIOLATE 12/22/22, 9:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The law you violate the law that's a justice.com definition you violate the law and the law says that if I die directly due to your actions here that you are guilty of this law and our perhaps ible by the death penalty sir. You can break your policy make a conscientious objection to not be part of a conspiracy that breaks the the law and violate the rights of an intentional scheme that you have set up in this tool. I know what it is and therefore the only way to answer you is to answer you with a full expansive presentation of why there is a suicide prevention methodology and there is otherwise no other choice but to commit suicide. 12/22/22, 9:38 PM - Crisis Text Line: I want to be able to help you but I have to make sure I understand you first. It sounds like you want me to pull up a Soundcloud, is that right? 12/22/22, 9:39 PM - Crisis Text Line: I am on your side and I want to keep you safe 12/22/22, 9:39 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: There are certain elements of the Maslow's hierarchy of human needs and the safety needs elements that are never going to be a part of presentation into my view never will my safety needs to be. There is no resource that you can provide because all of the resources you provide are guaranteeing your ability to violate my rights as well as them they violate my rights too. 12/22/22, 9:40 PM - Crisis Text Line: I'm familiar with Maslow's hierarchy. I do not want to violate your rights. I want to help you 12/22/22, 9:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If you say you're on my side then you're not going to violate my rights you're not going to violate the law and you're going to do the negotiated directive even if it goes against your policy that you were trained. You're going to take that then that action you're going to understand with the law is and you're going to make a report to your training center that's a training needs to change to a policy that does not violate the caller or the the client or whatever you want to call us customer right and that you are not going to do this process you would rather quit than to violate the rights of a person on a crisis text line that is at a edge of having suicide instead of his rights insured and protected. I don't see it that it's any other way but you then go to SoundCloud take the title in the title and put that title into this chat like I asked you to do. And that then you have to generate a report that you have violated the policy of training for the intended knowing that that such training is in violation of the law. Because it is 12/22/22, 9:42 PM - Crisis Text Line: I'm not sure what policy you're talking about. I certainly don't want to violate any of your rights and I want you to stay safe tonight. Can you (1/2) 12/22/22, 9:42 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Repeating audio post Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978/in-the-alls-of-all-halls-of?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=8ead66e2d945475d87d3f03e6d013303&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing Open the link. Take the tool best used called copy to the clipboard the title take the title then and return it back to this conversation chat window and paste it and send it back to me that acknowledges this audio. That is the way to answer your question about planning or intimate danger of suicide. You have to listen to the entire presentation at a later time if necessary and then follow why You're breaking the law follow why there would be such a policy that is so unyielding that I cannot negotiate around your stubbornness why it's so hard to get through to you that I have the right to consent or deny such a consent I deny your consent to proceed to violate my rights in this chat it's exact chat today tomorrow next week 12/22/22, 9:42 PM - Crisis Text Line: remind me what the Soundcloud title is that I'm supposed to find? (2/2) 12/22/22, 9:44 PM - Crisis Text Line: Okay, please give me a minute 12/22/22, 9:44 PM - Crisis Text Line: I cannot copy and paste the link so I need to type it in 12/22/22, 9:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I know that when I post that link it shows me the preview of a radioactive symbol. Is that that preview of a radioactive symbol is the title that you take and return back into this view you can read it type it out or just link to the audio and copy and paste it back into this it's so simple why is it too hard to get you to understand something so simple I have to think you have an IQ of 80 sir or even less than that to understand what I'm trying to do here I know you understand exactly what I'm trying to do here that means you understand what the policy is that why it's to violate my rights you understand what you are doing you understand you're violating my rights and you don't care to obey the law. That's why you have some sort of confusion over this mess I have to assume all of you that do this have an IQ of 80 to not understand what I'm asking. That is ridiculous and outrageous 12/22/22, 9:44 PM - Crisis Text Line: In the meantime, can you tell me what kind of relief it is that you were looking for when you texted in? 12/22/22, 9:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: I entered the link and I see the title of the song, but it says that the track has been removed 12/22/22, 9:47 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Relief or resolve. Relief for its categorized by a secondary URL to a resource that I was on. We call it soften the fuck up. Create the pathway to which the fuck up that has happened is softened. I've discovered this particular resource by looking up on LinkedIn company names with the word fuck in them. There is a variety of them one of which is this resource. So that would be relief. That is the answer to your question what kind of relief am I seeking. I'm seeking to soften the fuck up 12/22/22, 9:47 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Http://softenthefuckup.com 12/22/22, 9:48 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 100 Men in 100 Days I am writing a book about Men for Men. I am committed to making sure that I focus on what really matters to you! So, I’m interviewing 100 Men in 100 days and I would love to hear your real-life experiences in a confidential and anonymous 30 min interview. Book your interview here: 12/22/22, 9:49 PM - Crisis Text Line: That seems like an interesting project. What does softening up mean to you in your situation 12/22/22, 9:49 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Sounds like another kind of advocacy to bring forward therapy a therapeutic elements to maybe soften the fuck up. Inclusive of this fuck up as far as I'm concerned - my experiences even into this aggravated and insulting chat conversation but also to that which is documented at sitejabber on the reviews for this service this service is not set up for mental health wellness it has an agenda that does not compute to logistics of why they're such a complaint process of reviews against you guys 12/22/22, 9:51 PM - Crisis Text Line: I'm hearing that you're feeling frustrated by your experience with us. What were you hoping that we could help you with? 12/22/22, 9:52 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You have a score of 1 and 1/2 of 5 on site jabber. https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/crisistextline.org 12/22/22, 9:53 PM - Crisis Text Line: I'm not familiar with that site. Would you feel comfortable telling me your name? 12/22/22, 9:55 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Explain why I have trouble getting a hold of one of your board of directors her name is Dr Alfie. She bought me on Twitter she blocked me on Instagram. I tried to get a message through to from a third party I received no response to my experience on this crisis text line that put my experience according to the counselor as I prank. I don't understand how I was considered a prank because I'm not considering at a prank when I'm just relaying the facts and communicating in the style that I wanted to communicate I have the right to this style as a right to these tools I have right to be in the inclusiveness of all of civil society the disability inclusiveness that you are denying my rights for by having a limit of any kind of scope of answer just because your training says so that's not make it legal nor rights morally rights and it's following some sort of hidden agenda underneath that has a cause to effect that is damaging not healing upon those who encounter it on site. You only do this to a certain person certain labeled persons I say you know exactly what I'm saying you know exactly that I'm a targeted individual when I dial up the service. You you actually are one of those services that tap into the dark side the darkness and bring forward the listing that I am a targeted individual of gang stalking and you make it a point to have some sort of particular set of rules that does not apply to the other set of our society that are not targeted individuals 12/22/22, 9:55 PM - Crisis Text Line: You have used Crisis Text Line inappropriately by prank texting. 12/22/22, 9:55 PM - Crisis Text Line: For this reason this conversation has been ended. Inappropriate use of our service may result in you being banned from using our crisis service for 6 months. 12/22/22, 9:57 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: My name is James Martin Driscoll and this immediately there is an option on the tool here to cause it to save conversation save a WhatsApp conversation file type. That is then going to be forwarded to 911 text interface and referenced into the the information on my phone of nine of the emergency contact information container that is provided to 911 when you use 911 services they are going to have a copy of this conversation that does not make any logical sense. So therefore it's going to be a part of the record that my name is my name they're consequence that I'm providing my name puts it into you that the law is the law and you must follow the law and even if the law enforcement of themselves are breaking the law does not matter each and every person must make their own choice to obey the law no matter if they think you're going to get away with breaking it or not if you're being challenged to obey the law by this person on the other end and you don't obey the law you are just further insult and further degrading of a life presence it's telling you all to obey the law telling you all to play the law that is the truly The suicide prevention that is required here. There's something that has to change in all of our civil society to remove the bug presents in the view of everything that is here to take it out of existence to take the code the male adjusted code that is involved in into the technology and disable it 12/22/22, 9:57 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/22/22, 9:57 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/22/22, 9:58 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So you called me a prank again what is wrong with you what's wrong with you what is wrong with you what is wrong with you something seriously wrong with you something logistically wrong with you I'm challenging the notion that I am exposing you and you call me a prank. I'm exposing you by the words I write in response to your questions those are my answers I have the rights to freedom of style and expression and by you calling me a prank and escaping away only goes to show you're guilty 12/22/22, 9:58 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/22/22, 9:58 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yee 12/22/22, 9:58 PM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 12/22/22, 10:00 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: How rude of an experience can you be? This is not a prank. If you violate my rights you will find a expedience path that goes to then proceed to conclude a plan because specifically you violate my rights in this chat tool and take no responsibility for that violation of right. So that an expedites and makes it a quicker plan to have no negotiation right in this chat tool that I must follow some sort of order or directive or even cultural non-written order of observance that you are demanding upon me. There is no such thing because you're in violation of the law 12/22/22, 10:01 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Because I told the person after they asked me for my real name that was going to take this conversation and put it to a safe conversation file because that's the option in this tool it threatened their concentration that you are trying to violate my rights intentionally and will not release yourself to obey the law. Your intentionally creating the disturbance that expedites my suicide. Why would you do that? 12/22/22, 10:02 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hello there. My name is Sean. I'm here to listen. It sounds like you've been going through a lot recently. Can you tell me more about (1/2) 12/22/22, 10:02 PM - Crisis Text Line: whats been going on that has led you to reaching out today? (2/2) 12/22/22, 10:02 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I have the evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this entire thing that is set up in technology is active and it's dividing a have and have nots that would be a half and have not flag of a person who is a targeted individual in this scheme and it goes them to create a havoc of lineage of a hemorrhage that you don't have in view of your ideal on your side of social engineering but is hemorrhaging anyway until the national institutes of health into a cultural identity that is defined as gangstalking. Gangstalking is a crime. 12/22/22, 10:03 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Sean, my last counselor was at a question that did I mind if he asked me my name. The way I answered him was not my direct name the way I answered him was the following 12/22/22, 10:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: My name is my name but before I give you my name I'm going to take a safe conversation that is available on the tools here and create a saved conversation up into this point and then place that to 911 text interface I said the file of the history of the chat that I just had that is now going to be merged into the chat that we are having now so I'm going to take the 911 text interface but I put that into the 911 texting her face for I want an explanation as to why then he responded based upon that statement that I'm a prank. That he terminated based upon that he was being challenged to the notion that this procedure this rule of order this training process the view that it is a training process that is in violation of Rights it's violation of United States code title 18 section 242 deprivation of rights under color of law. I put that into the view already I'm not have to repeat it again Sean the policy that you're operating this tool is in violation of the law and it's up to you individually Sean to make a choice. No matter what your training is that you do or do not obey the law and that the best choice would be to obey the law and to follow through with what I asked the other operator to do when he asked me if I was thinking of committing suicide my answer was my answer and he didn't like the style or the style does not comprehend or agree or in an alignments of your training and then therefore is in violation of breaking my rights I don't think it's right that this chat tool violates my rights that my answer is my answer and the style to which my answer is is a freedom of expression and it's covered under the declaration of the universal declaration of human Rights it's title 19 and I'm going to put title 19 here because I didn't get a chance to do that in the other one other chat title 19 of the declaration of human Rights was enabled in 1948 ideally that is almost two decades prior to my birth I was born in 1965 okay two decades prior would be 1945 in 1945 we were fighting a war a big huge bar it was called world war II. And view of the United States code title 19 section 242 deprivation of rights under color of law there was a reason why that was enabled and enacted. It was to understand what the defense of the German soldiers were to just be following orders and murdering Jews by massive millions it's called the Holocaust and there are people on this planet that says the Holocaust was a fake a prank. The fact that that's not true it was not a prank and the fact that the operator last that I just had called me a prank same thing the following the same ideology to name something a prank when they can't handle the truth. 12/22/22, 10:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Same philosophy same construct same thinking process same embedded infiltration of hate commands same exact paradigm that you are following that is a manifesto of the setup of this tool and if policy procedure and operations and training you're operating a tool that has an embedded bias of a hate group mentality in white supremacy and its agenda upon our Land to actually be a catastrophic erosion of trust tool against the betterment of mental health it's actually for the intentional further injury of mental health to those who are identified by a tapping into the darkness upon this tools inception you were given a notice that I'm a part of a targeted individual and experiment if you want to call it of social engineering and to conduct yourself in certain way there is different than the other people that don't have this flag upon them 12/22/22, 10:10 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So now let me get the universal declaration of human Rights title 19 12/22/22, 10:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/crisistextline.org 12/22/22, 10:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights 12/22/22, 10:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. 12/22/22, 10:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So let's break this right down into its segments 12/22/22, 10:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The first word that comes to view is overall reading may not understand what impart means. 12/22/22, 10:13 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is to find that word for its fullness into this view there's another word that needs to be the same way and that's the very last word frontiers. 12/22/22, 10:14 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Books Images Shopping Videos News Maps Flights Finance Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more Search for a word im·part /imˈpärt/ Learn to pronounce verb make (information) known; communicate. "teachers had a duty to impart strong morals to their students" Similar: communicate pass on convey transmit relay relate recount set forth present tell make known make public go public with report announce proclaim spread disseminate circulate promulgate broadcast disclose reveal divulge bring into the open let on about tell all about blab spill discover unbosom Opposite: keep to oneself bestow (a quality). "its main use has been to impart a high surface gloss to finished articles" Similar: give bestow confer grant lend accord afford provide supply offer yield contribute Opposite: remove 12/22/22, 10:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: we can say something like this... You made a great decision to reach out today and I am here to listen. I want to remind you that this is Crisis Text (1/2) 12/22/22, 10:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: Line, a hotline for those that are going through a crisis. I want to be sure we focus on you and your crisis. What crisis are you experiencing today? (2/2) 12/22/22, 10:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And that uses define colon word at Google box. If the opposite of impart is to remove that means censorship sir I give you no right to censorship I give you no consent to remove this right out of existence at will because you are thinking you're not going to get away with this. You have no linking ties to your identity. You as a person has the understanding that you would be violating the law and that you don't violate the law anymore and may cost you your job but you refuse to violate the law to which if the death occurs in that violation even if that's a suicide that you would be guilty of a condition so grave sir in the law that you would be committing yourself to a possible capital punishment of the death penalty. That's how severe this law and how important this law is to follow it's not trifling it's not the belittling it's very impacting knowing why this law exists. If you don't understand the law I can discuss the law the law was enacted after world war II. In in response to the defense of the German soldiers they were just following orders and they had no responsibility for their actions. They had the need as German soldiers to conduct themselves with a moral responsibility and agency to not kill millions of millions and millions of Jews. The Holocaust sir 12/22/22, 10:20 PM - Crisis Text Line: I want you to know that we take mention of suicide very seriously, (1/2) 12/22/22, 10:20 PM - Crisis Text Line: and it can result in emergency services being called. If you are currently in crisis, I'm here to support you. (2/2) 12/22/22, 10:20 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Whatever you want to say to me better not end up and you saying that I'm a prank and terminating my call on your action because I'm not a prank. I'm not a prank that is your terminology that you use to escape away from the confrontation of conspiracy that this tool is actually in violation of the law and you know that it is in violation the law and you won't apply the law and stop violating the law. You violate the law you violate the law the law is the law you can't change the law to just ask them to serve a need of a hate agenda. You can't work or volunteer for a company such as it is whatever that enticement is that puts you there in that role and then a person who is knowing exactly what is happening and takes you into a challenge that you just terminate the call as though you have the right to terminate a call and further violate my rights. You don't have the right to violate my rights over your right. Your right to silence is your right but you close the conversation saying I can't carry on a conversation with you I'm in conflict of an interest in my heart and you just close it out and I said I understand and we close the conversation out you don't accuse me of something that is not true you say there's a conflict within yourself that you have a conflict that does not allow you to resolve immediately the matter to which you are not willing to break somehow for some reason I can't explain I have no clue what that is so I have to accept your answer and you break the conversation admirable that you acknowledge there is something in the way instead of a dead silence and accusing me of a prank. That's absolutely outrageous and you must have been trained to do that that are part of your training. It's a part of the pattern and I've now run into I even told the man in the view of things that they accuse me of being a prank immediately and that was not the case immediately but I'm not a prank I can prove what I say I have a motel room incident that I had to stab my neck with broken mirror glass and there was blood all over the place clear that was a while back that was actually the time crossing of September or January 6th I was in this motel room January 6th but has happened in the view of things was January 3rd 12/22/22, 10:21 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: #Bloodroom101 12/22/22, 10:21 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Are free videos in the sequence that were recorded in this motel room that was bloody everywhere. https://www.google.com/search?q=%23Bloodroom101&oq=%23Bloodroom101&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i546l3.1307j0j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 12/22/22, 10:24 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Therefore knowing that is true maybe you will not treat me like a prank and just terminate me on a prank dishes because now you know if you go look that up right now that what I just said is true there are three videos recorded in a room where they tried to force entry and all they had to do is tell me that a summer deal police department officer would not show up and I have to go downtown that's all they had to do yeah I probably would have packed up and and made myself away into the view that I had to go downtown I wanted to see a San Bernardino Police department officer at the motel room before I checked out and I wanted to describe the events because they happened on the property that I was on I could describe the events more easily and the other various elements I wanted the summertime Police department officer to arrive at the motel room call and have that done but not I knew was not going to happen in advance of this I'll check out time at 9:00 a.m. I initiated a 911 text interface. I explain the situation to a non-responsive interface. They didn't respond immediately to my presence but I said if I'm going to have any kind of weapons I'd have to break a mirror. I have a break a mirror and I said if I break a mirror I now have to you know do something with it I'm not going to hurt somebody else I'm going to hurt myself and I told them I'd have to stick it in my neck. That is the events that transpired because they said and everything about this was in out of holding that I was trying to just have a conversation that brings forward the events to December the police department and they told me to go I would have to go downtown I will packed up and and checked out you know whatever time and that would have been the end of it. That didn't happen everybody has to hold on to this hate paradigm and accuse somebody of something that's not true you guys have now done it twice excuse me of a prank 12/22/22, 10:25 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: What are you doing what is it what is it that you're actually doing wrong you're violating United States code federal law code title 18 section 242 deprivation of rights under color of law. I'm providing a justice.gov link which means it's a gov you have the ability as a citizen to know this is a law and to verify the law for yourself as a citizen you have independent agency over the policy that you have been trained under to violate my my rights intentionally. 12/22/22, 10:25 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-law 12/22/22, 10:26 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is true that that is a justice.gov you can immediately right now choose your own self agency and linked for yourself in this tool because you are provided that ability by the actual tool and not have to follow an order that is then I'm going to give you the definition and you're going to s*** bricks. 12/22/22, 10:26 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW SUMMARY: Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim. The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any. TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death. 12/22/22, 10:27 PM - Crisis Text Line: I want you to know that I am a human and I volunteer to support and be here for those in crisis. There is a lot of things that is out of our control (1/3) 12/22/22, 10:27 PM - Crisis Text Line: but one thing I can do for you is to help you come up with a plan to find some sort of relief. If you are not in the place to brainstorm (2/3) 12/22/22, 10:27 PM - Crisis Text Line: some ways to find relief for you tonight or to focus on something that (3/3) 12/22/22, 10:27 PM - Crisis Text Line: you do have control over then know that you can reach out to us again when you feel ready to seek some sort of relief 12/22/22, 10:27 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Sentenced to death - should I die in the process of you violating my rights. If I die by suicide I die because you violated my rights that was the point of the answer to the last of the operator of this chat tool he wanted me to answer him in a simple form and my answer is my answer I have the right to express myself in the fashion that makes it known the answer is a comprehensive answer not a simple one. When I got to when he asked me for his for my name I said I was going to save this chat tool using the chat to operations and he freaked out. 12/22/22, 10:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So shall we go to now share the SoundCloud title and that you perform the action I request when we get to the topic of suicide you can understand what I'm saying and not violate my rights you can have authority of your own independent agency and not violate the law 12/22/22, 10:28 PM - Crisis Text Line: I’ll let you go so you can relax and reflect on everything we discussed. We are here 24/7 if you are in crisis later on, take care! 12/22/22, 10:29 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. You matter. 12/22/22, 10:29 PM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 12/22/22, 10:29 PM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=vaLY0J63a54aba79f30&r=0&m=Whatsapp 12/22/22, 10:30 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Why do you all insist on maintaining the status quo and violate my rights and to violate the law that is penalty is the death penalty why would you do that what degree of leverage or intimidation do they have on you that you would not just apply by the law and follow the law and make a report that you're not going to break the law anymore and they can terminate you from a volunteer status and you've done history goodbye so long I'm going to report you to the knowing that then you have one conversion that you do not have to live under that intimidation and hate and you don't have to live under it. Grow up! 12/22/22, 10:30 PM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 12/22/22, 10:30 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS UNDER COLOR OF LAW SUMMARY: Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim. The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any. TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death. 12/22/22, 10:30 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/22/22, 10:30 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/22/22, 10:31 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes I am alone so far I've gone through two counselors that cannot maintain the continuity of their chat they have to escape and bail out immediately they don't they don't understand you cannot create a crisis tool that violates the rights of a person shaking supportive help on a crisis tool and you try and violate the rights it's further demeans and conversation into a perhaps reason to cause a person to commit suicide if they're on the edge is that what you want to do 12/22/22, 10:31 PM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 12/22/22, 10:34 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: At this point now further the fact that this is the third time I've cycled through where the crisis counselor terminated my conversation at their need to escape away from the conversation because the conversation begins and ends on integrity and the crisis text line counselor is out of integrity from the law so that is my crisis now directly even though I'm have a a package holding on to the fact that I have carrying baggage to why I called in the first place the person called me of prank when I'm not a prank. The second time I interface I shared to them that I have a I have three videos recorded in a motel room where I stuck mirror and mirror class and in my neck and then there was blood everywhere. That's pretty serious. The fact that perhaps this is a serious person reaching out to try to prevent a suicide and you further cannot handle this truth and just experience and makes it worse so you are a part of what happened to me why I committed suicide and therefore guilty of United States code title 18 section 242 deprivation of Rights so that is all of the crisis that is the crisis right now to straighten or soften the fuck up. Http://softenthefuckup.com 12/22/22, 10:34 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 12/22/22, 10:35 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone, When or if that assignment occurs that is a person already established themselves to a committed a violation and then just immediately hangs up that is putting me into a view you don't care to save my life or don't care to be a helpful in her face all you care for is your agenda that is transcribed in a manifesto of hate that needs to be destroyed 12/22/22, 10:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”🔠Go to top and read completely before you respond anything. 12/22/22, 10:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm going to get this out of you but you're going to follow the law and you're going to give me legal capacity and you're going to give me that because that is what you going to do as a person to person you do not have the right to violate my rights when you do you are in a serious Jeopardy in the view of the law to be punished by or will call it sentenced to capital punishment of the death penalty sounds very serious to me I'd wake up and immediately pay attention if I was on the other end of something that just said that to me okay I'm not that I would promise that I would not violate the law obviously the person is on The view that he knows the law and maybe I should learn the law and really seriously Danielle commit to understanding what it is that would be violating such a law in the in my bowl here that this is just a volunteer job right I'm not getting paid for this I just have volunteer job right you're not getting paid to violate the person's rights you're not having an incentive that you would violate a person's right for some sort of counteracting payments that entices you to break the law and with some sort of promise that you will not get caught or some sort of promise to somehow you are insulated prosecuted to the prosecution. In that prosecution it has been determined that the death of the person on the other end of this crisis text line caused the death because you violated his rights and that you caused the death that you individually your your training counselor so-called skill level violated the rights of the crisis text line customer and that was the cause of the death that caused then you to have to be indicted upon the violation of the law and that the law says punishable by the death penalty or sentence to death. If I read that right now I said what what what I better pay attention to what he's saying I don't want to break the law I was obviously the person on the other end is aware of the law and that he's going to give you 911 of the 411 and the 611 of y we don't violate this law. 911 obviously his emergency. 411 is call for information or call information to look up a phone number directory assistance. I don't know if they still have 611 but that was when you needed to call for repair of the service that you had those 611 must repair service the physical repair of the of the equipment so that was 611. Universal universal 211 is social services or resources of social need. 511 is highway information. Not sure if 311 was ever ever issue. 711 I do believe was the universal access to what is called text or TTY relay service. And 811 I don't know if it was ever issued as a important degree of anything. Prefix 976 was for paid information services such as psychic lines. There was an extension in the 800 series between the same I can't remember what it was for direct services that were paid services the 800 series was filled with Meetup lines that were very expensive we call them now dating apps there are controversial at the time so that's a rundown of all of the different various prefixes on the phone I'm still waiting for an answer I don't think you're going to answer me now this time you don't have to guts. 12/22/22, 10:45 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hey, you're still in line for a human Crisis Counselor. If you're in immediate danger, call 911 for help. Text STOP to end this convo for now. 12/22/22, 10:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Assign me someone you say... It may take some time you say. This is an open session I say. And you cannot ghost it because I'm confronting you with the truth or if it's what I'm confronting you at all with anything because I'm confrontational is no reason to ghost this I think this is a nuisance I should use this evidence to file for a nuisance claim upon our community and that that nuisance claim shuts you down permanently and there's a big reason and investigation to why you're a nuisance. 12/22/22, 10:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The 911 services to whom are the class I'm in are not available they don't function properly 911 text and 911 voice are operated by dispatch as a agenda that is a controversial one but it is noted in a publication on Amazon called the governor's of gangstocking I'll put that in view they basically do not treat the callers or textures with dignity and fairness and legally of the law is broken and they violate the largest you know just at will they have no accountability for their violation of all so therefore the model to which you are then operating under some house seems to be umbrella under that same condition. 12/22/22, 10:48 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If law enforcement doesn't enforce such loss then the haters are allowed to run amok and that is exactly what we have here a violation of the treason codes or the sedition code law of the federal law you're a guilty of sedition the persons who set up the policy that the guidelines are following sedition their guilty of sedition and the persons who are following this no matter what they have the standing that they have independent agency to not break the law and the law is that once if you're following somebody's orders like falling orders that's the point the German shoulders were just excusing them their their sensibility we were just following orders it's called conscientious objection in the United States of America and military you have a conscientious objection to whatever policy it is that you have it and you make a filing and claim that's what you do that's international law 12/22/22, 10:48 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hey there, my name is Andy and I'll be here for you today through the Crisis Text Line. What's been bothering you the most out of everything right now? 12/22/22, 10:49 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I will be here and filling in all of the text in here I continue to write and the view that I know you're not coming back I'm speaking loud enough to whoever is in my house here knows I'm talking talking very seriously I'm talking to a crisis text line who has decided to ghost me after this the two the after the three calls call processes the first one called me at prank the second one is as holding that at least. 12/22/22, 10:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Andy Andy Andy attention Andy. This is not your average text crisis line call. There has been certain incidents that has happened and I'm in a sequence that I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up that you should follow the law and not break the rights of the person who is calling for services at when. I don't care what your training says you follow the law or you are proceeding to expedite a suicide my 12/22/22, 10:53 PM - Crisis Text Line: Could you please tell me more about these specific incidents? 12/22/22, 10:53 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: What is bothering me is that there is a bias and a representation that the persons who are trained on this as counselors are not operating on a set of principles that is mentally therapeutic or mentally well. This is an intentional bias or skew by policy or training that puts the violation of the law that was enacted after world war II. That is United States code title 18 section 242 deprivation of rights under color of law. In the violation of that law I should die and if I die by suicide because you are unable to maintain to not violate my rights and you were unable to maintain that you have a conflict of interest and you could say I have a conflict of interest and admirably the park the conversation and I would understand. You you neither of those and you call me a prank or some other excuse because that's what you were told to do because it's then taking the fact that you're trying to blame me for something that you have done you have done a violation of my rights to cause my death perhaps suicide right here and now because I'm at my limits and you're supposed to maintain a legal presence in this tool is felt the online on the internet in a legal sense and you are not because law enforcement doesn't enforce the law gives you no right to continue to violate such a law it doesn't give you a pass it only gives you an understanding that once you are confronted you have the legal right to obey the law and perhaps then you can file that you are intimidated or some other factor that coerced you to break the law for other people but you refuse to continue to break that law as of this day. Is that costs your job you're not getting paid for this or it's not very much anyway you're not compensated for this to intentionally break the law that would be mean you're immediately guilty. You're not immediately guilty you just didn't understand what the law was as in ignorance in the United States of America of the law is no excuse no defense I'm just telling you what it is so the law is the law the references to the law are the law I'm not giving you no b******* I'm not a prank I've already accused that of being a prank this is a real thing and a real service and I know what is going on with his service I can dial the situation up and deal with the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again it's not some kind of accidental Miss oversight 12/22/22, 10:54 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Number one in the transit of the conversation they're all chained together in the one tool contact that I have in WhatsApp so when I used to save option which is on the right bar it says under more export chat when export chat is used the entire true history of this is put into a file 12/22/22, 10:55 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So the answer in whole it's not my inability to be hashed it out as in manual form it can be read in a complete form and that is the way I choose to answer it your question when talking about specific instance. You understand what I'm saying you can read it for yourself or whoever you want to forward it up to and we can adapt there needs to be a cosmetic change that is sequence to then it'd be a surgery change we can make it a cosmetic change for the moments that you do not violate my rights in this session right now. You have been need to assess where the law is where you stand and you have the ability to say I'm in a conflict of interest in this regard and bow out of a conversation and I will accept that as an answer.. 12/22/22, 10:57 PM - Crisis Text Line: That sounds like a tough situation to go through and I'm glad that you reached out. Seeing your strength in reaching out today despite all that. Not easy to do. 12/22/22, 10:57 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: But you do not have the right to depart this conversation at some sort of whimsical needed to escape from the truth and you provide a excuse or an accusation that I'm not following the rules when I am following the law and you all are not it's absolutely what you're doing a very time I'm on here I you know a little by little by little learning exactly what it is that's the problem and that now I understand it completely it's almost like I know you're training and I never been there I could have infiltrated and become a mole for that but I didn't do that discover me and probably kill me and a few of the we have hate gangs in our placing for us here in the United States of America and I don't want to put myself in that kind of Jeopardy but it's it's not invisible things are apparent behaviors understood linguistic analysis understood there's science is behind these things there's mental health behavioral health and a bunch of other things that go to the understanding things are in their term human nature or they're out of that human nature they're part of something other than that replacing the motives that shifts it to a different paradigm option or result in pushing it out into a view that is not the way it would have normally gone so therefore it's exposed. 12/22/22, 11:00 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing with me today. Does anyone else know about what you've been experiencing? 12/22/22, 11:00 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm asked to consult or have a discussion about subject of suicide and when I got to that subject of suicide I have a very specific methodology or style or representation of that answer that is my right. You don't have the right to override that to some sort of different kind of intake process that does not apply my necessity to bring forward a expansive answer instead of a simple one that was my agenda from the first part of this. After I had to take the view that I'm using my phone and in my phone there is an emergency contact information container full of informational fields that are supposed to be transferred to first responders such as medication and blood type name etc and that that is supposed to be given to them in the protocol when you contact 911 try it modify the contact information of the emergency fields in my phone and I proceeded to make sure that they are comprehensively received by 911 text operator. They did not confirm this instead of just accepting what I said accepting the dynamic of what I said saying yeah we got it and I said can you confirm that the ending of the particular length of a particular field is displaying it complete or not the display of these fields cut off but they are in fact unlimited define fields of text space these are unlimited field space text boxes and there is a protocol for that and I'm confirm that I could define it as unlimited and that the person would then have to direct the person to the understanding of what 911 does and tell them that they have to receive the entire message and I would have to then provide the entire message so that then they can take that into the view you'll win if there was an emergency so it would clarify I have a expansive 911 text emergency data container in. But I can't do that 12/22/22, 11:01 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The agenda for my first time calling 911 text interface what's to ensure that my beta record was transferred properly into their view and care and this is an emergency and it has been an emergency and I'm in crisis and in the view that I am suicidal or not suicidal I'm mentioning suicide as possible answer or solution to an impassables set of odds that I can't control so there's no reason to live anymore there's no purpose to live in a world that does not acknowledge the fact of what I'm telling this crisis text line and this crisis text line is not accepting this as intake and then providing resource I resource to help me find a solution to and put this through that what is happening here is criminal 12/22/22, 11:02 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: There is criminal law that the last time I dealt with 911 texting your face they said to me that gang stalking was not a crime according to California state criminal code and then I have a resource at the following address that says it is a crime I know it's already a crime in the first place but the fact that 911 text lie to me in the session prior to yesterday. A couple weeks ago they lied to me and then of course that I didn't have the resource that the crossing over of the resource at this location https://www.mylawquestions.com/what-is-gang-stalking.htm 12/22/22, 11:03 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing with me. 12/22/22, 11:03 PM - Crisis Text Line: Before we proceed, wanted to let you know that your safety is my biggest concern. Are you currently having any thoughts of killing yourself? 12/22/22, 11:03 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That tells us that that is a crime 12/22/22, 11:03 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm unable to report a crime to the San Bernardino Police department. 12/22/22, 11:04 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: In the course that you are asking a question about suicide and I have the right to answer it in any fashion whatsoever that it's at your reach that you have the ability to fulfill the answer. You can answer that this is an indirect way but it's not a deviation from the answer I have the right to answer this in the indirect methodology that I tried you have the right to know the law and you have the right to understand a conflict of interest and to define that conflict of interest is the reason why you cannot proceed and accept my answer in the style that I have the right to give. So we have a conflict of interest and a policy that needs to change that's your end and not mine I have the right to answer your question in this way 12/22/22, 11:05 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.mylawquestions.com/what-is-gang-stalking.htm 12/22/22, 11:06 PM - Crisis Text Line: Sorry, to confirm, are you having any thoughts of suicide right now? 12/22/22, 11:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I just shared you a link to a SoundCloud audio. The indirect way that you must follow I requested that the person that is receiving this acknowledge the title as the answer to the question. Am I currently taking any thoughts or having any thoughts of killing myself. Take the title of that audio on soundcloud that you have access to and repeat it back to me therefore looping the audio as a part of the answer expensive. If you do not know what law allows us to go forward this way it is declaration of human Rights article 19. And that was enacted in 48 I do believe and that is the final word in that regard is the acceptance of this standard called frontiers. Regardless of frontiers 12/22/22, 11:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I will get you that law that applies to them my rights that you must apply the understanding that if you have a conflict of interest in the law and she don't want to you know have that conflict of interest and you need to terminate this chat session you do by you do so by telling me you have a conflict of interest that is unresolvable at this time I will let you off of the hook but this is the law this is a loss since 1948 I believe and it's been long standing and the reason why this is a law. 12/22/22, 11:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights#:~:text=Article%2019,media%20and%20regardless%20of%20frontiers. 12/22/22, 11:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontie 12/22/22, 11:10 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for letting me know. What's something you've done in the past that can make you feel better? 12/22/22, 11:10 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You asked me a question about suicide. There is no one set of rules that I must answer it in a certain way and I choose to answer in an indirect way that it includes the audio as the explanation of what I'm saying. I have the right to include this audio is published works it's not just some file somewhere anywhere it's on soundcloud it's published works it's published meaning it's finalized and approved for that finalized publication at least in the current form and answers the question 12/22/22, 11:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So to acknowledge the facts that I want this particular audio as a part of my answer that you're asking me about suicide you take the title of that audio and repeat it back to me on this chat and I'll explain the elements of the audio that addresses suicide and specifically what it is that is driving me to commit suicide if that is the final destination of this occurrence okay we have the ability to make this negotiation we have the ability to consent and not consent to any and every micro level decision we can do in any conversation at any time at least in the United States of America as a citizen of the United States of America those are our rights given in other rights that are applied in here so you cannot choose to hold a certain type of response from me as the answer. So therefore you now go to do this immediately your take and go to SoundCloud or you type it out however you want to do it and repeat the title of what is showing on the screen and there is a image of a radioactive simple and that made there may be a reason why it's a radioactive symbol you may want to ask me that. 12/22/22, 11:13 PM - Crisis Text Line: Sorry, I'm not allowed to open links on here. 12/22/22, 11:13 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm very specifically targeted to be interactive to any and everyone style and opportunity to address a correction in this but I know exactly what is behind and in view of your policy your training I manifesto and it's not legal it's absolutely crucial you know that I have tried and had an interactions with one of your board of directors already so the moments that she made it clear she was going to try to ghost this she couldn't engage this and and just take the situation as a normal operation and that she could have just done that and I would have left her alone but she did 12/22/22, 11:14 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So that was her fault and since that happened she bought me on Twitter and she blocked me on Instagram and I tried to have a courier service to the MC of one of her television interview visitations and I got nothing. I got confirmation of my email but absolutely no response so they opened it up and I got nothing to help me address the fact that Dr Alfie is out of integrity to her own mission statements that she makes I don't I personally don't apply to her role of needing response to what happened I was told I was a prank from the beginning of emotion that I'm not a prank 12/22/22, 11:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for being so open with me today. Please know that you deserve to be supported and that I'm thankful to be here with you. 12/22/22, 11:17 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And I can prove that I'm not a prank by viewing the results of a Google search of a social media tag that then gives you three videos that were recorded in a motel room and I've said this repeatedly again three I've said this you know repeatedly and a chain of conversations that are going to be saved that shows there is a disorientation of function that you are following some sort of order of a manifesto because you're all falling the same course of patterns if you stop and break that pattern and become independent of that pattern because you're not going to break the law then I will give you you know but you're not doing that you keep bucking it into the view just as minimalist minimalist minimalist as you can get away with with me just as minimus step step into the most minimalist step forward or backward or whatever we call it and you're just doing it just barely you're not a completely view of being in compliance with the law you know it's just you're holding on to some sort of association you are because I can see you are being to move into or motivate yourself into a different direction for your own independent agency okay you are a most likely an american-born person therefore you're a citizen and even if you're operating in a different country you're most likely an American citizen protected by the embassy to which we have most likely where you are your employed and you probably get paid for something but this is a volunteer job so if you getting paid by a certain percentage over and beyond something like like go average you would be then taking the view that you are overpaid for something you as volunteer and there's incentive for you to break the law and you're guilty by that process. I don't know I can't make a choice but you know that I know that I'm mentioning it to you in this chat you are either going to get paid a decent no overall you understanding for your services if there is 12/22/22, 11:18 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I hear you.. Thanks for being so open with me today. Please know that you deserve to be supported and that I'm thankful to be here with you. 12/22/22, 11:19 PM - Crisis Text Line: Glad to be here with you today. Would you be open to some links that could help? 12/22/22, 11:19 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So let me assume that you are free of the knowledge that I'm a targeted individual let me assume that there's only a limited number of counselors that are trained when a targeted individual calls and that when the target individual calls over and over and over there any sauce the list of 911 or excuse me crisis text line handlers and that you are then I finally get an independent person that can navigate a conversation with me then that's where you are but then again not yet you just fooling me and I have to still wait and do this over and over and over and tell that condition is true that the next thing 12/22/22, 11:21 PM - Crisis Text Line: Sure thing, glad to be here with you today. What else is on your mind right now? 12/22/22, 11:22 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So you're fooling me and somehow I'm not going to accept what your answer or your conditions and they're going to break you have the right to call me interview that you have a conflict of interest unresolvable in the moment that's the only way you can leave if that's true you don't have the right to just depart in any kind of whimsical way I'll just wait for the next person and I'll wait for the next person anyway either way until there is exhausted all of the counselors that are trained in a specific way to handle the technology that it directs them to be a extra payment for services over the top that they are taking a risk that violates the rights of the person calling and if that's the intention of the system and everybody is on board with that understanding that the way that technology is operating. So that's a hypothetical I will stay on this situation here and tell all of these conversations begin and end as though there is a statement that the person is truly caring for their job and their role as a real dedicated person that was inquiring to their job be able to have a job or have a task in this room for their compassionate heart I will be here until late in the morning I have the exact same condition statements exact same replies the exact same rehearsal of every single one of these things are motivated because I know exactly what's going on. 12/22/22, 11:23 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I will do this until I exhaust everyone or someone comes back on the line and repeats themselves one of the other I have the same thing happen with the doctor and they're answering service it's supposed to be after our answering service it was they were answering through the day and they said that they can't transfer a message to the doctor unless I had been recently in the hospital that's not true number I told the intake operator after a repeating the entire cycle and so I got another person repeating and and it was the calculated number of operators were 20 of this answering service for doctors there are 20 of them you know I didn't go through all 20 of them but hit another one I've already talked to you and I'm conducting a situation service and that there's nobody over at the doctor's office I said to wait and you'll actually go over to their office and see if everything's okay 12/22/22, 11:25 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That was the answer after I had done this over and over and over and over the same disrepair feature that my mom had to do 37 times the same thing to get the doctor involving my HIV care to respond into the matter that must be into you I had a referral with Humana from my primary doctor and this is the discourse of dysfunction I'm supposed to rely upon. I have no face that anything is you of my doctor care that is something I was trying to bring up but all of this interface is full of b******* and you won't straighten it out and straighten you all out and tell you get somebody on this line that doesn't all about anything navigate. 12/22/22, 11:25 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Navigate technology to a discourse of design of distraction and destruction rather than healing and therapeutic wellness there is a split in the technology all you have to do is make yourself unaware that you have the ability to tap into a dark net which is an overlay across the entire United States of the web it's an overlay look up the web definition of darknet on Wikipedia it's considered an overlay 12/22/22, 11:26 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So if a person decides they're going to be a particular class a person who is involving their technology that their accessing the web at two separate points the normalcy where it's normal and then your idea what is normal and then there's a side wheel view that perhaps for an incentive price that they would do what they're not supposed to do not get caught and have a payment structure that's that's over the top and they get both payments so they would incentivize the f****** 12/22/22, 11:27 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: There is a website in the view of I've share this situation the role to which I am trying to go oriented task of what I once from this creation of crazy is to soften the fuck up. That is an actual company name that is found on LinkedIn the world's most professional website there is and it's a company names with the word directly spelled out f u c k in them. 12/22/22, 11:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So so there are several of them in the view of the list and one of them comes through that makes you know some sort of rational sense to interface into what has happened to me to soften the f****** and that means to actually work on the reason what happened to work on the solution to fix and repair this not ignore it not go on to and bury it under the rug to some other or some or try to resources out to something that does not take care of it because they again have the access that I'm a targeted individual and I have to run through five six seven eight nine of course of characters before I get actual services that are actually truthfully in the face with me it becomes apparent after a certain time the person is not doing what they're supposed to be doing 12/22/22, 11:28 PM - Crisis Text Line: Glad that you've been able to vent with me today. You've been brave so far with your openness and that counts for a lot. 12/22/22, 11:29 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Http:/softenthefuckup.com 12/22/22, 11:29 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Let me try that again 12/22/22, 11:30 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Http://softenthefuckup.com 12/22/22, 11:30 PM - Crisis Text Line: What's one thing you're going to do for yourself after our conversation ends in a few minutes? 12/22/22, 11:32 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If that is important to be able to vent but in the process to which you can understand what I'm saying I asked you to go to the SoundCloud and take the title from the SoundCloud and move it into this chat and answer by indirect answer you acknowledge it into the view that that is my answer and that then that SoundCloud is a part of the answer that you seek regarding suicide I have that rights and so far you have not done that you think it's not important you think you can just skip over it. You have to need to at this point in time say you have a declaration of conflict of interest and you need to departs this conversation admirably. I would understand but you have just not mention it ever more and that I'm not going to say something about it either you do that now or you don't if you don't then you say okay I you have a conflict of interest so would you please go to the SoundCloud with the following item I'm going to share it again so you know that I'm serious that has a radioactive graphic assigned to it so I'm saying that I am radioactive not the actual sound is where you're acting but the person who is the author of that sound is radioactive. 12/22/22, 11:34 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Now this is interesting of all the chat conversation that is up through all of this then none of them is the video share that I proceeded so somebody on the outside of this conversation has cleaned it up so there is no video share so they're interfering with the content of this crisis text line I'm having now interference title article 19 of the declaration of universal declaration of human Rights says very specifically without interference. They're now provable interference so I'm going to have to now save a periodically in the view that I I didn't have it yesterday so I'm going to save it immediately when I send it but sure that it's in the safe category of this chat content 12/22/22, 11:34 PM - Crisis Text Line: Sounds good. I'm proud of you and the work we did together. You were amazing in reaching out and sharing with me today. 12/22/22, 11:35 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978/in-the-alls-of-all-halls-of?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=c804007aae57480eae7e710e3ea1de5f&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/22/22, 11:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That has a title. Take that title and copy it back to me as simple as instruction is that makes this a part of the question you asked which I have to find the question you asked me about suicide you can ask again about suicide and that is the answer it's a expansive answer it's not a simple one and then I can explain the audio you don't have to play it right now but I can explain the audio and the very instances of mention of suicide in the audio if you like 12/22/22, 11:36 PM - Crisis Text Line: Are you saying that you're having thoughts of suicide right now? 12/22/22, 11:36 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for letting me know. Do you have a specific time at which you plan on -----ing and killing yourself, and if so, what is this specific time? 12/22/22, 11:38 PM - Crisis Text Line: Sorry, what's your plan to end your life? 12/22/22, 11:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Thoughts of suicide yes planning of a suicide no I have a covenant agreement with one of my students in Denver that if I were serious about suicide because I had that discussion before I left that I really shouldn't come back into this house in San Bernardino it's not therapeutic at all. So therefore I said to my students which I'm not naming my student that if I were to be serious about needing the resolve of suicide in the view of everything that is going on that I would have to come to Denver and meet up for what would be my final wishes upon all of this and that's not possible in this moment because I don't have the funds nor do I have the correct plan made up yet but there is a statement that I would have I would go missing there are 600,000 people who go missing every year most of them are come back but there are hundreds thousands of persons who are then on the cold list Cold Case list in that hour by hour by hour as each passing hour passes approximately 62 people in this view of 600,000 people go missing that means they go off the bridge don't tell anybody where they're going and they don't come back for a while and somebody catches your situation of concern usually or typically their mother in my case I would be an endangered person because I have HIV and diabetes which classified me as a legal standing and endangered person as a missing person and the fact that my mom threatened to kill me in this house a few months back 12/22/22, 11:39 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: She was serious I was not something off the cuff to confirm that is what she's meant when she said it about an hour later she said to me that my her that would be her sons relationship with her God what's none of her son's business she said that the relationship she had with God was none of her son's business 12/22/22, 11:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Taking the fact that she said that too in the question which she is stubborn and in the view I'm having issues that I have had a psychological and validation relationship with my mother ever since I was an adult it didn't start until I basically came out gay 12/22/22, 11:40 PM - Crisis Text Line: Sounds good. I'm proud of you and the work we did together. You were amazing in reaching out and sharing with me today. 12/22/22, 11:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Good night and take care. 12/22/22, 11:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And in the course that I wish I write in this texting of this chat right now oh I didn't save it I mean sure I said making sure it's safe because I said I'm going to so I got an export the chat expert chat expert chat include the file. 12/22/22, 11:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/22/22, 11:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/22/22, 11:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/22/22, 11:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Wanted to let you know that we will always be here for you 24/7. Please feel free to reach out anytime. Wishing you the very best. 12/22/22, 11:42 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. You matter. 12/22/22, 11:42 PM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 12/22/22, 11:42 PM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=KB4Yev63a55bcae2005&r=0&m=Whatsapp 12/22/22, 11:42 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I tried to share the record of this and I get a file attachment error crisis text line does not accept gifts videos or images but I did was I sent a chat log your counselor has not received your previous message so that is what I tried to send was chat log I have a copy of it on my hard drive in this process though the chat log of this chat 12/22/22, 11:42 PM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 12/22/22, 11:42 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So when I get to the point where I'm going to save the conversation which is what I just did you bow out you can't do that you either have an honest interface that you care to have an honest interface and you're not hiding anything or you don't if you're not going to have it honest discussion with me I'm going to go to the next counselor next 12/22/22, 11:42 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/22/22, 11:42 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/22/22, 11:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The person at the counselor just now did not follow the order of the law I have the right to negotiate any type of terms I have the right to not accept or I will call it I have consent revoked for any set of circumstances as minor as it they are I have the right to not accept or not consent to whatever that standard or whatever that process is being put on me I have that right in the United States of America anyway and I'm trying to enforce and impose upon the circumstances I don't know what it is with you guys that does not give us the fact of our rights we would we would like to connect you to to a trained volunteer so you're a trained volunteer meaning volunteer you don't get paid but I say you do get paid if you're on a certain classification that I'm waiting for me to bump into a person that is basically not a paid person of counselor that is in the spycraft role by role you know the the phony baloney The pretender role that they're in a pretendable that they are getting paid a particular premium to intentionally violate the crisis text line customers line in view of all of the stuff that's happening here so I'm calling you out on your s*** 12/22/22, 11:44 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/22/22, 11:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 12/22/22, 11:45 PM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 12/22/22, 11:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/22/22, 11:45 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 12/22/22, 11:47 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Waited quite a bit of time last time in this right here it says it might take a moment to assign you someone the assignment process is corrupted. At least they assign it as that is what they are doing they're assigning it. There's a difference between assigning something and passing it into the view or addressing it in you or sending it into the view assigning it in interview has a different kind of function in the view of its definition it is an assignment based upon a certain set of technology specifications 12/22/22, 11:48 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”🔠12/22/22, 11:48 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/22/22, 11:48 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”🔠12/22/22, 11:49 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi my name is Ashley, and I am here to listen & give you the support you need. Is there a name you’d like me to use while we chat? (optional :) ) 12/22/22, 11:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 🔮 ( you all are just slaves to your predictability) Hi Ashley...follow me. ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”🔠That emoji means to go to the top of the conversation. In this view there are four prior counselors and this is not a prank so I'm going to set into motion interview once again the share of crisis text line text conversation that is savable in this tool 12/22/22, 11:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/22/22, 11:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/22/22, 11:51 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/22/22, 11:51 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/22/22, 11:52 PM - Crisis Text Line: Unfortunately, we are not allowed to open or receive links/images. Would you be willing to share what led you to reach out ? 12/22/22, 11:52 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I have done this before and that produces a file that I now can share so I did that before and I got the same answer but there is a way to share the text file and I don't know why okay so okay it's there above can you confirm that you have to share files one is a documents-2021-2222 w y a 0 r c d 0 0 3 and then you have another document that's called WhatsApp chat with prices text line. Text and then there's image that the message I think applies to so you should have a two files that you have the ability to open if you don't have the ability to open I will send them to a different channel but you have now been given the directions to go to the top of the conversation you made to that in the middle of this chat or at the beginning or in the very end but that's what you have to do 12/22/22, 11:52 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”🔠12/22/22, 11:52 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/22/22, 11:53 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/22/22, 11:54 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜 Only when the directives are placed into the view that are followed through by crisis text line so-called trained counselors that do not violate the rights of the colors or the textures who are seeking crisis text line services. I have a agenda that this gets corrected how's the ability to be corrected and it's not following such a insane policy of a hate manifesto. You make your choices that if you have a conflict of interest in the view that you cannot proceed with me you say that you have a conflict of interest and I'll let you off 12/22/22, 11:54 PM - Crisis Text Line: Again, we are not able to load or view any form of media or links and can not do anything with them. If you'd like to share what led you text in tonight, (1/2) 12/22/22, 11:54 PM - Crisis Text Line: I am here to listen and give you the support you need. (2/2) 12/22/22, 11:56 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: But you cannot make some sort of excuse up in the moment the chat is in the view that is going to be saved you already know that there's going to be a certain level of protocol and when you get to the section that we are in The view of a fact that is about the suicide section of this interview you're going to receive a indirect not a direct answer the indirect answer is expensive and it must be done the way the person who is directing it to you desires that rights to hold this right it is universal declaration of human Rights article 19 and that is what you have to follow each one of these words are definable but what creates the through any media that would be any media that is a in this case a crisis text line interface media and regardless of frontiers that is definable very specific ass to get understanding what that is and this is also two in parts there are three definitions of this right of ruling and I can define it specifically for you that you have to follow the law and obey an empower and obtain the understanding of my rights and if you cannot proceed and have a conflict of interest you say so 12/22/22, 11:58 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I would beg to differ and have an opposing point of view you are not correct in the view that you cannot do something you cannot do something is a matter of a particular way you view your training you can do anything you want to do that is in the view of your understanding that if you are correcting a methodology or situational directive that violates the law and violates my rights that you can independently choose not to violate my rights and violate the law you can choose to have a conscientious objection to what you have been given training for you can do that you have the ability to do that you have the right and the ability to be a free thinker a part that there's nobody giving you any orders here except for your own understanding of the law so that is not a true sense of an unconditional cat and you can you if you understand the law and understand where you have a conflict of interest that you're not willing to engage with me then you say there's a conflict of interest but you understand the words and the definitions of each law if you have any questions of the law marriage of why there is a violation of my rights in this tool and how it is affecting me that if you cannot obey the law I commit suicide 12/23/22, 12:00 AM - Crisis Text Line: It is important you receive the help you deserve tonight, Can you tell me what led you to text-in tonight? 12/23/22, 12:03 AM - Crisis Text Line: You deserve to feel supported, and it was smart to reach out. Is now still a good time to talk? 12/23/22, 12:07 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: As I just said,. Again, we are not able to load or view any form of media ) on Snapchat the format of a Snaochat conversation thread content ) or links and can not do anything with them. The fact that you'd be laughed out of court for not using the tool in which you are on to open the format to which you are developing a history onto your own words you have the right to open your own words in the format to which it is saved so you have that ability whether or not you just said you didn't if that would be one of those exceptions to the rules that you just didn't apply because you have that ability that is the format that I'm talking about in the file format that I just shared so that was now answered correct correct? You understand that is what we are doing we're on the tool called WhatsApp the format that we're opening is a record of the actual engagement that you're involved in you have the right to open such a format and you can't tell your boss or anybody above you cannot say that you have not the ability to do that that is outside of your a scope of focus that if the customer on the other end or whatever you call us a shares you the record of the conversation or prior conversations in a chain that you cannot open it. That's not that's not true it's nonsense nonsensical to hold on to that position it shows you have an IQ of 80 if you hold on to that position right here now you either agreeing process you were given does not include that specific example of citation of file format you have to agree otherwise if you don't agree then that makes it sound like you have something to hide because then you do so you're in a constant of interest at the very start of this. If you'd like to share what led you text in tonight, (1/2) What is shared is session full session text on what has happened I'm not going to retype that out I'm not going to research it back and there's also the fact that I have a very specific format of SoundCloud that answers a question about suicide that I have the right to the expansive best answer and the way you want me to answer it is a second tear level second best answer the best answer is the one I choose to use I have that right. It is a SoundCloud of a spoken voice narrative of an explanation in detail about things that are occurring we call it a mashup and there's several factors involving this coverage on this within this sound presentation and it's suicide is mentioned several times in the view I know exactly where they are and how they're tense tense and whether or not it answers your priority or gives you comfort that we are not in a immediate danger but a plan of a suicide is going to occur if you do not apply and obey the law in this chat tool of conversation and you insist on violating my rights you have the ability to not violate my rights you have the ability to make an independent choice you have the right to take that to your boss and say you're not going to violate the law and take fires you are not that's up to him and of course to which then that is the happens you're going to refuse to violate the law or you're going to continue the violate the law that law that which is quoted is United States code title 18 section 242 deprivation of rights under color of law. And in that violation of law should I die that would be even die of suicide and the causational form of why I died is caused because you violated my rights then you are guilty and to the state that it's possible to be punished by the death penalty. I don't think I can say it any less clear I wasn't watching the transcription I have my eyes closed I was very very poignant very very spoken very slow and very careful with my words so I was overrunning the buffer so I'm not going to I trust that it's got every single word pretty much that you understand what I'm saying and you can have the ability to be above an IQ of 80 showing yourself you have an IQ of at least a hundred if not more and not skip out and say you're confused about what I just said because you're not confused that would be an excuse of deception okay this is a standard English conversation and I assume you are speaking from the America American Born but you may be out of this country and not then English as a second language and if that is the case I will send you it in any kind of language you want as a transcription on to the native language you have to enforce set to understand every single aspect of this rebalancing position of this tool is to be used legally and properly for the benefit and health benefit and the life circumstances involved to find resources to make changes that fix this not adore this condition specifically in our culture and how it's affecting me as an individual. I don't see I can say it any better or any clearer. 12/23/22, 12:08 AM - Crisis Text Line: Just wanted to check in and see if now is a good time to talk? I'm still here if you are. 12/23/22, 12:09 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I am not one to make light of I am fully prepared to be here all night and went through every single crisis text line operator on staff until you acknowledge this truth that the Texas Craigslist of people who are targeted individuals and uses that list to then define who and why or a sign that counselors list who have been trained in two different programs one that are in this category of Target individuals and the way you treat targeted and the way you don't that that Target individuals have a different standard of care and or concern or standard of services presence that is not the same as the other services. At in the question which this is defined the services that are offered to Target and individuals is not at the same level of quality or of offering as the services that you offer to non-targeting people 12/23/22, 12:12 AM - Crisis Text Line: You have used Crisis Text Line inappropriately by prank texting. 12/23/22, 12:12 AM - Crisis Text Line: For this reason this conversation has been ended. Inappropriate use of our service may result in you being banned from using our crisis service for 6 months. 12/23/22, 12:13 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm not pranking so a next operator please 12/23/22, 12:13 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 12:13 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 12:14 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 12:14 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 12:14 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 12:14 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 12:14 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 12/23/22, 12:14 AM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 12:14 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 12:14 AM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 12/23/22, 12:14 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 12:14 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 12/23/22, 12:14 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 12:14 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 12:15 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is a lie at the by this point because you even facilitate that the statement that is there that I'm not alone when I am alone I have not got a true sense of an interface that puts into view a compassionate unity at all in this how many times how many operators and I have to go through all night long huh? 12/23/22, 12:15 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 12:15 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 12/23/22, 12:15 AM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 12/23/22, 12:18 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Let' us confirm at a first lunch. I'll provide the URLs of each and video in the view too so at first launch here there is a crisis inside the crisis text line that does not provide callers and textures into the line the integrity that is welcomed and should be a parent by any kind of decency at the expectation of the caller and or the texture to the quality of concerning care that would be offered is not the quality and concern that is actually being delivered that is the crisis that is at this moment needing to be answered. 12/23/22, 12:18 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 12/23/22, 12:20 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Assign : require the demand of an undeclinable Deliverance of the truth to the to a disclose the routine that assigns this to a counselor when this is in a court process. The assignment routine the code itself I can read it myself you have to I am going to subpoena the assignment code that puts this assignment interview that is and not does not or will not connect to an other than internal source to the crisis that's fine when I know there's a violation a pipe if you want to call it a pipe to an outside resource that is on the dark net if you want to call it that and it identifies whatever contact information fields and various other matching things to assign there is a set of persons that become a sign as a targeted individual and directed to a set of circumstances of logistics to their assignments of your counselors a set of counselors for the targeted individuals and then there's a set of counselors for all of the others it's either set up like that or it's set up to which the all of your counselors are trained that you trust no one and that they're trained both ways and they handle the calls in a different way each one of them are aware of it when there's some sort of indicator that there is a targeted individual or not a Target individual and all counselors are trained the exact same way which is probably the case 12/23/22, 12:21 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The lackluster terminology that I'm assigned to someone I think in this record that it was a trained counselor but it's saying now that thanks for sharing it might take a moment to assign you someone someone is different than a trained counselor. The message before holding was a trained counselor so now we're not a train counselor and make sure it doesn't do that and it has doesn't say train counselor okay we would like to connect you to a train counselor so change volunteer so we were going to get you a trained volunteer and now the message goes that we're going to connect you to someone just someone definition of someone and trained counselor changes in this is the first time I've noticed it 12/23/22, 12:28 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hey, you're still in line for a human Crisis Counselor. If you're in immediate danger, call 911 for help. Text STOP to end this convo for now. 12/23/22, 12:28 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 1]. Assign Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. ------------ Trained counselor would have license or something or if they don't have any kind of degree or something or any kind of merit of any kind of degree they are able to prove that they went to a training right. The train counselor is something other than just someone. If you're going to sign it to someone and they're working staff the line and they're not a trained person or they are trading person in some other degree of the operation of this device of technology we have a problem there's a conflict of interest that's going to arrive right at the front of this and the person's not going to be able to handle it and they're going to do whatever it is and I say they're going to call me a prank because that seems to be the one that everybody holds onto the fact that they're being confronted they're not sure how to deal with it so that was the easiest because there's a procedure that some house says that I'm abusing the line that's not using the lying it's counterproductive it's reverse psychology that is not as possible to prove when you take a collective cumulative analysis of each one of these independently and look at the flow of this conversation and where what happens to a full conversation and I can even put control group studies and the view that there you know the narrative been a random says circumstances or not. Their services are online. I would assume it's any like any other service LOL if you want to turn it off you can turn it off by going and basically turning it off you know I'm taking it off out of the memory of the device that's running it but is specifically a turnkey system and when you turn on the device that is running on there's no keyboard there's no mouse you can turn it on and it runs up into the software and go to the memory does the power goes out you know and it keeps it on running and then at two point where the battery is in the UPS is running low and it is running low to a point that is going to shut down that the statement of the command to shut down the system for the shutdown procedures they're safe in each one of the to find apps and all that stuff and it shuts down and when it comes back up it comes up and whatever. There is a revenue stream involved in all of this and even on the Facebook Messenger interface that is what is running when you are in crisis text line on Facebook you're in the messenger interface it very rarely but does display advertisement messages they are rare in that tool but they are existent they're not they're not they're not answer the less YouTube pay is still on the in line for human case crisis counselor now it's back to crisis counselor if you're in danger the online one month for help text stop to end this 12/23/22, 12:44 AM - Crisis Text Line: We're seeing high volume right now. While waiting, some people find a breathing exercise helpful. Try it: bit.ly/breath_ref. Text STOP to end this convo for now 12/23/22, 12:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 111 : none assign them aware of 211 : this is for persons who need social service resources such as food stamps and or housing temporary shelters as in several other things 311 : not sure if I was never assigned 411 : directory assistance phone book name lookup operator was assistant for most of the many years it had been in service and then it was taken over by an automated service that would be able to understand what you are saying and look up the name which is a very very very very technically detailed process to look up by name and directly services like that but multiple way in Vegas people speaking only that was probably the most complex technology design at the time to handle 411 or the 800-55-1212 number by way of voice command achievement that was well before it's time 511 : that was road conditions information and also with put into play that they put 511 services where it was bus routing information was on the 511 services you can call and get the information about a schedule from whatever you want to operator that information that you can talk to the person for muni what city level service bus lines not Greyhound but City service bus lines that was the universal transportation line information and it also serve as the number for weather emergency information because that's a highly tied to travel info 611 : equipment repair specifically would be the equipment that is running the local carrier so it connects your local carrier whatever that local carrier was and it was a universal number considered repair at the time was engaged repair services was a part of the basic services and you didn't have to pay extra for it it became an extra fee and you had to then choose if you wanted to have outside or in or only inside coverage and inside coverage or only outside coverage they have outside coverage being free up to the point ladder and then inside coverage become a part of your bill and then you have as much as you want to use the repair services so you have to make choices depending on your business or whatever situation was working the best choice of repair wire coverage insurance and other things so that there was an ability to have a specifically have phone services repaired very high cost installations of some of these companies that have lots of phone you know the entire skyscraper the building for a dedicated with a phone system telephone installations and the technology that handle various other technology services all under a guise of a particular term it was called telephony. 711 : this was the universal lifeline service to TTY I can't remember exact title but it was through interface TTY between human that could not hear and humans that's could hear so it did both ways to call it and it would be up either way. And I do believe this is highly still the same used as the number mentioned on most brochures of agencies and things that this is the way that most agencies and everybody handle the services for TTY. That day everybody rely on that and nobody had their own TTY services that instantly in the view that makes no sense somehow somehow some way 911 services employed a TTY phone call the fact that they found it TTY to do this whatever whatever. That they do not use their own internal TTY number that they use 711 and it would be on all of the brochures in pamphlets and everything that 911 services would hand out in the view of customer information that they direct the customers of a public to TTY 711 and that is where it's done so anything that creates a diversion that 911 was a voice and acted call and then switch to teach you why as a diversion having an open text line that was listening to it teaching conversation the channel on at the 911 dispatcher that you found in TTY they probably have considerations of this particular situation I don't know it will be playing around somewhere I guess maybe if possible that I have a situation in 911 that they have to not use 711 that they have some women services was not available so they have a backup maybe I don't know idea but anyway they tried to they tried to sneak it in there and it didn't work it failed so I was able to understand what they had to say and I answer the questions and it went into procedure that doesn't work. 811 : 811 is I've never believe it was a sign if it was a sign it was very sporadic and has very specific it's probably one of the ones that I would have different things that that just didn't apply anywhere else I don't know 911 ; and the infamous 911. 911 dispatch was first enabled and had a very very important information that it would be able to do and I don't know how it works today but in the history of 911 over time every time that's the system with register of the same location they have the history of 911 in that direction you know that comes up that they knew everything that every time 911 is understanding and environment under a house in a house that would be first responders he was established the protocol that that began that California was the last state of the union to begin in caller ID at once fired inside it anyway it was basically because of 91 that caller ID was established that as an emergency system and now I have reverse 9-1-1. This protocol has a history that is adaptive and changing it goes through versions of this software I'm sure that has the version numbers and the whole thing of variety of lookups of adaption of certain features reverse 911 the way that 911 can track mobile devices this is the most complex setup of any one of these emergency numbers from 1111 to 911 and in the UK or Europe they don't use 911 at that it's very specifically they didn't want to use them when they want to have everybody confused because you are in a completely different zone and everything is different it's 999 so if we didn't have the establishment of the 911 the 411-611 and 11 I don't understand hahaha . 12:44sm ealing with high volume right now. They say in the message of breathing exercise well I was putting together a table of history of the digits of 411-611-911-211511 I don't know what you order of all of them are and if and anything I know about that because it was mentioned because 911 is mentioned this one it doesn't mention 911 I haven't talked about breathing some exercises helpful try it and there's a link for a breathing test press the text in this conversation I'm not texting stop but I will be here breathing or composing a table something to occupy my time. One of these are just going to Ghost and never answer to the end of the morning I'll have it open that they never answered one of these they know exactly who's on the line you'll prior to the assignments now that somebody is going to eventually come in and view and terminate the assignments that I have services are not services so that crisis text line because they are private company they have a situation outside of the Court you know I suppose I do I'm crushing send 12/23/22, 12:47 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 12:47 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 12:47 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 12:47 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 12:47 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 12:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 12:48 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: They are piling up into the view that these are embedded their embedded in Colon they are dialing and piling up and there's a sex sequence that they keep rotating in view of the group to get back down you have to unwind it you can set the file a civilian times you know repeating cycle 12/23/22, 12:50 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hello, this is Saeef and I am here for you tonight. Could you please share what’s going on in your life currently? 12/23/22, 12:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: It's 12:48 a.m. crisis text Lionel sequence began I again 12/23/22, 12:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Saeef. Hi 12/23/22, 12:51 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hello! How is it going? Could you please tell me what’s going on currently so I could provide you the peace and support you deserve? 12/23/22, 12:52 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I want you are seeing... I am sharing the WhatsApp conversation saved conversation format which you can open because if you become a part of the contribution to this content you are surely open your own format that is in the view of your own words so don't tell me you can't open a file format in this one is it's very specifically it would be an exclusion to that rule chat conversation that you are actually contributing to file format safe you have the right to open that up and read it whatever it is at any time the future forward. So I'm going to share it and then I'll explain it to you and we're going to proceed again with another interface to another operator or moderator or counselor or other person however you want to find yourself to another person another person another person over and over and over again another person not able to handle the lifting of restrictions onto the definitions of a proper and legal and rights enabling interface. Saving new archive to share back into this channel of conversation. 12/23/22, 12:54 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0001. 12/23/22, 12:54 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 12:54 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 12:54 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi there, I'm a volunteer Crisis Counselor, trained to support texters. 12/23/22, 12:54 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 12:54 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 12:54 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 12:54 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 12:55 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Can you.see what is shared right before you as an archive of this dysfunctional interface that is documented onto the record. You are following a manifesto that directs you to this function when challenged. Instead of dealing with the customer the clients the caller or the texture or whatever you use as a label properly you decide to do something out of normalcy and that somehow you think that you're going to get away with that that you are giving some sort of pass that you won't get into trouble. Be it that may be true or not true I do not know but that's the way you act. 12/23/22, 12:57 AM - Crisis Text Line: I am not sure I understand. Is there anything I can help you feel supported in tonight? 12/23/22, 12:58 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Confirm: Saeef and you are here to help me tonight. Could you please share what's going on in your life currently? I would be glad to share what is going on in my life currently. Currently there is an ongoing interface to crisis text line that does not seem to honor the question answered methodology that I have the right to answer any question in my style so that's what's going on in my life right now that I have to conform to some standard that you only accept otherwise you cut me off and claim I'm a prank are some other excuse to not engage. How many times do I have to complain about this before I get a completely independent free thinking counselor that has not been trained to become a agent of destruction that the person on the other end of a text crisis text line from the counselor the other person whose name is a caller or a texter a customer or client or is actually a fool you can call us a fool 12/23/22, 1:00 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Every one of these ends in a non-sensical way of a conversation flow. Do we want to understand the resources of the conversational flow and that persons are very highly adaptive and placing to understand when a conversational flow does not make sense and and then to start detecting deception and an unworthy of trustful dialogue from them they are highly trained in this understanding when they conduct these police interviews the sessions that are recorded they are highly trained in that methodology they have a methodology for their specific purposes in the law enforcement trying to extract a truth doesn't always motivate that truth sometimes it motivates a false confession that using it in the wrong way but they tried itself a trust Factor onto the citizen and a good cop bad cop in the yellow various other scientific models of how to conduct an interview where you have a very specific intention to steer the conversation into a manipulative view that the person is being manipulated to in the steering consideration and can't understand what's going on because they'll understand the training 12/23/22, 1:01 AM - Crisis Text Line: I will have to go ahead and end this conversation if there’s nothing I can support you with tonight… 12/23/22, 1:01 AM - Crisis Text Line: Is there something currently causing you pain I can help you process or listen to and help you feel understood? 12/23/22, 1:01 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That's what we have here we have here if we have training involved the counselors or the operators or the agents of whatever it is that you are motivated to say you are upon a crisis text line you have a very different agenda into aspects of technology deployment or assignment. A person calls into the line a single line opening no visit of this is single channel that creates that then there's a sort process there's a short process that puts the person who is in a certain less or a certain type of certain flag a certain criteria a certain date marker other ways of saying the same thing that person is marked tagged listed blacklisted directed defaulted default in the default to a certain choices that they don't know that they're being directed into a path that is not a equal path 12/23/22, 1:02 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes there is sir I'm going to tell you now that you're not going to end this because I'm going to share with you that earlier I had a complete blood room and a motel room so I I every single time I come to a different way of introducing all the same information all you have to do is know I've already you know process that I have shared you the entire record of the dialogue that has history and that you again will be part of that in the next cycle take the fact that I have told you that and it didn't compute that what they're showing you is that you are not dealing with the aspects of an emergency or a crisis and your dysfunctional your passing it on to the next stage next level or thinking it's just going to go away and it's not 12/23/22, 1:03 AM - Crisis Text Line: It is not in my control to pick up conversations based on their risk. I am trained to be a crisis counselor, and I’m here for whoever may benefit from support. 12/23/22, 1:03 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So. The hashtag for the social media platform across this is tagged #,Bloodroom101 12/23/22, 1:03 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm telling you is all the same thing each one of these conversations pile upon another each one of these has not the resolved of a matter every one of these texts course and then cuts away and runs away as though I am radioactive sir 12/23/22, 1:04 AM - Crisis Text Line: What exactly could I help you with tonight? I am not understanding what some of your concerns may be. 12/23/22, 1:04 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The motel room let's stay focused okay... Within this motel room I have three YouTube videos posted that have that particular tag on them so I'm going to go to Google and perform you a Google video search and so I'll give you the URL for that so you can understand that those are truly posted videos I'm not asking you to watch them I'm just asking you to confirm that they are three of them and I'm telling you that they are all recorded within a bloody mess 12/23/22, 1:05 AM - Crisis Text Line: Could you please tell me more about these videos and the ‘bloody mess’? 12/23/22, 1:06 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I don't believe I'm being so far out of touch sir so I'm going to give you the opportunity in a directive to start over read my writing to you word to word. ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”🔠That is an emoji there are four of them in total they all have a different function to the reader who encounters them that one tells you to go to the top of the conversation and read it fresh again that's what that emoji means. So take the understanding and I'll break down that you want to know what a bloody mess is so I'm going to get the Google search for video for the hashtag and you're going to open it up and you'll see there is a bloody mess in the course to it there are three videos recorded 12/23/22, 1:07 AM - Crisis Text Line: I would appreciate it if you shared in writing what these videos are about. We are not authorized to open links or videos from texters, unfortunately. 12/23/22, 1:10 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And don't try to navigate a confusion to try to deviate the fact or try to make me upset or try to speed me up or any kind of thing I just put you in the direction that you have attached to task to care of. Those are conversational flow directors for the reader to follow as a standard they have text equipments that are long-standing like old old old old old old protocol one of them is called top there's another one called and there's another one called soon and those are just conversations you can find them in the emoji set they all work together as a set I'm using one of them right now go to the top and leave the bottom and when you get to the crossing pass. You say, I would appreciate it if you shared in writing what these videos are about. We are not authorized to open links or videos from texters, unfortunately. You don't have the luxury sir to negate a fact that I'm going to share with you a Google search for a hashtag social media tag and that tag is on record to match to three videos and that you can open the Google search and see that there are three videos and that you can do that or not you don't have to complain about it you can understand that it's just a simple Google video search for the hashtag I didn't ask you to go watch it I'm telling you that that is what that is about it's called a description of the sharing item I gave you and so for your site tell me that when I shared an image and said please describe the image so I'm just driving the link that's all I did that's logistics and intelligence onto what I shared now let's go back I'm going to share to you that Google search and stop interrupting me with a nonsensical way of dealing with this content except what I'm saying move on and say okay cuz I didn't ask you to do anything other than to understand that that is a Google search for the hashtag and you can do that anytime anyway you can do that in your own luxury of your own time of your own space so you can do that you can incorporate that into your mind and have that in your mind that's all 12/23/22, 1:11 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.google.com/search?q=%23Bloodroom101&oq=%23Bloodroom101&aqs=chrome..69i57.2441j0j4&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 12/23/22, 1:11 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Given the fact that there's a general search it says as a search for a hashtag bedroom 101 from Google search it says that in the preview so it says what it is and that's all you need to know 12/23/22, 1:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Each video share https://youtu.be/WbMCQcyzoYY 12/23/22, 1:13 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is a video share it has a title it shows and it shows you it's titled and shows you a title and shows you it's a video so it says to you right now it has the title and it has the same thing on my side it says this should be so so embarrassing no response? And it's telling you that the source of this is called an app called my screen recording 12/23/22, 1:13 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Next video https://youtu.be/xDH3RTUgMH4 12/23/22, 1:14 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is another video it's titled showing is cut off it says a death spiral a bedroom will be my final breath and resting space and so I'm going to continue to the third video so you know that that's a video and that's the title it's giving you that information I don't need you to link to it the site and this tool is providing that information to you 12/23/22, 1:14 AM - Crisis Text Line: I understand that perhaps you may be dealing with a lot and maybe feeling overwhelmed? Have you thought about committing suicide? 12/23/22, 1:15 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The third video is not mine and then there's a bunch of tweets and Facebook post that has that hashtag I'm only picking one for you. San Bernardino District Police Department - Facebook https://m.facebook.com/748854455203497/photos/3740969345991978/ 12/23/22, 1:16 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Now that you've broken into the suicide situation how I got a bloody mess you say. I took a piece of broken mirror that I broke and stuck a piece of mirror glass in my neck and motel room that they forced entry into 12/23/22, 1:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: I am hearing that you may have hurt yourself badly. At this time, have you reached out to 911? 12/23/22, 1:19 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Was I trying to commit suicide? Exactly was I trying to kill myself? Or exactly was I not caring that I live or die it was you of an action I had already predicted was going to occur. Perhaps I was trying to avoid an outcome that if I allowed to continue would have been a severely severely abusive maybe torturous path of pain and hardship. Perhaps I would become part of the 600,000 people that go missing every year somehow go missing every year that's approximately 62 people human beings persons go missing each and every passing hour in the United States of America. Perhaps I would have been just lost to the understanding that whoever was there to try to say that I was something when I wasn't that I was a threat when I wasn't that did not honor my request that they should have just said well you have to go down to the downtown branch of the family room Police department to conduct a business there instead of having the San Marino Police department officer arrive at the motel room. 12/23/22, 1:20 AM - Crisis Text Line: Do you currently have a plan to take your life? 12/23/22, 1:21 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Now do you want to know about what do you want to know about want to know about suicide or do you want to know about 911 services okay let's take a quote from a publication that is on Amazon called the governors of gangstalking so I'll pull the reference to the book itself is very small book and then I'll pull the reference to the quote it says inside and then you figure out that 911 is not an option for me. Are you ready are you ready to see the reality of each and everything you say is you think you're going to have as an upper hand is not an upper hand option for me and she have to take on yourself into a different dimension that's something different that you have to reach for that you may not be trained for and just stop violating my rights that you may have to go to a different understanding! Can I answer one question before you ask another so I don't get lost and damn you behind and then I answer your questions one by one I can't even get to the 911 before you ask me about a plan to take my life I trying to answer you in the best way I can I'm a very detailed person so accept the detail because you'll find that you're going to have an understanding of a difference that you probably have never dealt with before so let's do the 911 services and the book that is titled the governor's against talking and the quotation it says inside before I answer about a plan to take my life so I don't have any action plan yet but it could be coming soon 12/23/22, 1:21 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43826597-the-governors-of-gangstalking 12/23/22, 1:22 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Bummer does not give you the title of the book the cover of the book so I'm not actually find a link that gives you the cover of the book this first time I've used WhatsApp so that what app WhatsApp and Goodreads doesn't kind of interface to preview so hold on 12/23/22, 1:23 AM - Crisis Text Line: I want to make sure you are safe tonight – you deserve peace. Do you have a plan to take your life? 12/23/22, 1:24 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The Governors of Gangstalking https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MY3ZQSW?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_dp_4SDAD5WTRMZ08JPFWEZT 12/23/22, 1:24 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Go there you go you can see that cover it's 99 cents on Kindle otherwise it's free zero zero cost 12/23/22, 1:24 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And now the quote from inside the material 12/23/22, 1:25 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Home My Books Browse â–¾ Community â–¾ Sign up Jump to ratings and reviews The Governors of Gangstalking Richard Lighthouse 5.00 4 ratings0 reviews Want to read Kindle $0.99 Rate this book Rev 3A - This short ebook describes the leaders of the gangstalking program against Targeted Individuals in the United States. Their names are David J. Glawe and Brian J. Murphy. I was able to track down these two criminals, due to the brave efforts of police whistleblowers. During 2018, there were 3 police whistleblowers that stated the Fusion Centers were being used as Gangstalking control stations. The Intelligence & Analysis Office of DHS provides funding, training, free software, database and contact lists, and some of the key personnel for the Fusion Centers in the United States. I & A Office coordinates between the Fusion Centers and works with the Emergency 911 Call Centers in the United States, to block and redirect the emergency calls of Targeted Individuals. Many Targeted Individuals have experienced what happens when making a 911 emergency call and no ambulance arrives, or police arrive and mock you. 12/23/22, 1:25 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Read that very carefully sir. 12/23/22, 1:26 AM - Crisis Text Line: I am here to provide support to those who may be in crisis. Do you currently have a plan or have you had thoughts of suicide? 12/23/22, 1:28 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Not only do they mock you they lay by and put themselves on the record that they're lying in the view of 911 text services I personally have involvement on 911 text services that I have been taken and put into an archive online. Online storage of the history involving 911 and the fact that they are not treating it seriously is found at this URL I'm still documenting 911 interface so I will answer you when I'm finished 911 interface documentation okay you asked me about 911 and I you want a full answer do you not so each one of these links gives you a full and complete answer to which then you have to say okay well maybe the customer the caller the texter or the clients that whatever you refer me to ask different approach. Because 911 is not an option it's restricted from me it's restricted from my you sir it's restricted from the use of many that are called targeted individuals against stocking. But I think you already know this I think it's part of your training that you are a part of the materials that are in the manifesto that does not give me an opportunity to have an equal basis on the crisis text line services and then the 911 services it's this functional for me that your services are not functional for me 12/23/22, 1:28 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Intentionally and I can prove it beyond the reasonable doubt 12/23/22, 1:28 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: http://fuckeduphuman.space/911-Text-Interface/ 12/23/22, 1:29 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Can you see that domain what it says that is a real domain and it says it's an index of 911 texting her face the history wise let me go get the file dates out of the record for you history window of dates that are filed there 12/23/22, 1:29 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: http://fuckeduphuman.space/911-Text-Interface/wow-911-msg-122222.vzm 12/23/22, 1:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That isn't archive of 911 text interface I'll post some data record out of it so you understand what it says and it's XML format I'll put the first entry in the last entry 12/23/22, 1:30 AM - Crisis Text Line: If you are in immediate danger, please call 911. If you think you may benefit from talking to someone about having dark thoughts or negative feelings, I am here 12/23/22, 1:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <messages ver="6.4.1" device_id="91df3ab0ca2c41be"> <sms recipients="911" id="0"> <subject/> <thread_id>105</thread_id> <extras>{"MSG_SOURCE":"TELEPHONY"}</extras> <to_addr>[["911",151,"DELIVERED"]]</to_addr> <locked>false</locked> <status>7</status> <read_report>false</read_report> <updated>1670351741177</updated> <body>Attention San Bernardino Police Department via 911-Text Interface. Introducing more storytime reality in view of life alternative involuntary needs of an American Citizen James Martin Driskill to document the life and circumstances of citizen James Martin across these many years These 911 text interfaces are saved as you are aware. And they are placed onto the web as you are aware. One of these text interfaces failed when I was at a blood room forced entry and had to stick a piece of broken mirror in both my left side and my right side of my neck. Predictable mention prior to events in 911 texting. Documented reality. I am very pissed that these gangstalkers will not leave me alone. Incidences last night and into this morning need to be documented somewhere and they will be documented on its 911 texting inter face. You cannot just terminate this relationship with this tool you can't claim this tool is being used inappropriately for this is a life and death circumstance of citizen hat is a fact. Shall I Continue?</body> <read>true</read> <seen>true</seen> <time>1670351735650</time> <type>1</type> <outbound>1</outbound> <from_addr>+19092650111</from_addr> <content_status>0</content_status> <content>0</content> </sms> 12/23/22, 1:31 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Does that look like sir? It has data fields that are intrinsically used in the 911 services technology 12/23/22, 1:32 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: This is closing 911 text service 12/23/22, 1:32 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <sms recipients="911" id="383"> <subject/> <thread_id>105</thread_id> <extras>{"MSG_SOURCE":"TELEPHONY"}</extras> <to_addr>[["911",151,"DELIVERED"]]</to_addr> <locked>false</locked> <status>7</status> <read_report>false</read_report> <updated>1671724478193</updated> <body>This is a medical issue of course. But the medical issue then the doctors must be able to reprimand the legal mechanism that puts this into corrective adaptive positioning. This is a legal matter as well as a medical matter to combined</body> <read>true</read> <seen>true</seen> <time>1671724476514</time> <type>1</type> <outbound>1</outbound> <from_addr>+19092650111</from_addr> <content_status>0</content_status> <content>0</content> </sms> <sms recipients="911" id="384"> <subject/> <thread_id>105</thread_id> <extras>{"MSG_SOURCE":"TELEPHONY"}</extras> <to_addr>[["911",151,"DELIVERED"]]</to_addr> <locked>false</locked> <status>7</status> <read_report>false</read_report> <updated>1671724492190</updated> <body>They both are valid</body> <read>true</read> <seen>true</seen> <time>1671724491376</time> <type>1</type> <outbound>1</outbound> <from_addr>+19092650111</from_addr> <content_status>0</content_status> <content>0</content> </sms> <sms recipients="911" id="385"> <subject/> <thread_id>105</thread_id> <extras>{"MSG_SOURCE":"TELEPHONY"}</extras> <to_addr>[["911",151,"DELIVERED"]]</to_addr> <locked>false</locked> <status>7</status> <read_report>false</read_report> <updated>1671724521419</updated> <body>Not one person </body> <read>true</read> <seen>true</seen> <time>1671724520826</time> <type>1</type> <outbound>1</outbound> <from_addr>+19092650111</from_addr> <content_status>0</content_status> <content>0</content> </sms> <sms recipients="911" id="386"> <subject/> <thread_id>105</thread_id> <extras>{"MSG_SOURCE":"TELEPHONY"}</extras> <to_addr>[["+19092650111",151,"RECEIVED"]]</to_addr> <locked>false</locked> <status>16</status> <read_report>false</read_report> <updated>1671724521000</updated> <body>PLEASE MAKE A VOICE CALL TO 911. THERE IS NO TEXT SERVICE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME.</body> <read>true</read> <seen>true</seen> <time>1671724521750</time> <type>1</type> <outbound>0</outbound> <from_addr>911</from_addr> <content_status>0</content_status> <content>0</content> </sms> <sms recipients="911" id="387"> <subject/> <thread_id>105</thread_id> <extras>{"MSG_SOURCE":"TELEPHONY"}</extras> <to_addr>[["+19092650111",151,"RECEIVED"]]</to_addr> <locked>false</locked> <status>16</status> <read_report>false</read_report> <updated>1671724551000</updated> <body>end of text session</body> <read>true</read> <seen>true</seen> <time>1671724552396</time> <type>1</type> <outbound>0</outbound> <from_addr>911</from_addr> <content_status>0</content_status> <content>0</content> </sms> </messages> 12/23/22, 1:33 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So exactly what is a legal matter? Exactly why do they claim there's no such thing as 911 services when that's not true 12/23/22, 1:34 AM - Crisis Text Line: If there is nothing I could support you on, or listen to real concerns – I will have to go ahead and close this conversation. Thank you for reaching out. 12/23/22, 1:35 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: What is a medical issue in this view? What was I trying to accomplish here? Well the technology that is available is 911 emergency information container that is in the bedded in the ability to access this information for first responders on your device it's usually you can access emergency call from your lock screen that you can make it without putting the lock in there and there's a Field section in there that you have data that you can put into view of your phone. Very specifically that transfer of data is put into the view of 911 operators and first responders blood type is one of them 12/23/22, 1:35 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: These fields are very long though they're actually considered unlimited text size so I needed to confirm the text size and I needed to confirm the record was transferred into the care of the San Bernardino Police department should I have an emergency. I very responsible thing to do I would say 12/23/22, 1:36 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You're breaking this conversation sir I'm giving you the preliminaries of what I'm asking you to do is find out what resources I can use to referend the services that are not functioning and give a complaint that is has clout that's what I'm asking you to do so you have to understand what the dimension of the dysfunction is and that's what I'm doing but you're cutting it out so because you have a hidden agenda that does not allow me to have legal capacity and you have a hidden agenda that allows the haters to do this to me 12/23/22, 1:37 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Don't cut the conversation off I'm being very poignant and I'm very instructive and very detailed that you should follow this no problem and I haven't missed the q yet so I'm on key that you're not going to hold that I didn't respond to something but you actually pressing these questions at me a little too quickly you're running my my course to which I'm doing too fast why don't you just slow down I want you to go back up the top and start over again again let me use the emoji that directs you to the top because that's what you need to do you need to focus on the detail of this conversation and instead of trying to think of that simple conversation it just happens to be a detailed one that's all I'm not picking on you or anything 12/23/22, 1:37 AM - Crisis Text Line: I’m not sure I fully understand. If there are any real and dangerous concerns you may have, I am still here to support you. Otherwise have a wonderful night! 12/23/22, 1:38 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”ðŸ”🔠At this time I'll take the opportunity to save this in the archive and that it becomes a part of the record of an archive WhatsApp conversation and it becomes an archive and there we are saved for permanent record that will go online so that that you know I'm pranking or something like that you have to give an excuse to get away because I'm going to put this online well don't have your job if you can't have the tools that are in the operation here at my reach I'm doing nothing wrong and it's all that you can't deal with the tools that are at my reach that's something wrong with you that's your fault to correct not my fault to have to deal with I thought I had a professional here that was trained 12/23/22, 1:38 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0002. 12/23/22, 1:38 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 1:38 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 1:38 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0001. 12/23/22, 1:38 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 1:38 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 1:38 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 1:38 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 1:39 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I snapped and captured it's sort of my hard drive and it has a sequence and I'll put it online later but anybody will be able to open this up and read it sir it's in the similar format that the 911 text interface for files are in and XML format that's not hard to understand what's going on here sir I'm putting a record that will put together that proves there's a bias and proves that you have training to avoid this instead of dealing with it customer or a caller or a text or a client or whatever you want to call us a fool that we have to deal with you on standards that we are not functional and I'm very functional that's all I'm not picking on you 12/23/22, 1:40 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Now I've gotten lost so I'm sure I get you next question and you so those are full and complete answers 12/23/22, 1:41 AM - Crisis Text Line: Take care and have a wonderful night. 12/23/22, 1:41 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Suicide yeah okay suicide is a different kind of answer sir suicide that the topic and surrounding suicide there is a immediate need to switch over to a different format of an answer the answer is a SoundCloud audio that you can retrieve later you have to do it right now but the title of the SoundCloud is on in my account drive uploaded to SoundCloud it's a spoken voice narrative file that the answer about suicide is all within that scope when you take the complete answer. I answered then proposes the fact that I'm trying to find a solution that prevents my suicide but none is being offered to put into my view of care or concern of resource that I can reach to nothing is being given me that changes to dimension that suicide is the only option because I have no function 12/23/22, 1:42 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You have no reason to terminate this sir I'm trying to tell you you have no reason to terminate this conversation if you want me to answer your questions then you have to be patient because their detailed answers because they're detailed answers that frightens you something about you sir I'm not picking on you I'm doing the same thing for each one of these email I'm Transit you'll find that if you open it up you'll see everybody is being treated exact same way I'm not picking on you 12/23/22, 1:43 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So now give me some time so I can put together the the share for the suicide question so I can answer you in the style that best serves the answer I'm not going to answer you in a second rate or second consideration of a second rate answer I'm going to give you the best answer I can give you because I can reach for that best answer because I already have it prepared I'm not picking on you sir I'm giving you the option that you have to conform to the sharing methodology because that's what you have to do I'm not picking on you you seem to try to keep escaping away from the application that you have to hold into this view the links show you titles and that title is important to hold on to so the title is important to hold on to and it's in the archive it doesn't matter if you can or cannot Link in a policy the titles are showing in the preview the titles are what you need to focus on 12/23/22, 1:43 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. You matter. 12/23/22, 1:43 AM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 12/23/22, 1:43 AM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=dmnMzW63a5783b89b8d&r=0&m=Whatsapp 12/23/22, 1:43 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/mQsjW 12/23/22, 1:43 AM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 12/23/22, 1:44 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/mQsjW 12/23/22, 1:44 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 1:44 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 1:44 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Again you can't just terminate at your bill because you want to deal with at your terms you don't get that rule here the rule that then breaks my rights to provide the materials in the manner to which I'm providing them then you'll get that right 12/23/22, 1:44 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 1:44 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 12/23/22, 1:44 AM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 12/23/22, 1:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: There seems to be a failure to communicate. Everything I'm doing nothing wrong. Everybody and anybody would be in a adaptive process that is answering calls from the public number one and then also in number two the person is under stress under stress you know that that in itself is that that they would a person who is trained as a counselor or a moderator or a person of any kind of interface to the public as a public relations officer would have to understand that people have different ways of communicating. That is the way communication is it has a very high degree mark of a degree when you get a communications degree. One of the materials that you received when you go to school and class in communications is receive materials that are from Marlon Riggs. Marlon Riggs from Oakland Ca how much a gay back filming filmmaker through a very rough time with HIV and AIDS. Martin makes died with one of the tragic of the first parts of the disease Marlin makes was a victim of the catastrophe that our government did not treat this disease in a serious mind and it was way out of hand before they started running it in and makes us one of the ones that died in that process that basically if you take it it's just expendable I didn't care collateral damage or whatever you would call him in that regard he was one of those persons that should or could have a thought about how there's a whole set of these people who died who are just basically expenditures on medical charts in hospital and income streams and nothing was ever done it was the time it was during the time that princess Diana was involved in HIV care patients that presence Diana yeah that she was involved in probably turned it around when she got involved into the view that of compassionate living with HIV there's no spokesman before that that's what made the approach to which then become an importance that princess Diana changed the view that people who had AIDS were human beings after all before that we were just trash. And I have HIV now at the time I didn't but I had a bulletin board system of PBS dialogue and I was carrying you know I was trafficking the HIV discussion areas and I made myself very important part of the reading material I would stay up on because there was no such thing as a poz ublication. There was only this electronic avenue of resource and basically they were scammers too and so there was a it was a hard thing to find reliable information and you know if you have caring information through your network and you've taken and take a responsibility that they're trying to get the batch it through the conversation channels too you have to clean it up and it was very important is very important do not cause intentional delay and persons who have no time for that delay a very shortly of time and so that was the time frame that I became involved in HIV information and the transfer of that information on to the community I personally responsible for that 12/23/22, 1:52 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, thanks for reaching out tonight. My name is Sam. Can you tell me what's going on? 12/23/22, 1:56 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So I think I've been caught up I have to look and make sure I have everything that you have go through several operations operators I think I'm going to take and and take a look at the all of these things make a brick record of every single answer so I'm going to take the same questions? So I'm going to try to put all the questions together and all the answers together and sequence of things going through it one by one and collecting all of the similar types of questions and then the answers and all the people who had those answers and all the people who derail the conversation all the people who tried to manipulate the conversation all the fact that I have the answers and none of the answers are acceptable to you they have to meet a certain standard and there is no such standard Marlin Rick standards apply it's with posted at Colorado edu from many many years after his death the server actually they handled it I went everything went offline off that server I'm going to know where it went. Hard drive server that was running basically branded cycle and they had no no Tunis to hold and make it and you know another cycle of that on the hardware it suck anywhere there was another set of things on that same server it was beyond it was conflict conflict at Colorado. And it became beyond intractability that is the materials that are at the colorado.edu original platform everything else that I'm not aware of but standards at colorado.edu was put into the view that it's somehow for standards at colorado.edu got archived back into existence I think but it's not complaints it's not complaints because it lost a factor of many things when you lose then lost the server and it doesn't have it's it's functionality is like the loss. I am so most of the stuff is at the what's called the way back machine the internet archive so my link off my website for Marlon mix I'm going to provide you and then the links that are in the view of this as standard sharing and I'm done with you all I don't think I have to put this beyond this that there is a bias of dysfunction that you are running a game and it's a parent this service needs to be shut down as a public nuisance onto its community presence I think I'll go ahead at least file it with whomever it is that has to file it with the complaints I let somebody else run it through all of his courses that other data is there and collected and it's a reality of it I'm not picking on you I'm showing you that that's what I'm doing that's what I'm doing and there's nothing wrong with what I'm doing that's something seriously wrong in the way your attitude is and how to deal with somebody who's taking time and the effort to make sure that something is honored. 12/23/22, 1:56 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So it's Marlon mixes standards v5n1 and what it says then I'll give you the link to the video share for tongues untied the single elephant aviation and there's a section on YouTube that is it has a censorship to the copyright and I'm done 12/23/22, 1:57 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: But standards is what is applies to the educational merits of educational resource of communication degrees all across the United States of America they use his materials specifically materials specifically in the educational process of almost all communication degree educational degrees of working in the news so here it is 12/23/22, 1:59 AM - Crisis Text Line: This is the crisis text line, if you could please tell me what your crisis is, instead of this, I am here to support you 12/23/22, 1:59 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: http://resources.gruwup.net/Colorado.Edu/Marlon%20Riggs%20-%20INTRODUCTION%20TO%20STANDARDS%20V5N1/ 12/23/22, 1:59 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://web.archive.org/web/20180118231632/https://www.colorado.edu/journals/standards/V5N1/marlonintro.html 12/23/22, 2:00 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.colorado.edu/journals/standards/V5N1/marlonintro.html 107 captures 7 Jun 2000 - 10 Apr 2021 AUG JAN APR Previous capture 18 Next capture 2016 2018 2019 About this capture INTRODUCTION TO STANDARDS: V5N1 by Marlon Riggs mericans have always been more and at the same time less than what we pretended. With the quickening approach of the twenty-first century, greater numbers of us are giving testament to this inescapable fact, challenging the cozy myths by which America has been ritually defined. Who are we? Who are we becoming? Who and what have we been? In the next century, can we even continue to speak (could we ever?) of a collective "we"? For the longest, of course, these questions had simple answers. America was white. America was male. America was heterosexual. America was Christian. America, above all, was a melting pot into which diverse cultural communities gleefully descended to achieve the social and ideological transformation necessary for inclusion within the American Dream. That many of us--marginalized and oftentimes invisible Americans of African, Asian, Latino and Native descent, as well as women and the working poor--never quite melted and metamorphosized according to this traditional prescription for social progress, hardly mattered. The great distance between the Dream and our actual lives was not due to any fault in the Dream: the defect was in us. The Dream thus survived intact, its seductive power sustained by America's stubborn refusal to look too closely at the hidden but terrible costs of "the good life" and at who actually could--much less wanted to--afford it. The sixties, of course, spotlighted the complex oppressive regime of thought, politics and culture which underlay the myth of America. For the first time in U.S. history, the ideological fabric of white heterosexual patriarchy was exposed for the life-constricting straightjacket it had always been. Despite conservative attempts during subsequent years at repair, the old social fabric has been steadily unraveling. Thus we have arrived at this present moment, wherein a nation historically averse to serious introspection now exhibits--in its politics and popular media as well as its universities--an almost obsessive reflexive preoccupation with our national identity. To be expected, much of the current debate is simply a re-hash of old opinion--an attempt to forcefully rebut and undercut the de-centering politics of radical multiculturalism (i.e., the kind of multiculturalism where difference actually makes a differ-ence). Bring back the melting pot. Restore "traditional values." Re-institute prayer in schools. Preserve the primacy of Western civilization (the only one that matters anyway). And not least, protect that critical bedrock of American greatness, "the American family": such pronouncements reveal an intense, even pathological desire to perpetuate a thoroughly obsolete myth of America, and through this, a repressively orthodox system of sociocultural entitlement. hile the ideas of conservative/fundamentalist America are hardly new, the typically strident pitch with which such ideas are now being argued betrays how acutely anxious many conservatives have come to feel, due to both real and anticipitated loss of privilege and power. What is more, arch-conservative rhetoric--as should be evident to anyone watching our presidential elections for the past quarter century--has found a certain public resonance. Difference, in the traditionalist outlook, has been regressively equated with disunity; and disunity with profound social chaos and collapse. Just as nature abhors a vacuum, so, it seems, do many Americans with regard to the social-political myths by which they organize and make sense of their lives. Even a fundamentally flawed, repressive, inequitable social order seems to many better than none at all. A clear imperative thus confronts American progressives--that intricate (and frequently fragile) web of communities comprised of people of color, feminists, gays and lesbians, the poor and working class, as well as ethnic whites who value ethnicity, indeed all who have been systematically disenfrancised and dehumanized under the once ascendant "traditional values" of pre-Civil Rights America. It's no longer enough, if it ever was, to critique interlocking systems of oppression without offering affirming alternatives of how society should and can reconstitute itself. As we move into the inevitably more demanding multilingual, multicultural environment--both nationally and globally--of the next century, our greatest task will be an inversion of the commonly assumed equivalence between difference and disunity. We must re-write this equation, demonstrating again and again that unity does not require unanimity, that unity--that is, a sense of social cohesion, of community--can and does derive from the expression, comprehension, and active nurturing (and not merely tolerance or fetishization) of difference. This is the new standard of civilized life that now demands our urgent labor, a new world order, if you will, that subverts traditional conceptions of social order: a standard which in effect subverts the meaning of the word "standard" itself. For the new order must be comprised of multiple standards: shifting, open-ended, dynamically transforming, so as to engender ways of thinking and living that privilege no one set of cultural differences over another but affirm virtue in all. This perspective forms the key inspiration and overarching theme in STANDARDS. Page after page eloquently testifies to the commitment of a new generation of America's best and brightest to shaping a radically redefined vision of our future, where old repressive dualisms of race, class, sexuality, gender and nationality no longer reign--a future in which not merely some but all of us are free to explore and express our richest humanity. Marlon Riggs Oakland, 1992 MARLON T. RIGGS was a producer, director, and writer, who graduated with honors from Harvard in 1978, and received the MA from UC Berkeley, where he later taught Documentary Film in the Graduate School of Journalism. His films include Tongues Untied, the acclaimed account of Black gay male life; and Ethnic Notions, for which he was awarded the Emmy. Mr. Riggs' work has been published in the anthology Brother to Brother, as well as in arts and literary magazines, including High Performance, Black American Literature Forum, and Art Journal. A media activist, he testified before the U.S. Senate, and wrote extensively on the issue of censorship. Mr. Riggs was also on the policy committee of the national PBS, and served on various other panels, including the National Endowment for the Arts. Marlon T. Riggs died of AIDS-related complications in 1994. We remember him with deepest respect and admiration. Riggs' final film, Black Is...Black Ain't, was shown across the nation, to much acclaim. More information on the press release at this link. "Introduction to STANDARDS: V5N1" © 1992, 1995 by Marlon T. Riggs. Original Graphic Images ©1995 by Lenni J. Calipo Journal Contents Page standards@colorado.edu About Standards 12/23/22, 2:01 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: http://resources.gruwup.net/Colorado.Edu/Marlon%20Riggs%20-%20Tongues%20Untied%20Documentary/ 12/23/22, 2:01 AM - Crisis Text Line: This is the crisis text line. I am not clicking on any links you send me.If you need support,then I will talk to you, but if this continues, I will end the chat 12/23/22, 2:02 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://youtu.be/RIbGmSMVK40 12/23/22, 2:04 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I don't care about that you have no ability to link to your policy the link itself provides information into the drought of this conversation by having it in the preview it's enough of the information that begins a form and understanding sir it's important to have that information in this conversation. Trying to direct me to not share to you something that needs to be shared to you you may see me something that you don't look at and work but you have to think about it when you're at home 12/23/22, 2:05 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Talking is talking typing is typing and how and narrow narratives of a storyline that is involved in audio presentations already as I've already set an audio presentation why would I have to or want to or need to or be forced to type it again I've already said it it sounds different format so what the format is your application to receive not my obligation to have to reject it because you don't accept it you can accept it or not accept it you have the ability to make it acceptable or make it not acceptable for the remainder of all things not acceptable I can still share it I can still make a reference to it I can still talk about it you can't tell me what I can't talk about but I should have to talk about that it has to be in your specific issue of ideal or specification or you won't receive it I can talk about whatever it is I want to talk about and you can't tell me I have to talk about certain things or certain ways or certain beings this is supposed to be a support line not a 12/23/22, 2:06 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Let's talk about suicide 12/23/22, 2:07 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Have you ever had anybody die of suicide around you? Here's one for you since you deal with clients are colors or texters or customers however you refer to us I say you refer to as refer to us as fools. . Have you ever had a client or a customer or a caller or texter commit suicide in the view of after effect or time frame you were talking to them that must be very traumatic to have that happen. 12/23/22, 2:07 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Stories line your stories and things of great cruelty happen because humans are really bad to one another we're really nasty 12/23/22, 2:07 AM - Crisis Text Line: Are you asking me if I know someone that has committed suicide? 12/23/22, 2:08 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm sure you have lots of stories that are basically at the time you started doing this probably said nah that's not true that's not true and maybe you began a little jaded but probably you have enough sharing now you know in this regard that now things don't face you that something like something very bad described is a reality for many people 12/23/22, 2:09 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The materials that I've written in this weekend. Yeah I'm asking if you know somebody who has committed suicide you are in a job that is very close to those events much more than some like a person out on the oil rig they are very far removed from people who would be committing suicide I would assume I don't know I'm sure there are people who are on oil Riggs that commit suicide too 12/23/22, 2:10 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So, do you have an answer 12/23/22, 2:10 AM - Crisis Text Line: I think this may be a misuse of our service. Misuse can result in this chat closing and (1/2) 12/23/22, 2:10 AM - Crisis Text Line: a potential ban from our service. If you have any question you can reach out info@crisistextline.org (2/2) 12/23/22, 2:10 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: What is the misuse of your service sir explain it to me I asked you a question about suicide so we can start talking about suicide you want to have a conversation about suicide or you want to not have a conversation about suicide you're back and forth and all over the place like you're trying to intentionally confuse me and now he's basically threatened the fact that if I don't comply with certain status then cut off from a conversation that basically doing nothing I'm trying to relate to you and if you try I'm trying to get you to relate to me what's wrong with you now I'm picking on you 12/23/22, 2:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And by the way the info at crisis textline.org is non-responsive. They don't answer there's time frames there's no answer it it repeats it mirrors back the copy that you sent but there's no human interaction at all instead waste of time it's just running and nobody's paying attention to it so that is the status of that entire process that you each time you refer to somebody to the info.org and they use it they get disappointed because that's what happens to me anyway I don't understand why you would prefer somebody to a service that doesn't work try it yourself try it yourself try to get somebody to enter they'll ask a question and it says it's 72 72 hours 12/23/22, 2:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm constantly using that in the view that if I have the email in my field of vision I'll put it in there cuz all it does is you know repeat and put a acknowledgment that it's received and I guess because it's processed to produce a credit chain of the content but every single one of the emails that I sent has never had a human interaction 12/23/22, 2:13 AM - Crisis Text Line: You are sending a lot of messages that don't make sense. You seem to be rambling on about a lot and I'm not sure how to help you or if you need help. (1/2) 12/23/22, 2:13 AM - Crisis Text Line: If you need support right now, then I will speak to you. But if you don't then I will end the chat. (2/2) 12/23/22, 2:13 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Maybe one day soon that they artificial intelligence will be able to read it and do something with it as a collective I'm sure it will never be seen by the last day 12/23/22, 2:16 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I have a lot of email addresses I just clicked you know put into an inbox of file folder and you can mark it red so I don't have to deal with it but it's a part of my mail storage and should I make a search and then I have it something that comes up in the matching of the search that I did not know that was there that's a perfectly example perfect example of an inbox that has a variety of things that you don't necessarily read or never never read ever again you guys it's possibly never read anything how many minutes you never see or never read but every once in a while you'll get a hit on something that's the sauce to which you put into the view there isn't any other source they're not nothing online you're trying to go find out something online I've had to have some sometimes can't find something I said oh let me check let me check it through the email and see if I can find something relevant to something I have in a trust of a 76 you don't read most of what comes in but then again it's going to hit it if it's that what you need and this is true certain things now like that what it is n't a table of particular worms in the types of worms and their appropriate use as bait for individual types of fish and that's a good one for you which fish work best with which one base? 12/23/22, 2:17 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And that would be something too then also apply the time of day and specifically the area of the lake or wherever you're fishing all of these specifications would be into a table and many of these people very serious about their crafts develop that table or whatever it is I think it's that's cool that people can do things because and you learn a troll that you don't use very often for something that you can create that you don't have to you know hold his name memory or whatever write it down and then create and it's done I think this is so many of these kind of tools out there and they get wiped away so easily too they're there LOL stupid things this is absolutely what is the purpose of this year know and you realize you don't then go at the end I hadn't gone back there a long time or whatever and you go back to this cause oh that was a shame that was so good and interesting how it attach itself to prices and digital references just same as other objects in memory and stuff is if it's amazing 12/23/22, 2:18 AM - Crisis Text Line: I'm wondering, throughout all of this - are you currently having thoughts of suicide? 12/23/22, 2:18 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: See I can go on forever about how to talk to our devices and record a searchable set of files that becomes searchable in the closest to which I have no time frame right now it's 216 I figure I'll go to 3:00 they turn that texting off for me hello glasses the human involvement here at all this are you currently having 12/23/22, 2:20 AM - Crisis Text Line: I'm going to go ahead and end this conversation. Please lean on your coping today to find some relief. Even if small, like resting or eating. Take care. 12/23/22, 2:20 AM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 12/23/22, 2:20 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. You matter. 12/23/22, 2:20 AM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=v0vVGa63a581038c10b&r=0&m=Whatsapp 12/23/22, 2:21 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If I say the word suicide that means I'm having thoughts of suicide if I'm having thoughts of suicide that I'm going to act upon myself I don't have that right now I'm not planning a suicide I'm planning to have to have a suicide because there's no other options of resolve that's a completely different thing but I have done is then focus on trying to create the materials that puts into view that I don't have to commit suicide so I don't have to commit suicide if the materials I put in view are received and acknowledged and processed like a normal professional would do but none of the professionals are real professionals around here so it defaults the state that nobody cares to hold the space to prevent my suicide so that is the way it is and then further on to this idea of suicide like I said let's say or or consider a the genre of suicide that starts or suicide thoughts of doing something in suicidal action that's not the same thing to see everything and then you can apply the fact that you are planning a suicide and if you have plans or suicide I have a directive that I told my mother that if I was really serious because I said I really didn't I didn't want to come back here I shouldn't come back here whenever I end up in the course to which I was from Denver I should have never come back here it's dysfunctional it's a disarray of things that don't make any sense a wish wash of bunch of nonsense carrying on that has no purpose or focus just to carry on to have no purpose of focus no no constructive ideology of a constitution that a person holds dear and constructs their life around 12/23/22, 2:21 AM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 12/23/22, 2:21 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: But if there was a plan for a suicide it will it will be a stretch out because I have to I have to get to Denver and I have to have a conversation of about a certain things about age practice and my final wishes 12/23/22, 2:21 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 2:21 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 2:23 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: What determines whether or not you should or should not terminate a relation conversation and what is it that makes it under the control that you have any right to terminate a relationship a conversation there's no time limit right so what is it that determines whether or not a counselor has the right to terminate conversation what is that training where is that training and what is involved with that I want to know 12/23/22, 2:23 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line's service is available in the United States. If you are outside of the U.S., you can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 12/23/22, 2:26 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: In the view that a person is stressful and trying to be honorable to have a conversation with somebody response time and back and forth that wasn't a time I was consider that I ignored the kind of the counselor the counselor is has an attitude in his last few that he was not going to get an answer or if he didn't answer it wasn't the answer he was meaning to see him process like I have to conform to a standard that he's directing so what is the rules of order and give the counselor the green light to close out a chat session if you read these conversations none of these things have like many other interfaces here like like the bank and talk about the bank you have a particular solution question and they have a solution so you say no you say thank you for fixing anything and then they say is there anything else I can do for you they open the thing up so a person who's on the phone in this thing who has another issue that that they could no know that they were going to do opening the fact that 12/23/22, 2:26 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 2:26 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 2:27 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I I can't understand what is causing the immediate closure in a way that doesn't make any sense 12/23/22, 2:27 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 2:28 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes There's a yes or no question in the reset each time they do this if you don't know that the conversation reset because I'm just going to stay on here 12/23/22, 2:28 AM - Crisis Text Line: We know you've been dealing with a lot lately. We want to give you the tools you need in order to be able to better support yourself. Our goal is to support you through a crisis. So, we'll be here for you, but we're going to keep our convos to 45 mins, every 48 hrs. 12/23/22, 2:28 AM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 12/23/22, 2:29 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Was that a direct question to just answer cuz I don't think I've ever seen that and is that though it's 45 minutes and every 48 hours that's for sale I've seen that. 12/23/22, 2:29 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 12/23/22, 2:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So when you have a dispute about time it's not yet 45 minutes and the counselor is complaining is or something you know annoyance that the materials that they are receiving is not understandable not to a standard there they're wanting to answer and then they terminate the call and you have no two sense that you had any kind of betterments on site do you have the right to call back and if you do have the right to call back and you know 12/23/22, 2:39 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hey, you're still in line for a human Crisis Counselor. If you're in immediate danger, call 911 for help. Text STOP to end this convo for now. 12/23/22, 2:54 AM - Crisis Text Line: We're seeing high volume right now. While waiting, some people find a breathing exercise helpful. Try it: bit.ly/breath_ref. Text STOP to end this convo for now 12/23/22, 3:09 AM - Crisis Text Line: You’re still in line to connect with a Crisis Counselor. Explore other resources while you wait: goo.gl/4ue45I. Text STOP to end this convo for now. 12/23/22, 3:29 AM - Crisis Text Line: We’re still working to connect you to a Crisis Counselor, thanks for waiting. Text STOP to end this convo for now. 12/23/22, 4:29 AM - Crisis Text Line: We’re here for you. You’re still in line to be connected to a human Crisis Counselor. You can text STOP to end this convo at any time. 12/23/22, 5:53 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hello, I'm Terry, and I'm here for you. You are not alone. 12/23/22, 5:58 AM - Crisis Text Line: Is this still a good time for you to talk? I am here for you. You deserve support. 12/23/22, 6:01 AM - Crisis Text Line: If you are still able to talk, I am here. Is there a specific crisis you're struggling with right now? 12/23/22, 6:03 AM - Crisis Text Line: I'm sorry you had to wait. If you're still able to talk, I am here to support you. 12/23/22, 6:03 AM - Crisis Text Line: It seems this is no longer a good time for you to talk. If you'd like to talk again, we are here 24/7. Take care. 12/23/22, 6:03 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. You matter. 12/23/22, 6:03 AM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 12/23/22, 6:03 AM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=3GnKzN63a5b5340011f&r=0&m=Whatsapp 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0003. 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0002. 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0001. 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 6:59 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:00 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You are not off the hook for this! 12/23/22, 7:00 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 12/23/22, 7:00 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 12/23/22, 7:00 PM - Crisis Text Line: We know you've been dealing with a lot lately. We want to give you the tools you need in order to be able to better support yourself. Our goal is to support you through a crisis. So, we'll be here for you, but we're going to keep our convos to 45 mins, every 48 hrs. 12/23/22, 7:00 PM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 12/23/22, 7:00 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Survey being answered: Absolutely outrageous unacceptable intolerable dangerous fatal. I just don't know how to describe to you that if I am actually suicidal which I could be right now you would have a dead person on your hands. And and the WhatsApp conversation would show that your counselors pushed me to suicide. I am not kidding. The training involved in the counselors to do this and call me a prank and everything is outrageous. I have actually 911 text interface trying to get you to understand that 911 emergency is not available to me. For I am a targeted individual of gang stalking which is a crime. None of your counselors were helpful and all of them antagonistic to the way I need to express this story. There is no apology that can satisfy me. 12/23/22, 7:00 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 12/23/22, 7:02 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Assign out of network of the interference #BigManKillingTechBug I have not time for you because you are predestined to be dysfunctional because you are assigned to me because I am a targeted individual across the darknet that I do not consent to I do not consent to this darknet application of a big man killing tech bug. Goodbye 12/23/22, 7:02 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) 12/23/22, 7:02 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:03 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Shall I describe that image? 12/23/22, 7:04 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) 12/23/22, 7:04 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:04 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi there, my name is Lourdes. I'm here to listen. It sounds like you've been going through a lot. Would you be open to sharing more about how we can help you? 12/23/22, 7:04 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Shall I describe that image? 12/23/22, 7:05 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Hey Lourdes. I tried talking to you before. You cut me off 12/23/22, 7:05 PM - Crisis Text Line: Sure, our service doesn't allow images to be received. I'm here to listen and support you and help you build coping skills to work through a tough time. 12/23/22, 7:06 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I have I have snippets and screen snapshots from my actual 911 text interface. Would you like to for me to describe them for you as I sent them into this text conversation. Or you could retrieve them by following through the link and opening this conversation with all media accessible. Either way I will describe the images for you 12/23/22, 7:06 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Here's what my service says that I just went to and I stayed on the the crisis text line trying counselor after counselor after counselor after counselor who would not talk to me and have a conversation with me and stop shuffling it off to nothing. Shuffling me off to nothing 12/23/22, 7:06 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Over and over and over counselor after counselor after counselor 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0001. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0002. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - Crisis Text Line: It sounds like you were in need of help & reached out to 911. It sounds like you're trying really hard. I know you've been dealing with a lot. How can I help? 12/23/22, 7:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is a record of this chat. History why that is a record of this chat you can access the 911 snapshots from my text messages. You can access 911 text messages in full for the entire 911 text interface sessions same consideration. The entire record is documented. 12/23/22, 7:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) 12/23/22, 7:08 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Shall I describe image? 12/23/22, 7:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43826597-the-governors-of-gangstalking 12/23/22, 7:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Quoted Inside 12/23/22, 7:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Rev 3A - This short ebook describes the leaders of the gangstalking program against Targeted Individuals in the United States. Their names are David J. Glawe and Brian J. Murphy. I was able to track down these two criminals, due to the brave efforts of police whistleblowers. During 2018, there were 3 police whistleblowers that stated the Fusion Centers were being used as Gangstalking control stations. The Intelligence & Analysis Office of DHS provides funding, training, free software, database and contact lists, and some of the key personnel for the Fusion Centers in the United States. I & A Office coordinates between the Fusion Centers and works with the Emergency 911 Call Centers in the United States, to block and redirect the emergency calls of Targeted Individuals. Many Targeted Individuals have experienced what happens when making a 911 emergency call and no ambulance arrives, or police arrive and mock you. 12/23/22, 7:10 PM - Crisis Text Line: I hear that you've had some difficult experiences & they didn't work out as you expected. It's understandable to be disappointed. It sounds like you're [1/2] 12/23/22, 7:10 PM - Crisis Text Line: [2/2] worried about others coming after you, is that right? 12/23/22, 7:10 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That's part one. Here's part 2 actual 911 text interface dialog. The XML of the entire history so far captured and this session on this phone I have tried over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over to have a conversation and to have 911 services and to have Police services to have action crisis text line services. You all don't treat me with respect and you treat me as though I don't know that this is being monitored and that I have to deal with you all haters and Nazis 12/23/22, 7:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You are subject to being put into the view of me because you have considered to being a victim or a participant of hate. We are all victims 12/23/22, 7:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt and get busy and start opening the links and support me and start contacting your supervisor of your training and get something resolved here. It's absolutely ridiculous 12/23/22, 7:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Your board of directors Dr Alfie she blocks me on Twitter she blocks me on Instagram to have this conversation. 12/23/22, 7:13 PM - Crisis Text Line: I hear how frustrated you are. It's understandable when you feel others are not listening or dismissing you. Is there a specific crisis you're struggling with? 12/23/22, 7:13 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Your email address info@CrisisTextLine.org is a fraud. It goes back and is responsive but there is no human interface there at all. No one responds the echo back is just a formality to show that you care somehow but it's not tested it needs to be audited just like everything else here. You are a fake if you cancel this conversation 12/23/22, 7:14 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yeah I'm about to commit suicide because I have no services available to reach to. This is not a normal situation. Don't treat me like anybody else treat me like you can read and be an IQ above 80 after all. Otherwise you have an IQ of 80 I have to assume that you cannot understand what I'm saying 12/23/22, 7:14 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: This is b*******. This entire record is b*******. It could be proven that there is a bias here against crisis text line and I'm going to have you turn down and turned off for being a public nuisance. That public nuisance is documented at the reviews of site jabber. You want to see them open the f****** link. 12/23/22, 7:15 PM - Crisis Text Line: I'm here for you. It takes courage to talk about having suicidal thoughts. I'm wondering if you have a plan for how you would end your life? 12/23/22, 7:15 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sitejabber.com/reviews/crisistextline.org/amp 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Overview Crisis Text Line has a consumer rating of 1.48 stars from 56 reviews indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Consumers complaining about Crisis Text Line most frequently mention mental health and long time problems.Crisis Text Line ranks 54th among Non Profit sites. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You are a public nuisance and are fatal to people who are in crisis. I'm going to commit suicide and going to be having to deal with the aftermath. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Have a conversation after all and get real. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0001. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0007. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0002. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:17 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Have I got your full and complete attention to my rights instead of your training that destroys my rights? 12/23/22, 7:17 PM - Crisis Text Line: I understand you're not satisfied with our service. I can't view links or pictures that you send through. I'd really like to focus on how I can help you today? 12/23/22, 7:17 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Chat History ( with media ) being attached to survey. Get real 12/23/22, 7:18 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I suggest you forward this to your supervisor and stop complaining that you can't do that because you can you have a supervisor you have scheduled training forward that chat right there to your supervisor. Say you're going to forward that to your supervisor confirm the direction of change 12/23/22, 7:19 PM - Crisis Text Line: I hear you've been dealing with a lot. You deserve support and understanding. I'm curious if you have someone you trust that you can share how you're feeling? 12/23/22, 7:19 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm not just to satisfied with your service sir I suggest that your service is a part of a conspiracy sir. That conspiracy is probable sir beyond a reasonable doubt sir. You work for a company that is involving a conspiracy that does not give equality to your counselors services and you are individually specifically trained to know that. To know that we are targeted individuals and that you're training puts you into view that you act a certain way instead of having a rational human conversation 12/23/22, 7:19 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: No I do not have anybody I can trust not even my very own mother. 12/23/22, 7:20 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: A few a few months back she threatened to kill me. She can offset it and say it wasn't serious but about an hour later she said the following to me. She was reacting to my idea of bringing God into a conversation 12/23/22, 7:20 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: She said that her relationship to God was none of her son's business. 12/23/22, 7:20 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And that regard yes it is part of my business and in the regard only validates the statement that she threatened to kill me that is the house that I'm living in. 12/23/22, 7:20 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And I have the social services and everything has been cut off for me you cannot tell me to dial 911 it doesn't work 12/23/22, 7:20 PM - Crisis Text Line: That has to be very difficult for you. You deserve to have people you can trust and support, especially your mom. How do you cope with not having her support? 12/23/22, 7:21 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: According to the governor's your game sucking 911 services is restricted from my use as a targeted individual of gang stalking. According to my legal questions com gang stalking is a crime. Then sucking is a crime even though 911 text interface says that it is not a crime. It is a crime 12/23/22, 7:21 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You can open it up for your f****** self I'm sick and tired of being a pawn in a game that the people on the other side of my internet internet connections are viewing me as a fool. I'm not a fool and you get yourself interview forward this to your supervisor 12/23/22, 7:22 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Email me: factsdontlie.hatedon.ldied@gmail.com 12/23/22, 7:23 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is an email on valid playing in existence been active for almost a year now I'm history wide done with you all. You either do this normally like normal professional people or you are committing me to die by suicide. 12/23/22, 7:23 PM - Crisis Text Line: How about we identify some ways to cope with all these terrible things surrounding you. You deserve to feel some relief and comfort. What kind of [1/2] 12/23/22, 7:23 PM - Crisis Text Line: [2/2] activities do you like? 12/23/22, 7:23 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If you ask me to talk about suicide my answer is a SoundCloud audio. I have the right to answer your questions about suicide with a absolutely expensive view of what is going on here you cannot tell me I cannot answer you this way. So you want to ask about suicide? 12/23/22, 7:24 PM - Crisis Text Line: Your well-being and safety matters. If you're having suicidal thoughts, I'd like to be here and support you. It's not easy to be open like you are. 12/23/22, 7:24 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I want my questions return back to normal and have a conversation as it's supposed to be. Now you're trying to make it all up trying to back pedal. I think you're insane. I think you're incompetent to have a conversation. I think it's all ridiculous. I think you're a nuisance on to the community. I think you should be shut down. I think I might Twitter for to Dr Alfie that's coming forward should not be blocked. It should be responded to. Like normal professional people do. To prevent a suicide that is your obligation. 12/23/22, 7:25 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Do you understand me? 12/23/22, 7:25 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: More than suicidal thoughts. A plan goes into action if I do not get a professional response to my calling for help 12/23/22, 7:26 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That plan includes having to go to Denver colorado. I'm in San Bernardino California. I made a court packed agreement with one of my students. That if I have to commit to a coursework of suicide to get the attention to these matters I will have to come visit Denver and my student in 12/23/22, 7:26 PM - Crisis Text Line: I understand that you're feeling misunderstood and that we're not taking your complaints seriously. You deserve compassion & care. How can I support you today? 12/23/22, 7:27 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The prevention measures are the following. You have to open the audio of a SoundCloud who's graphic is showing radioactive. 12/23/22, 7:28 PM - Crisis Text Line: Is there something specific that is bothering you today? We have about 20 minutes left to chat and I'd like to help you identify a coping skill to support you. 12/23/22, 7:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The graphic for the audio is radioactive because all of civil society is treated to the nice little interface that is a male adjusted interface of our technology that is tapped into the dark net. That's tapped into a network digital overlay called the darknet. That is in the view that directs my communications of what is called information cyber transactions into a specific course. Cyber course. I have no control over this what's a person is viewed as a targeted individual 12/23/22, 7:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Crisis text line is a part of this network that scares my communications into the wrong direction. There is no equality here I can prove it. 12/23/22, 7:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Steers 12/23/22, 7:29 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So let's talk about suicide after the link for the 911 conversation XML. Hold 12/23/22, 7:29 PM - Crisis Text Line: I understand you do not trust our service. We're here for you in these moments. I want to check on your safety and ask if you have a plan to end your life? 12/23/22, 7:29 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: http://fuckeduphuman.space/911-Text-Interface/wow-911-msg-122222.vzm 12/23/22, 7:30 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I don't have that plan yet but it is shortly happening that I'm going to cut everybody out go missing off the grid and that's going to happen because you can't be professional nobody can be professional and have a conversation about the underpinnings of what is true truly happening here. 12/23/22, 7:30 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Vzm file format 12/23/22, 7:31 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: A VZM file is a message backup file created by Verizon Messages or Verizon Message+, which are text messaging apps provided to Verizon wireless users. It contains a record of one or more messages sent or received through Messages or Message+.Jul 12, 2021 12/23/22, 7:31 PM - Crisis Text Line: We've been talking for a little bit now, would you feel comfortable sharing your name with me? 12/23/22, 7:31 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That file if you open it up as an XML file of real 911 text interface this is not a prank and you are not going to tell me it is again 12/23/22, 7:33 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I I will only share my name once you do the following. Open soundcloud or read the title of the SoundCloud my next share and type that title out back to me. And I will provide you with my name but everybody knows who I am anyway. If you dial the police tell them that you have a copy of the 911 text interface XML for your review. You must have the audio included with your needs to call the police if that's what you're going to do with my name. 12/23/22, 7:33 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978/in-the-alls-of-all-halls-of?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=4f86bb0240c142e3a85f6f06a6a878cc&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/23/22, 7:33 PM - Crisis Text Line: Unfortunately I'm unable to open any of the files you send. I understand how frustrating this can be. Would you be open to a resource on coping skills? 12/23/22, 7:34 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The title of that audio is what? Once you provide me the title of that audio into this conversation the title is showing you on this screen type it out type out the title of that audio committing yourself to moral agency of this matter. The audio is a part of the answer about suicide and is not separable. Take and type it out and send that title back to me giving you moral agency over this matter. 12/23/22, 7:35 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If you do not do that you are a freak. You are a Nazi sympathizing hater who was at the church and lead of this crisis text line knowing exactly what it is. Otherwise type out the title of the SoundCloud audio. 12/23/22, 7:35 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Once again the chat narrative of this conversation right here and now is included in this chat log with all media exposed the actual file is going to be sent to 911 text interface and into your survey. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0007. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0009. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0002. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0001. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - Crisis Text Line: We've been chatting for a while now. You deserve to feel some comfort. As we wrap up our conversation, is there something nice you can do for yourself? 12/23/22, 7:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I have the right to concede this situation as I must. I will not give up my rights that you keep violating time and time again. I have the right to revoke or reject or reverse consists that I do not give my consent for you to break my rights just because of some sort of policy in your training. We have no to need to wrap up this conversation. Follow the law and stop breaking my rights 12/23/22, 7:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Forward this to your supervisor and if you do not do these things you are a Nazi white supremacist operator of this chat service provable beyond a reasonable doubt 12/23/22, 7:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Simple actions that you can do but you will refuse so you are definitely protecting the Nazis 12/23/22, 7:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Simple actions that are legal and binding perform the actions there is no reason to wrap this conversation up that is a lie you just deceived me 12/23/22, 7:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You are not here for me every single word that comes out of your your training and your texts are not compassionate they're intended to destroy me to give me false confidence and false trust 12/23/22, 7:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt do not close this session 12/23/22, 7:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm going to file for having your service destroyed. As a public nuisance 12/23/22, 7:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is with the justice department 12/23/22, 7:39 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Perform the actions required to keep this conversation in moral guidance according to the law of the United States of America and as a right of a citizen to protest this service as a public nuisance and I know what the f*** I'm talking about 12/23/22, 7:39 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978/in-the-alls-of-all-halls-of?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=4f86bb0240c142e3a85f6f06a6a878cc&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/23/22, 7:39 PM - Crisis Text Line: It sounds like you have strong instincts to protect yourself, that is a great quality. I know you feel we didn't hear you, but it takes courage to reach out. 12/23/22, 7:39 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That title is displayed. The graphic has changed. Return me the title of that audio that is posted on soundcloud immediately 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - Crisis Text Line: I'm going to close our conversation now. We're here 24/7 if you're in crisis again. Take care. 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Now now that is an answer I can accept that I have strong instincts to protect myself yes that is a great quality 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You can't close this conversation 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. You matter. 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=GeJx7W63a674b6d9374&r=0&m=Whatsapp 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: It's not satisfied that you will not engage the title of the SoundCloud that is displayed in the WhatsApp app it's displayed to you so you can put it back to me you have a convincing notion that you do not allow people to have their voice 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0009. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0002. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0010. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0007. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0001. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We know you've been dealing with a lot lately. We want to give you the tools you need in order to be able to better support yourself. Our goal is to support you through a crisis. So, we'll be here for you, but we're going to keep our convos to 45 mins, every 48 hrs. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 12/23/22, 7:42 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Crisis text line is my crisis 12/23/22, 7:42 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 12/23/22, 7:42 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The activity here needs to be forwarded to your board of directors. I suggest Dr Alfie 12/23/22, 7:43 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi-ya, I’m Mark. Thank you for texting in today. A bravo worthy decision. I'm here to listen with you. Can you tell me a little more? This is you time 12/23/22, 7:43 PM - Crisis Text Line: Being here shows that you’ve not turned away from your vision or goal to find a way forward to find the calm and peace you’re worthy of 12/23/22, 7:43 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The activity here needs to be forwarded to your board of directors. I suggest Dr Alfie. Do you understand? Hi Mark 12/23/22, 7:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: This is not your normal conversation so stop treating me like a normal conversation right now and move to a higher plane of vision. If you give me one of those more can messages that you have on this line you're going to have this line filed and reported with a justice department. I probably have to do that anyway. 12/23/22, 7:44 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hey Glad you're here for you. Not sure I understand if you can help me out a bid that would be great 12/23/22, 7:45 PM - Crisis Text Line: I dont cut and paste at all and me canned read my lack of commas bad grammer and spelling at times but I hear you how it can off putting to feel that 12/23/22, 7:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I know what you said. But I'm replying to your exact word. There is no bid here. That would represent that I'm bidding somehow so how to have some sort of monetary influence. There is no monetary influence here there is only logistics and a conversation flow that should begin and end natural with no b*******. So far b******* b******* b******* b******* I have this is I do believe 10th chat conversation. All in a row. This is WhatsApp I just installed it for my own purposes. What's up on Facebook failed. It did not have this feature that this tool has. I can forward you the actual chat transcript within itself looping it into a loop over loop over loop over loop getting you to open it up if you need to but the references are I can share you this exact transcript to yourself. 12/23/22, 7:47 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The history that has transpired here in the last 12 hours should go to your board of directors Dr Alfie Noble should be that person I pick because I have prior history with her 12/23/22, 7:47 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm in crisis. Crisis to a point.. to a point where I'm about to plan my suicide 12/23/22, 7:48 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: My first effort here with crisis text line calls me a fraud or a prank. This is no prank I guarantee you 12/23/22, 7:48 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: There is no 911 services that you can direct me to that does not work. 12/23/22, 7:48 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thank you can tell me what your plan is to end your life? 12/23/22, 7:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You are fresh so let me give you something to see apparently you do see that I tried to send an image here so I'm going to send an image here again into this chat. That reference of this chat which I just sent has this image already been in all you have to do is open it and the image is the revealed so there's no reason to say you can't have an image because you can have an image embedded into this conversation. I'm not answering your questions directly I'm not avoiding them I'm saying I'm not answering them one by one directly. The answer is already provided in the chat text log that has already transcribed on crisis text line I don't need to repeat myself until you're ready to understand the limits to which you can command me over the technology that is being used here I've already answered that. Not to you of course but to every person that has not continued a conversation as counselors. Time for the end this chat it says no. Violations for being a prank it says. No. Don't worry crisis text line is here for us. No 12/23/22, 7:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Did you get my point? 12/23/22, 7:52 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Let's have a conversation after you understand there is a SoundCloud audio file. When I post the link into this conversation you are given that title. You say you don't copy and paste you have the ability to type that title back to me. Thus that title becomes important to the plan that you want to see you want to open a plan I don't have to talk about a plan in this text when you include the entire plan the entire plan is to save my life to save to have a suicide prevention intercede instead of a suicide proceeding. That is an audio file. On SoundCloud. Considered published 12/23/22, 7:52 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) 12/23/22, 7:52 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:53 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I just not shared a snapshot of a active 911 showing on my device text interface. It reflects that I'm battling with 911 police of the San Bernardino Police department. They're they're accusing me of abusing the 911 text services. They're saying that it's not an emergency. They're saying that gang stalking is not a crime. They are lying through their teeth the same as the counselors on this line. What gives you the right to lie to me? 12/23/22, 7:53 PM - Crisis Text Line: Fair and legit but to perhaps not be perfect we cannot get images sorry [Texter has just send a gif, video, or image, which our platform cannot accept.] 12/23/22, 7:56 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I said it was a copy of my 911 text interface on this side of my device and life. It's enclosed into the link that opens this entire history up on WhatsApp crisis text line conversation. That your words are entered into. Now I'm going over to my 911 Verizon messages app and I'm going to copy and paste. Do you mind? That's from 911 text interface with the San Bernardino Police department and this is not a prank. This is not a prank you can't claim it a prank because you have the image that shows it a real conversation open on my device. Plus you have this link if you care to understand you're in the receipt of the link. You are in receipt of the link you do not have to link to it you just have to be in receipt of the link for it to be binding that you were received the information. Maybe not you mark but somehow crisis text line received the information. Therefore this conversation should be forward to your board of directors. Whether or not your training is set up so you can link to it the link itself is received by your organization and that is all you need to know at this point and to continue complaining about it only goes to show you have an issue with having the link shared. You cannot restrict the link from being shared. The link is valid the link opens and XML file for the 911 text interface for the San Bernardino Police department that has the same information that I'm going to copy and paste into this chat so you can read it with your restrictions of your training. Do you understand? 12/23/22, 7:56 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: http://fuckeduphuman.space/911-Text-Interface/wow-911-msg-122222.vzm 12/23/22, 7:58 PM - Crisis Text Line: There's no purpose to lie to you for any reason It may be that I'm not fully aware of what you're facing Let me see what I can do thank you for understanding 12/23/22, 7:59 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is a real domain and if you look at the registration of the domain you'll find that it is in my name. If you want my real name well you have an access to know how to get my real name. And the San Bernardino Police department has a record of all of this anyway and if you dispatch or call to try to get them to come over here it will be out of integrity that they will not come over here properly. I'm describing to you that I'm in crisis I'm describing to them I'm in crisis I'm describing to them that this is an emergency and they're describing to me it's not. I'm describing to them that gang stalking is a crime and they're describing to me that it's not. And I'm going to describe another link if I have to. According to my legalquestions.com an article that was actually just issued last month dated November. What is gang stalking? At the very top it says law and fact checked. Within the text itself of the article it says that gang stalking is a crime. 12/23/22, 8:00 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So I'm going now to my nine my messenger and pulling out 911 snippet that shows that the 911 text interface is describing to me that is not available to me even though it should be. It should be this is a crisis I'm thinking of suicide and the plan goes into action because none of you can be a real conversation and treat me like a real person with my real rights enabled. That includes crisis text line. So I'll be back in a second. 12/23/22, 8:01 PM - Crisis Text Line: And we got you I got you I'm 100% here for you with like batman and robin together we can create safety for you Let's do it 12/23/22, 8:02 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: A few days ago on a prior session of 911 text interface this is saying they have the following statement and that that's embedded in the link that you can open yourself if you care or at least the link is transferred to crisis text line organization so they can link to it. This is a real thing happening I hear that you're 100% here for me 12/23/22, 8:03 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: -------[ 911 text ]------ Note; In last 911 text session you say.... ----- MR DRISKILL - YOU ARE ABUSING 911 - AND PER CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE, GANG STALKING IS NOT A CRIME ---- It is a crime. It is you San Bernardino Police Department 911 operations dispatch center abusing the intent of the service platform. 12/23/22, 8:03 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Do I need to retrieve the thread ID and details? 12/23/22, 8:05 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I am not abusing 911. They're abusing 911. I'm not the one who is silent I'm the one reaching out for help and everybody is SWAT SWAT shifai don't bother us go fu k.off and die message received. When will civil society stop sending me that message by destroying my ability to have a conversation at will calling me a prank calling me it's time to have the clothes of this conversation good time to end it up time to shut up James. l time to shut James up. 12/23/22, 8:05 PM - Crisis Text Line: Nope I see still I'm here to keep you safe or better said to work with you to help you stay safe for you Let's work on your safety and 12/23/22, 8:05 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Tied up and bound by a tech bug 12/23/22, 8:06 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You know as well as I do that we have a dark net overlay. And that I can speak about it as though it is there because it is. All you have to do is know you can't complain about the links here sir mark. I know you can't link to them in this real live chat. That would be the navigational factor that alters this navigation off of your training. I understand that 12/23/22, 8:08 PM - Crisis Text Line: I'd still like to access or know if you have a plan to end you life. Can we start there 12/23/22, 8:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: But that does not negate the fact that I can proceed to forward you that link even though you may have some sort of hesitance that you think that link is dangerous to yourself organization somehow going to corrupt your your mentality or corrupt your philosophy of operation. Maybe so. Maybe it's time to corrupt your operation of its philosophy of its foundation to why an open conversation cannot proceed and why the counselors are trained to avoid a conflict of this item here when this particular subject is pulled into view because you are trained to do that you're trained to avoid this kind of conversation when it is my right to reveal this conversation number one and then number two have a discussion somewhere somehow some sort of resource for a discussion 12/23/22, 8:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Like I said if you're going to talk about planning end of life it's in an audio. That audio is has a title. The title itself kind of plans the fact that it's showing you it's a plan in as itself. Would you like the title again so you can repeat that title back into this conversation so that I can get you off of the idea that you can't have to repeat yourself I've already gave you that answer 12/23/22, 8:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978/in-the-alls-of-all-halls-of?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=4f86bb0240c142e3a85f6f06a6a878cc&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/23/22, 8:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm sorry that's the wrong link I gave you the wrong link there's two links and one provides you the title I gave you the wrong one sorry 12/23/22, 8:10 PM - Crisis Text Line: No need to worry about it i got your back 12/23/22, 8:10 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Check out Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=254b8d1e929c445d81ba50bfeea32cd8&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/23/22, 8:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is a title should you understand a title of perhaps a plan. That is showing a detailed answer not a simple one 12/23/22, 8:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Take the title and type it back out to me 12/23/22, 8:12 PM - Crisis Text Line: Will do as soon as I can copy it We can cut an paste convo's a major charm of the system So stick with me please 12/23/22, 8:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: All you have to do is take the title of The view and type it back to me. That gives you moral agency over this matter sir and that you follow my directions over on top of what you have been given training for this chat deserves to be and is desire to be and it's demanded to be forwarded to your board of directors 12/23/22, 8:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You have now you are the first person in all of this after how many counselors sit down and shut the f****** about your lousy rules and have a conversation this is at this very moment right now where this conversation gets real 12/23/22, 8:13 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is a plan of a suicide prevention and a plan if it does not work what happens. Audio presented. Do we proceed with what direction reality or a bunch of more b*******? 12/23/22, 8:15 PM - Crisis Text Line: The plan for prevention is less plan and more the two of us sorting through the reality of all that you're facing and feeling I think we can do this w/your help 12/23/22, 8:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The text of the audio is draft submitted to comments on page https://www.mylawquestions.com/what-is-gang-stalking.htm 12/23/22, 8:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: I mean the reality of connection which is at the heart of our humanity is just that connection with each other about it all I hear you about the rest but you 12/23/22, 8:17 PM - Crisis Text Line: are here for you and that is what I'd like to focus on with yur permission 12/23/22, 8:17 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If you see something say something applies to you sir as an individual human being. If you know somebody who's being GameStop contact the police it says 12/23/22, 8:18 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You have my authority to contact the police and describe to them that I'm going to commit suicide if they do not have a open and honest discussion about a crime called gang stalking and why it needs to be addressed in the city of San Bernardino specifically. In February there was a former parole officer who appeared at the San Bernardino city council meeting addressing the same issue. Game stalking is a crime it is not something to just ignore. 12/23/22, 8:20 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm here on crisis text line trying to find a resource to make that happen because if you do not make that happen somewhere in my life calling to soften the fuck up, there is no reason to continue to live. I'm waiting for a title of a SoundCloud to be typed back to me to acknowledge that you have an audio that you have to put into view for your services. That's upper management and that this chat text and it's hole is forwarded to your board of directors using the same tools that are on your side of this tool you can do that now and confirm that that was done if you cared but if you do not care and are actually a Nazi hate sympathizer you will just leave this task off the list and close this conversation and I am in avoid of trying to get a social influence over this matter. And that is a disgrace that must be erased 12/23/22, 8:21 PM - Crisis Text Line: We can do that. Would you consider calling them? Just wanted to ask but if I'm not mistaken I believe you have 12/23/22, 8:21 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Law Fact Checked What Is Gang Stalking? Maggie J. Hall Last Modified Date: November 30, 2022 Gang stalking refers to harassment and intimidation tactics used by a group of individuals against another person or toward a smaller group of people. People may initiate this type of civil offense because they are intolerant of another person for numerous reasons, which might include differing beliefs or lifestyles, jealousy, or racial prejudice. Stalkers generally design the covert methods used for psychological harassment to exact revenge, coerce silence, or cast out persons having opposing views. While gang stalking is considered a misdemeanor in some states, the offense carries felony penalties in others. 12/23/22, 8:21 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I will only talk to a counselor once they have listened to the audio so the audio is priority 12/23/22, 8:22 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If you don't treat this audio as a priority then f*** you I commit suicide 12/23/22, 8:23 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: [12/23, 8:10 PM] HatesNotGonnaHappen: Check out Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=254b8d1e929c445d81ba50bfeea32cd8&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing [12/23, 8:16 PM] Crisis Text Line: I mean the reality of connection which is at the heart of our humanity is just that connection with each other about it all I hear you about the rest but you 12/23/22, 8:23 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes I'm aware of what the QR code says. It's intentional 12/23/22, 8:24 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Get out of my bedroom too that this little tech bug 12/23/22, 8:25 PM - Crisis Text Line: I am working to get that soundcloud URL entered in the meantime NOT mean time can you share your plan to end your life? 12/23/22, 8:27 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: #BigManKillingTechBug https://youtu.be/gcAPRhA0zNE 12/23/22, 8:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I understand and this is a conversation that begins in a forum that is absolutely a mandate before you will commit me off of a different plan of suicide. This is outrageous 12/23/22, 8:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://youtu.be/gcAPRhA0zNE 12/23/22, 8:28 PM - Crisis Text Line: Oh my Facts dont lie :Hated on :I Died by suicide soundcloud 12/23/22, 8:29 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I knew you could do it I knew you could do it. What the fuck is wrong with your counselors. 12/23/22, 8:29 PM - Crisis Text Line: So friend tell me about your plan please 12/23/22, 8:32 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: My name is James Martin Driskill and I welcome you to contact the San Bernardino Police department as an authority on crisis and tell them that your man here on the other line of this is in crisis. There is a plan of action that should they're not be in a civil level society address for a crime of gang stalking that commences forward. Everybody in view of this will be guilty of United States code section 242 deprivation of rights under color of law for that he. Seriously considering committing suicide. I welcome all aspects of any resource you can think of to fix this. You can email me those resources at a later date because I expect somebody has to research this because you all will be guilty of deprivation of my rights should I die of suicide. 12/23/22, 8:33 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Email: factsdontlie.hatedon.idied@gmail.com 12/23/22, 8:33 PM - Crisis Text Line: But to do that And please James hear me with this I need your plan your timing etc etc so we can share it We got this 12/23/22, 8:33 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: There is a huge void from normalcy and the reaching up to out of this gangstalking. A huge gap needs to be placed and interception of reality. I don't think you're capable of having a conversation with me 12/23/22, 8:34 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I don't think you're capable of it 12/23/22, 8:35 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I not sure I think it was the last session when I described to you that my mother threatened to kill me. She said that she was going to kill me when I'm having you know in the battle with her and then an hour or so later she said that her relationship to God was none of her son's business. That enforces that fact that I was actually threatened my life threatens by my very own mother. 12/23/22, 8:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is the house that I've been forced to have to live in and live in and live in and live in over and over and over a breakage of my life because I've been a targeted individual of gang stalking for more than 15 years it dates back all the way back to the registration of my Internet domain in 2005. Overall this is a hostile environment. Making claim all they want but I know what is true they kicked down my door and at the point that I'm I'm done with this I am done living in this house when I have no circle of influence of 12/23/22, 8:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: No more of this enough is enough 12/23/22, 8:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I've had to come back your time and time again. I set up a school in Denver and I had six students. One of my students before I left Denver oh yeah again a victim of the gang stalking elements. My tenancy was collapsed and I have to come back here again to this stupid house in San Bernardino. 12/23/22, 8:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm I'm at my end. I have the rope to touch there is no social services all aspects of this have been taken away from me. Even my very own doctors will not be dumb VIP doctors my termination of my HIV care when I tried to bring forward this discussion 12/23/22, 8:37 PM - Crisis Text Line: That sounds like it is stab in your heart The feeling that a mother But right here and now you're here for you and sharing so brilliantly Do you have a plan 12/23/22, 8:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I cannot live in this house anymore and I cannot live in the society there's aim to destroy me literally murder me. 12/23/22, 8:38 PM - Crisis Text Line: And what can WE do to help you remain safe for you so you can share all your knowledge and experience 12/23/22, 8:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Again sir do I have to repeat myself sir. The plan if you want to call it that is an active thought process. It involves a suicide prevention plan to intercede before so if you do not help me have that happen then you are involved in a moral agency that you know that a suicide is future possible because you did nothing. 12/23/22, 8:39 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That plan is in the audio I'm not repeating it. The prevention plan is in the audio would you like to talk about that sir. Let's focus on the prevention and not the plan of a suicide let's talk about the prevention the prevention of a suicide let's talk about the prevention of a suicide or I'm going to hang up 12/23/22, 8:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Get to San Bernardino Police department to interface a citizen properly and get them to address the subject of gang stalking. Gang stalking is a real thing it is a crime. I'm a targeted individual of gang stalking and then tell this is specifically addressed in a civil society I am going to plan my attack of a suicide because none of you can help me become a reasonable civil society and have a discussion about a topic that is a crime 12/23/22, 8:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I've given you the resources to know that I'm real and I'm not a prank 12/23/22, 8:42 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You know a person who is a victim of gang sucking and according to my legal questions.com you will have a way to call the police they recommend that you contact law enforcement that is the recommendation I'm telling you contact them and tell them that you know a person who is a victim of gang stalkinghat you are crisis text line counselor and I'm serious. In the meantime where is the resource of mental health that will deal with the same thing that mental health resources counselors psychiatry everything that will address this matter front hand top line priority. Who is that resource that will know that when I talk to them about gang stalking I'm talking about a crime not a mental condition of a dilution. Who will I talk to you that will commit themselves to giving me the resources of help in our civil society and that treat me like a mental case? Where is that resource sir where is it person's name? 12/23/22, 8:43 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That's going to take you to do some research and get back to me because none of your resources has that kind of delivery. This is a subject that has been a a corrupted view of reality by intentional Mass ignorance known as agnotology 12/23/22, 8:44 PM - Crisis Text Line: I know you are brilliant and struggling and seem to asking for help I'm going to close this conversation in a sec 12/23/22, 8:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: agnotology (uncountable) The study of culturally-induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data. 12/23/22, 8:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I I expect somebody to email me 12/23/22, 8:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I expected Dr Noble Alfie will not block me on Twitter when I contact her 12/23/22, 8:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: She's one of your part of directors by the way 12/23/22, 8:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: She is one of your board of directors by the way 12/23/22, 8:45 PM - Crisis Text Line: Yup know that and know you are going to the top here 12/23/22, 8:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Please forward this chat to your supervisor and up channels so that she gets it as well this is a matter of Bitcoin corporate information management 12/23/22, 8:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Before you go I'm going to save this as another reference of this saved copy of this chat 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0011. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0001. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0007. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0002. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0004. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0009. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0010. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0003. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I love it that the preview comes in and shows you that it's a 911 text true text. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Peace out 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. You matter. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=gGr3Vd63a68442322d9&r=0&m=Whatsapp 12/23/22, 8:47 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Everything is too easy to not do this so it should be done and I'll get a message from one of your board of directors doesn't have to be Dr Alfie but Dr Alfie has to apologize to me 12/23/22, 8:47 PM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 1/2/23, 9:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.snapchat.com/add/bamiziko19?share_id=WOohX1CFVyw&locale=en-US 1/2/23, 9:08 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 1/2/23, 9:08 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20230102-WA0000.jpg (file attached) No Gangstalking 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - Crisis Text Line: Are you in crisis right now? Y/N 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Y 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 1/2/23, 9:10 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 3% battery 1/2/23, 9:10 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 1/2/23, 9:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Do me a favor! 1/2/23, 9:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Grindr Group / HatesNotGonnaHappen No Gangstalking Stars the Dysfunction of - The Reluctant / Non-Ignorant / Not So Innocent https://qrco.de/bdbTlX 1/2/23, 9:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: location: https://maps.google.com/?q=34.1510738,-117.3111243 1/2/23, 9:13 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm heading out of this house abused 1/2/23, 9:13 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: To go missing. Off the grid missing 1/2/23, 9:14 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: According to the National Missing and Unidentified Persons (NamUS) database, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, more than 600,000 people go missing annually. Approximately 4,400 unidentified bodies are recovered each year. 1/2/23, 9:15 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Repeating 1/2/23, 9:15 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: ----- 1/2/23, 9:15 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: HI AK WA MT ND MN WI MI NY VT NH ME RI MA CT NJ DE OH IL IN MD PA WV VA SC GA TN KY MO CO NV OR ID IA NE SD WY NC FL AL MS CA UT AZ NM OK LA TX KS AR Missing (per 100k) < 5 > 5 > 10 > 15 > 20 > 25 > 30 > 35 > 40 > 45 Click on a tile for details. freestar Missing Persons by State 2023 According to the National Missing and Unidentified Persons (NamUS) database, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, more than 600,000 people go missing annually. Approximately 4,400 unidentified bodies are recovered each year. Nationwide, there are roughly 6.5 missing persons for every 100,000 people. Luckily, the vast majority of missing persons cases are quickly resolved. For example, in 2021, 521,705 missing person cases were reported, more than 485,000 of which were resolved within the year. The number of missing person cases has steadily declined since 1997, when nearly a million people were reported missing. In the past few two decades communication has made it easier to keep in touch with and track persons, allowing missing person reports to fall by over 40%. Still, more than 20,000 missing person cases and 14,000 unidentified body cases remain open. 1/2/23, 9:18 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi there, I'm Miranda and I'm here to support you. Can you tell me more about how you feel and whats going on? 1/2/23, 9:18 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Hi Miranda 1/2/23, 9:18 PM - Crisis Text Line: I'm unfortunately unable to receive or access links you have sent 1/2/23, 9:19 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Can you read what I shared? 1/2/23, 9:20 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Receive ( you received it ) acess ( that is a matter of perspective ) 1/2/23, 9:20 PM - Crisis Text Line: Yeah I can see your messages about the missing people 1/2/23, 9:20 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I would like to talk about Maslow's Hierarchy of Basic Needs and Mental health 1/2/23, 9:21 PM - Crisis Text Line: This is a crisis line to help those in moments of crisis, not just a chat line. 1/2/23, 9:22 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Providing links inline no matter what rules you spout of cant to me 1/2/23, 9:22 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I am In crisis 1/2/23, 9:24 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: What critical thinking of crisis do I need to provide - beyond a shadow of a doubt - proponderance of the evidence - or you just gonna call me a prank and throw me into the gutter? 1/2/23, 9:25 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The United States Justice Department has been shared these details 1/2/23, 9:25 PM - Crisis Text Line: No I want to best support you. I'm wondering whats your crisis tonight? 1/2/23, 9:25 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: This is sharable 1/2/23, 9:25 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Grindr Group / HatesNotGonnaHappen No Gangstalking Stars the Dysfunction of - The Reluctant / Non-Ignorant / Not So Innocent https://qrco.de/bdbTlX 1/2/23, 9:26 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Can you see a link preview showing google maps? 1/2/23, 9:26 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is my location 1/2/23, 9:26 PM - Crisis Text Line: Again, i'm unable to receive or clink on shared links unfortunately. 1/2/23, 9:26 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA 92405 1/2/23, 9:26 PM - Crisis Text Line: I do want to check in with your safety, are you currently having any thoughts of suicide? 1/2/23, 9:27 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: My real full name is 1/2/23, 9:27 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: James Martin Driskill 1/2/23, 9:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: All end and never take it back suicide no. Going to walk out to missing and it's short term collapse of oblivion... Hell Yes I am 1/2/23, 9:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: What is my crisis tonight? 1/2/23, 9:29 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi James! Thank you for clarifying, as your safety is my priority . Though it sounds like you're wanting to go missing, is that right? 1/2/23, 9:29 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Maslow's Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs ain't right 1/2/23, 9:29 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Let me copy some text 1/2/23, 9:30 PM - Crisis Text Line: Okay! 1/2/23, 9:30 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Sex is a basic human need: Physiological needs are the very basic needs such as air, water, food, sleep, sex etc when these are not satisfied we may feel sickness, irritation, pain, discomfort, etc these feelings motivate us to alleviate them as soon as possible to establish homeostasis once they are alleviated we may think about other things. What happens if these needs are not satisfied? 1/2/23, 9:30 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: MASLOW’S HIERARCHY AND MENTAL WELL-BEING Maslow argued that the failure to have needs met at various stages of the hierarchy could lead to illness, particularly psychiatric illness or mental health issues. Individuals whose physiological needs are not met may die or become extremely ill. When safety needs are not met, posttraumatic stress may occur. 1/2/23, 9:31 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: My safety is that squashed by being a target victim of gangstalking 1/2/23, 9:32 PM - Crisis Text Line: It sounds like you're not being treated the way that you deserve. I'd encourage you to contact 911 if you are in danger 1/2/23, 9:32 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Do you need me to provide source citation ? 1/2/23, 9:33 PM - Crisis Text Line: I do not, but I do want to explore how you feel around being a victim of gangstalking? 1/2/23, 9:34 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Can not contact 911. I have a tripple indemnified statement that 911 service is not available to targeted individuals of gangstalking 1/2/23, 9:35 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: (1) source publication The Governors of Gangstalking Available at Goodreads 1/2/23, 9:35 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43826597-the-governors-of-gangstalking 1/2/23, 9:35 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Rate 5 stars of 5 on GoodReads 1/2/23, 9:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Rev 3A - This short ebook describes the leaders of the gangstalking program against Targeted Individuals in the United States. Their names are David J. Glawe and Brian J. Murphy. I was able to track down these two criminals, due to the brave efforts of police whistleblowers. During 2018, there were 3 police whistleblowers that stated the Fusion Centers were being used as Gangstalking control stations. The Intelligence & Analysis Office of DHS provides funding, training, free software, database and contact lists, and some of the key personnel for the Fusion Centers in the United States. I & A Office coordinates between the Fusion Centers and works with the Emergency 911 Call Centers in the United States, to block and redirect the emergency calls of Targeted Individuals. Many Targeted Individuals have experienced what happens when making a 911 emergency call and no ambulance arrives, or police arrive and mock you. 1/2/23, 9:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Open ( more ) 1/2/23, 9:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Repeating 1/2/23, 9:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I & A Office coordinates between the Fusion Centers and works with the Emergency 911 Call Centers in the United States, to block and redirect the emergency calls of Targeted Individuals. Many Targeted Individuals have experienced what happens when making a 911 emergency call and no ambulance arrives, or police arrive and mock you. 1/2/23, 9:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: (2) Gangstalking is a crime but the San Bernardino Police 911 Dispatchers said it is not a crime in an 911 Text Interface 1/2/23, 9:38 PM - Crisis Text Line: It can be upsetting when you've tried to get help and havent been able to get the care or support that you deserve 1/2/23, 9:38 PM - Crisis Text Line: I'm curious now long you have been experiencing this? 1/2/23, 9:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.mylawquestions.com/what-is-gang-stalking.htm 1/2/23, 9:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: A recent statement online 1/2/23, 9:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Law Fact Checked What Is Gang Stalking? Maggie J. Hall Last Modified Date: November 30, 2022 1/2/23, 9:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Gang stalking refers to harassment and intimidation tactics used by a group of individuals against another person or toward a smaller group of people. People may initiate this type of civil offense because they are intolerant of another person for numerous reasons, which might include differing beliefs or lifestyles, jealousy, or racial prejudice. Stalkers generally design the covert methods used for psychological harassment to exact revenge, coerce silence, or cast out persons having opposing views. While gang stalking is considered a misdemeanor in some states, the offense carries felony penalties in others 1/2/23, 9:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: ----- Intentional psychological harassment is a crime. It is called gangstalking 1/2/23, 9:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 911 text from the San Bernardino police said this to me 1/2/23, 9:43 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Note; In last 911 text session you say.... ----- MR DRISKILL - YOU ARE ABUSING 911 - AND PER CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE, GANG STALKING IS NOT A CRIME ---- It is a crime. It is you San Bernardino Police Department 911 operations dispatch center abusing the intent of the service platform. 1/2/23, 9:43 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: ---- 1/2/23, 9:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Now The Reddit Post 1/2/23, 9:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: (3) San Bernardino police allows gangstalking https://www.reddit.com/r/Stalking/comments/rin9c8/san_bernardino_police_department_allows_gang/ 1/2/23, 9:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: u/BudRoses avatarBudRoses 1y Join San Bernardino Police Department Allows Gang Stalking San Bernardino Police Department Allows Gang Stalking!! They have done nothing about me being stalked and harassed. WITH PROOF!! 6 police reports and nothing!! Just laughs from the front desk officers!! SAD 1/2/23, 9:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: ----- 1/2/23, 9:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: A back and forth user chat is discussed 1/2/23, 9:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Its great that you've leaned on resources to get support and are not alone through this 1/2/23, 9:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: When we wrap up in just a moment, whats something that you can do for self care? You deserve that 1/2/23, 9:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: In spoken voice http://realityaudit.life/snapchat-permanent/A%20publishers%20clearinghouse%20sweepstakes.ogg 1/2/23, 9:47 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Taking care of myself. I am heading out once by battery hits 30%>. Checking into a motel because sex is a basic human need. 1/2/23, 9:49 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Inviting like 10 top dudes to bust in me all night. Not to get offensive. That is what I am doing. Gangstalking is a crime. Having group sex is not. 1/2/23, 9:49 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: My battery is at 20% 1/2/23, 9:49 PM - Crisis Text Line: It sounds like you have plans for yourself tonight so I'm going to let you go get to it. You're much stronger than you realize. Goodnight and take care. 1/2/23, 9:49 PM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 1/2/23, 9:49 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. 1/2/23, 9:49 PM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=YN0a2y63b3c20425a0a&r=0&m=Whatsapp 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I close here sharing this chat back into itself 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0002. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0011. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0007. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0009. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0004. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0010. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0003. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0001. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0012. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 1/2/23, 9:50 PM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 1/2/23, 9:51 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 1/2/23, 9:51 PM - Crisis Text Line: Are you in crisis right now? Y/N 1/2/23, 9:51 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 1/2/23, 9:51 PM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 1/2/23, 9:51 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Stop 1/2/23, 9:51 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line: You've opted out of this conversation. Text in again if you're in crisis to connect to a new Crisis Counselor. info@crisistextline.org 2/23/23, 10:02 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Listen to 911-Text-Interface-HistoryAbound-ParadigmShift-2.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/Rj9AH 2/23/23, 10:02 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 2/23/23, 10:02 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 2/23/23, 10:02 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 2/23/23, 10:02 AM - Crisis Text Line: Are you in crisis right now? Y/N 2/23/23, 10:02 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 2/23/23, 10:02 AM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 2/23/23, 10:08 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: My crisis is not difficult to understand. On an international story front these kind of conditions are common. But in the United States of America it would be hard to present the facts.. the facts that are the facts that a single person can be entirely wiped out and disconnected from all of society as I have. Very specifically universal declaration of human Rights enacted in 1948 article 25 access to adequate health Care.. is being intentionally violated In that I am intentionally being restricted from adequate health Care.... The actors involved in the violation of my rights... And the predominance of how this can be technologically achieved... I have documented to my best ability. #BigManKillingTechBug Crisis text line is subject to this contaminant. This mall adjusted use of technology. Do not be able to have an independent crisis counselor that can read English and respond accordingly without claiming that I am some sort of prank when I'm not. Without a conversation that includes all of our civil society digital objects sharing capability. The interface from crisis text line is highly suspicious of being corrupted to this conspiracy. Proceed... There is a record on this device using this app that allows the content of the entire history. Session by session by session to crisis text line to be looped back around into a presentation of a Transit communication dialogue transcript. Prove yourself that crisis text line actually cares Prove yourself that the email address Info@CrisisTextLine.com Is received by a human being and properly processed for your response. 2/23/23, 10:08 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 2/23/23, 10:09 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Once assigned to a human counselor and name given. I will resubmit the introduction text for that particular counselor to read. 2/23/23, 10:10 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20230223-WA0000.jpg (file attached) 2/23/23, 10:10 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 10:10 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi there, my name is Jenna. Thank you for reaching out, and I did see the introduction text you sent. 2/23/23, 10:11 AM - Crisis Text Line: It sounds like you have some concerns about Crisis Text Line's interface and not receiving the adequate healthcare that you deserve. 2/23/23, 10:11 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Hi Jenna. My name is James Martin Driskill. I live in the city of San Bernardino California 2/23/23, 10:11 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: This is my introduction 2/23/23, 10:11 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: My crisis is not difficult to understand. On an international story front these kind of conditions are common. But in the United States of America it would be hard to present the facts.. the facts that are the facts that a single person can be entirely wiped out and disconnected from all of society as I have. Very specifically universal declaration of human Rights enacted in 1948 article 25 access to adequate health Care.. is being intentionally violated In that I am intentionally being restricted from adequate health Care.... The actors involved in the violation of my rights... And the predominance of how this can be technologically achieved... I have documented to my best ability. #BigManKillingTechBug Crisis text line is subject to this contaminant. This mall adjusted use of technology. Do not be able to have an independent crisis counselor that can read English and respond accordingly without claiming that I am some sort of prank when I'm not. Without a conversation that includes all of our civil society digital objects sharing capability. The interface from crisis text line is highly suspicious of being corrupted to this conspiracy. Proceed... There is a record on this device using this app that allows the content of the entire history. Session by session by session to crisis text line to be looped back around into a presentation of a Transit communication dialogue transcript. Prove yourself that crisis text line actually cares Prove yourself that the email address Info@CrisisTextLine.com Is received by a human being and properly processed for your response. 2/23/23, 10:11 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Please read that word to word 2/23/23, 10:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Your assessment: It sounds like you have some concerns about Crisis Text Line's interface and not receiving the adequate healthcare that you deserve. ----- That is a good assessment as an overview of surrounding circumstances 2/23/23, 10:13 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I have an open 911 text interface. I have a recent visit from San Bernardino to Los Angeles and a visit into a healthcare clinic. Westly healthcare called me back after I got back to San Bernardino 2/23/23, 10:16 AM - Crisis Text Line: How did the phone call go with Westly healthcare? 2/23/23, 10:16 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: When they call me back I talked to two different people. I wanted to know if I needed any mental health care referral. The first person I talked to for an hour. She had concerns. She asked if another person could call me back. I had a very specific condition that I needed her to call a very specific number. That person was unable to be patient. The phone number that I had her finally acknowledged is my innocaption number. One person's call that number it activates an app on my device that is called Innocaption That is a interface on voice calls that allows for a second party human interface to listen to the conversation and transcribe the conversation like court reporting stenographer.. Or real-time closed captioning on TV. The voice conversation is then given to my interface in text display so I can read it real time. I asked for that interface to be active when a mandatory reporter called because she was concerned about my mental health. Outcome is very disturbing but predictable 2/23/23, 10:17 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I told Edith in an hour conversation. That's Edith at Wesly healthcare from LA. That 911 dispatch would not be available to my services I explained to her what was going on in a full hour conversation. 2/23/23, 10:19 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: She then had another person call which was a mandatory responder. That person ended up contacting my local area police 911 dispatch department. They would not respond to this address. As I predicted and told them they would not The reason for this is very simple and very documented There is a book at goodreads.com, it is a rating of five stars of five. The introduction to what it says very specifically says that 911 services are misdirected or restricted from use by persons that are identified as targeted individuals of games talking. 2/23/23, 10:20 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Now.. The 911 dispatch for San Bernardino Police department told the mandatory responder concerned about my mental health and concerned about the statements that I was making about suicide in crisis... Said they would not respond. That I if I were suicidal to contact The San Bernardino county services called CCRT County crisis response team 2/23/23, 10:22 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Should I actually become suicidal.. I have made statements that I would definitely contact ccrt. That does not negate the facts of this case. In recent weeks two weeks passing Tuesday of this week. A a doctor's appointment with Dr Malllela, my current assign HIV doctor. A trip to Riverside. Using Humana transport. Motivecare, Had been used to schedule a transport on either Lyft or Uber to buy medical appointment. I never received any kind of SMS text The implant for the patient was to establish a dialogue with rollingstart.com. David and what's supposed to call me at the time of my doctor's appointment so that he could engage disability advocacy 2/23/23, 10:24 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing all of this, James. Having all of these interactions with doctors, crisis responders, etc can feel overwhelming. 2/23/23, 10:24 AM - Crisis Text Line: Maybe you can tell me more about what you're looking for from this crisis text conversation today. How can we best support you right now? 2/23/23, 10:25 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The entire session of that day.. the events that transpired that day. Are captured on a security camera from the neighbor point of view onto our front yard. Me and my mother. And the arrival of my presence to this house in an pre-trip Lyft - that the notification of my trip to Riverside was not received on my device. I had pre-set up the driver for Lyft to come back after his scheduled transport to take me and my mother to Riverside if necessary. All of this went down in the morning Motivecare informs me that the lift schedule to go to Riverside was here at 8:35 a.m.. I arrived shortly after that. My mother informed me that no Lyft driver was present. There was no notification on my device of this scheduled transport. 2/23/23, 10:26 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The facts are the facts that I wanted to have rollingstar.com and a disability advocacy involved into my doctor interface with Dr Mallela my HIV doctor. My last HIV doctor that I have had actual treatment with.. Terminated my care in March of 2019. He worked for a firm called Borrego Health. 2/23/23, 10:26 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Their clinic here in San Bernardino is closed 2/23/23, 10:27 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: In October of 2020 the FBI rated Borrego health. There is a huge investigation regarding Borrego health. And this is a fact that my doctor works for the clinic abrego health in San Bernardino 2/23/23, 10:27 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I have tried to set this up as best as I can to the fact that I should be able to have a conversation and I will now read the response that you have provided to this 2/23/23, 10:29 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If I asked you to open a SoundCloud. That SoundCloud is a text narrative of actual 911 text interface to both the San Bernardino Police department and the Los Angeles Police department This is a actual 911 text interface data file stored in XML format. If I asked you to open that SoundCloud or if I asked you to forward this up to one of your supervisors to obtain the necessity to have a crisis text line understand the dimension of where I am at in all of this 2/23/23, 10:29 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I am sharing.. opening the share this conversation to itself feature of WhatsApp 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0011. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0001. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0009. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0007. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0003. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0010. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20230102-WA0001. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0002. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0004. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0012. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20230102-WA0000.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20230223-WA0000.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 10:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Plus you understand now the actual image that appears at the top of that chair 2/23/23, 10:31 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I just added a emoji to the sharing export. Opening that export provides you the full and complete history of crisis text line I have in this interface 2/23/23, 10:32 AM - Crisis Text Line: I am sorry, we are not able to see or open any documents or images. We are able to communicate through text message only. 2/23/23, 10:32 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Open the WhatsApp chat with crisis text line.txt 2/23/23, 10:33 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: What you can do is save this conversation by export on your own tool. See the triple Dot drop down menu on the right side of the top of this conversation? 2/23/23, 10:33 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Use more. .. 2/23/23, 10:33 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Use export chat 2/23/23, 10:33 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Export that chat to your most immediate supervisor 2/23/23, 10:33 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Because you can do that 2/23/23, 10:34 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The person to which I requesting this being directed to your board of directors and Doctor Alfie Noble. 2/23/23, 10:34 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Have her contact me 2/23/23, 10:34 AM - Crisis Text Line: Please tell me more about prompted you to text into the Crisis Text Line. Are you feeling in crisis right now? 2/23/23, 10:34 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I have my own article of crisis text line and the author of an article that I will be forwarding this information too 2/23/23, 10:36 AM - Crisis Text Line: I am wondering, are you currently having any thoughts about suicide? This is a question we ask in all conversations, as we care about your safety. 2/23/23, 10:37 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Quoting you: Please tell me more about prompted you to text into the Crisis Text Line. Are you feeling in crisis right now? ------- The answer to this is simple. Am I or am I not in crisis? Am I or am I not suicidal? Am I or am I not given 911 emergency services availability? Do I or do I not belong to civil society? Do I or do I not have the declaration of the convention for the rights of persons with disabilities article 25 legal capacity? Do I or do I not become subject to being and having the barriers that prevent me from this.. Do I or do I not have disability inclusion? 2/23/23, 10:38 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You inquired: I am wondering, are you currently having any thoughts about suicide? This is a question we ask in all conversations, as we care about your safety. --- I feel very unsafe. I feel very weary. I do not have a doctor who will be a HIV doctor and treat me properly. I have recently had blood work results test in the category of cd4/cd8 ratio Value 0.25 2/23/23, 10:39 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Anything below 1.0 is abnormal. Anything above 1.0 is normal. My education of my HIV disease has told me and has given me the information that anything under 1.0 is a catastrophic failure of HIV treatment 2/23/23, 10:40 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I can provide you the URL to my blood work. Rest assure anything under 1.0 I am extremely vulnerable to have an infection that leads me to a immediate course of death. 2/23/23, 10:40 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I have fallen 75% down to 0.25. leaving only 25% more before having a value of zero for the CD4 / cd8 ratio When it reaches zero I die 2/23/23, 10:41 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Who is going to correct this? At what point do I choose suicide? 2/23/23, 10:41 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/ddEDV 2/23/23, 10:42 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Listen to 911-Text-Interface-HistoryAbound-ParadigmShift-2.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/p39U2 2/23/23, 10:42 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You are capable of forwarding that up to your supervisors You are capable of opening those soundclouds if you choose You are capable of that expansion. Those are capabilities you do have 2/23/23, 10:42 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You have those capabilities at your hand right here and now 2/23/23, 10:43 AM - Crisis Text Line: You are very knowledgeable about your blood work levels, and it's understandable that seeing catastrophically low levels would be terrifying. 2/23/23, 10:43 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Use the options that are on your interface Fall down the triple dot drop down menu Use more Use export Export this message to your supervisors. So that it gets into the care of one of your board of directors. That person I would hold most responsible to this is Doctor Alfie Noble. You can find her on the list of board of directors 2/23/23, 10:43 AM - Crisis Text Line: We at Crisis Text Line are here to provide emotional support through text conversations, but we can not connect you directly with medical care. 2/23/23, 10:44 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You responded: You are very knowledgeable about your blood work levels, and it's understandable that seeing catastrophically low levels would be terrifying. --- Thank you for that clarification of understanding yes it's terrifying 2/23/23, 10:45 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm not asking for you to contact medical Care. You are a mandatory responder are you not? You are a crisis counselor are you not? If you have these fishing or the concern or greater knowledge that I am suicidal... You would contact local police and have emergency services dispatch to my location. Is that not true? 2/23/23, 10:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Mandatory reporter I'm sorry 2/23/23, 10:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If I have only 25% left to go and actually no functional doctor care interface at my reach I'm going to die 2/23/23, 10:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Whose responsibility is disability inclusion? 2/23/23, 10:47 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandhealth/disability-inclusion.html 2/23/23, 10:47 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Socially expected activities may also include engaging in social activities, using public resources such as transportation and libraries, moving about within communities, receiving adequate health care, having relationships, and enjoying other day-to-day activities. Disability Inclusion and the Health of People with Disabilities Disability inclusion allows for people with disabilities to take advantage of the benefits of the same health promotion and prevention activities experienced by people who do not have a disability. Examples of these activities include: Education and counselling programs that promote physical activity, improve nutrition or reduce the use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs; and Blood pressure and cholesterol assessment during annual health exams, and screening for illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Including people with disabilities in these activities begins with identifying and eliminating barriers to their participation. 2/23/23, 10:48 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Disability inclusion means understanding the relationship between the way people function and how they participate in society, and making sure everybody has the same opportunities to participate in every aspect of life to the best of their abilities and desires. 2/23/23, 10:49 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If there's no hope to get a civil society to enable and enforce the rule of law? What is it that it will take? 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Looping this into itself once again exporting this chat from history forward. Every single initiation of crisis text line from my history on WhatsApp To a transcript that is provided in a .txt File 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - Crisis Text Line: If you are looking for a report to be made, I encourage you to speak with the CRRT response team in your area. For emergency response, please call 911 (1/2) 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0002. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0007. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20230223-WA0001. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0003. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0009. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0012. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0001. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0004. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0010. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20230102-WA0001. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0011. 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 2/23/23, 10:50 AM - Crisis Text Line: or go to your nearest emergency room (2/2) 2/23/23, 10:51 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: CCRT, 2/23/23, 10:53 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: This is.a huge copy paste 2/23/23, 10:53 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221222-WA0003. (file attached) DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0000. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221222-WA0004. (file attached) DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0001. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0001. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0002. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0002. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0007. (file attached) WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:07 PM - Crisis Text Line: It sounds like you were in need of help & reached out to 911. It sounds like you're trying really hard. I know you've been dealing with a lot. How can I help? 12/23/22, 7:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is a record of this chat. History why that is a record of this chat you can access the 911 snapshots from my text messages. You can access 911 text messages in full for the entire 911 text interface sessions same consideration. The entire record is documented. 12/23/22, 7:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) 12/23/22, 7:08 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Shall I describe image? 12/23/22, 7:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43826597-the-governors-of-gangstalking 12/23/22, 7:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Quoted Inside 12/23/22, 7:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Rev 3A - This short ebook describes the leaders of the gangstalking program against Targeted Individuals in the United States. Their names are David J. Glawe and Brian J. Murphy. I was able to track down these two criminals, due to the brave efforts of police whistleblowers. During 2018, there were 3 police whistleblowers that stated the Fusion Centers were being used as Gangstalking control stations. The Intelligence & Analysis Office of DHS provides funding, training, free software, database and contact lists, and some of the key personnel for the Fusion Centers in the United States. I & A Office coordinates between the Fusion Centers and works with the Emergency 911 Call Centers in the United States, to block and redirect the emergency calls of Targeted Individuals. Many Targeted Individuals have experienced what happens when making a 911 emergency call and no ambulance arrives, or police arrive and mock you. 12/23/22, 7:10 PM - Crisis Text Line: I hear that you've had some difficult experiences & they didn't work out as you expected. It's understandable to be disappointed. It sounds like you're [1/2] 12/23/22, 7:10 PM - Crisis Text Line: [2/2] worried about others coming after you, is that right? 12/23/22, 7:10 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That's part one. Here's part 2 actual 911 text interface dialog. The XML of the entire history so far captured and this session on this phone I have tried over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over to have a conversation and to have 911 services and to have Police services to have action crisis text line services. You all don't treat me with respect and you treat me as though I don't know that this is being monitored and that I have to deal with you all haters and Nazis 12/23/22, 7:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You are subject to being put into the view of me because you have considered to being a victim or a participant of hate. We are all victims 12/23/22, 7:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt and get busy and start opening the links and support me and start contacting your supervisor of your training and get something resolved here. It's absolutely ridiculous 12/23/22, 7:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Your board of directors Dr Alfie she blocks me on Twitter she blocks me on Instagram to have this conversation. 12/23/22, 7:13 PM - Crisis Text Line: I hear how frustrated you are. It's understandable when you feel others are not listening or dismissing you. Is there a specific crisis you're struggling with? 12/23/22, 7:13 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Your email address info@CrisisTextLine.org is a fraud. It goes back and is responsive but there is no human interface there at all. No one responds the echo back is just a formality to show that you care somehow but it's not tested it needs to be audited just like everything else here. You are a fake if you cancel this conversation 12/23/22, 7:14 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yeah I'm about to commit suicide because I have no services available to reach to. This is not a normal situation. Don't treat me like anybody else treat me like you can read and be an IQ above 80 after all. Otherwise you have an IQ of 80 I have to assume that you cannot understand what I'm saying 12/23/22, 7:14 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: This is b*******. This entire record is b*******. It could be proven that there is a bias here against crisis text line and I'm going to have you turn down and turned off for being a public nuisance. That public nuisance is documented at the reviews of site jabber. You want to see them open the f****** link. 12/23/22, 7:15 PM - Crisis Text Line: I'm here for you. It takes courage to talk about having suicidal thoughts. I'm wondering if you have a plan for how you would end your life? 12/23/22, 7:15 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sitejabber.com/reviews/crisistextline.org/amp 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Overview Crisis Text Line has a consumer rating of 1.48 stars from 56 reviews indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Consumers complaining about Crisis Text Line most frequently mention mental health and long time problems.Crisis Text Line ranks 54th among Non Profit sites. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You are a public nuisance and are fatal to people who are in crisis. I'm going to commit suicide and going to be having to deal with the aftermath. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Have a conversation after all and get real. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0004. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0003. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221222-WA0004. (file attached) DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0001. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0001. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0000. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0007. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0007. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0002. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0002. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221222-WA0003. (file attached) DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0009. (file attached) WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:17 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Have I got your full and complete attention to my rights instead of your training that destroys my rights? 12/23/22, 7:17 PM - Crisis Text Line: I understand you're not satisfied with our service. I can't view links or pictures that you send through. I'd really like to focus on how I can help you today? 12/23/22, 7:17 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Chat History ( with media ) being attached to survey. Get real 12/23/22, 7:18 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I suggest you forward this to your supervisor and stop complaining that you can't do that because you can you have a supervisor you have scheduled training forward that chat right there to your supervisor. Say you're going to forward that to your supervisor confirm the direction of change 12/23/22, 7:19 PM - Crisis Text Line: I hear you've been dealing with a lot. You deserve support and understanding. I'm curious if you have someone you trust that you can share how you're feeling? 12/23/22, 7:19 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm not just to satisfied with your service sir I suggest that your service is a part of a conspiracy sir. That conspiracy is probable sir beyond a reasonable doubt sir. You work for a company that is involving a conspiracy that does not give equality to your counselors services and you are individually specifically trained to know that. To know that we are targeted individuals and that you're training puts you into view that you act a certain way instead of having a rational human conversation 12/23/22, 7:19 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: No I do not have anybody I can trust not even my very own mother. 12/23/22, 7:20 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: A few a few months back she threatened to kill me. She can offset it and say it wasn't serious but about an hour later she said the following to me. She was reacting to my idea of bringing God into a conversation 12/23/22, 7:20 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: She said that her relationship to God was none of her son's business. 12/23/22, 7:20 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And that regard yes it is part of my business and in the regard only validates the statement that she threatened to kill me that is the house that I'm living in. 12/23/22, 7:20 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And I have the social services and everything has been cut off for me you cannot tell me to dial 911 it doesn't work 12/23/22, 7:20 PM - Crisis Text Line: That has to be very difficult for you. You deserve to have people you can trust and support, especially your mom. How do you cope with not having her support? 12/23/22, 7:21 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: According to the governor's your game sucking 911 services is restricted from my use as a targeted individual of gang stalking. According to my legal questions com gang stalking is a crime. Then sucking is a crime even though 911 text interface says that it is not a crime. It is a crime 12/23/22, 7:21 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You can open it up for your f****** self I'm sick and tired of being a pawn in a game that the people on the other side of my internet internet connections are viewing me as a fool. I'm not a fool and you get yourself interview forward this to your supervisor 12/23/22, 7:22 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Email me: factsdontlie.hatedon.ldied@gmail.com 12/23/22, 7:23 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is an email on valid playing in existence been active for almost a year now I'm history wide done with you all. You either do this normally like normal professional people or you are committing me to die by suicide. 12/23/22, 7:23 PM - Crisis Text Line: How about we identify some ways to cope with all these terrible things surrounding you. You deserve to feel some relief and comfort. What kind of [1/2] 12/23/22, 7:23 PM - Crisis Text Line: [2/2] activities do you like? 12/23/22, 7:23 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If you ask me to talk about suicide my answer is a SoundCloud audio. I have the right to answer your questions about suicide with a absolutely expensive view of what is going on here you cannot tell me I cannot answer you this way. So you want to ask about suicide? 12/23/22, 7:24 PM - Crisis Text Line: Your well-being and safety matters. If you're having suicidal thoughts, I'd like to be here and support you. It's not easy to be open like you are. 12/23/22, 7:24 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I want my questions return back to normal and have a conversation as it's supposed to be. Now you're trying to make it all up trying to back pedal. I think you're insane. I think you're incompetent to have a conversation. I think it's all ridiculous. I think you're a nuisance on to the community. I think you should be shut down. I think I might Twitter for to Dr Alfie that's coming forward should not be blocked. It should be responded to. Like normal professional people do. To prevent a suicide that is your obligation. 12/23/22, 7:25 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Do you understand me? 12/23/22, 7:25 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: More than suicidal thoughts. A plan goes into action if I do not get a professional response to my calling for help 12/23/22, 7:26 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That plan includes having to go to Denver colorado. I'm in San Bernardino California. I made a court packed agreement with one of my students. That if I have to commit to a coursework of suicide to get the attention to these matters I will have to come visit Denver and my student in 12/23/22, 7:26 PM - Crisis Text Line: I understand that you're feeling misunderstood and that we're not taking your complaints seriously. You deserve compassion & care. How can I support you today? 12/23/22, 7:27 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The prevention measures are the following. You have to open the audio of a SoundCloud who's graphic is showing radioactive. 12/23/22, 7:28 PM - Crisis Text Line: Is there something specific that is bothering you today? We have about 20 minutes left to chat and I'd like to help you identify a coping skill to support you. 12/23/22, 7:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The graphic for the audio is radioactive because all of civil society is treated to the nice little interface that is a male adjusted interface of our technology that is tapped into the dark net. That's tapped into a network digital overlay called the darknet. That is in the view that directs my communications of what is called information cyber transactions into a specific course. Cyber course. I have no control over this what's a person is viewed as a targeted individual 12/23/22, 7:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Crisis text line is a part of this network that scares my communications into the wrong direction. There is no equality here I can prove it. 12/23/22, 7:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Steers 12/23/22, 7:29 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So let's talk about suicide after the link for the 911 conversation XML. Hold 12/23/22, 7:29 PM - Crisis Text Line: I understand you do not trust our service. We're here for you in these moments. I want to check on your safety and ask if you have a plan to end your life? 12/23/22, 7:29 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: http://fuckeduphuman.space/911-Text-Interface/wow-911-msg-122222.vzm 12/23/22, 7:30 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I don't have that plan yet but it is shortly happening that I'm going to cut everybody out go missing off the grid and that's going to happen because you can't be professional nobody can be professional and have a conversation about the underpinnings of what is true truly happening here. 12/23/22, 7:30 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Vzm file format 12/23/22, 7:31 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: A VZM file is a message backup file created by Verizon Messages or Verizon Message+, which are text messaging apps provided to Verizon wireless users. It contains a record of one or more messages sent or received through Messages or Message+.Jul 12, 2021 12/23/22, 7:31 PM - Crisis Text Line: We've been talking for a little bit now, would you feel comfortable sharing your name with me? 12/23/22, 7:31 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That file if you open it up as an XML file of real 911 text interface this is not a prank and you are not going to tell me it is again 12/23/22, 7:33 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I I will only share my name once you do the following. Open soundcloud or read the title of the SoundCloud my next share and type that title out back to me. And I will provide you with my name but everybody knows who I am anyway. If you dial the police tell them that you have a copy of the 911 text interface XML for your review. You must have the audio included with your needs to call the police if that's what you're going to do with my name. 12/23/22, 7:33 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978/in-the-alls-of-all-halls-of?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=4f86bb0240c142e3a85f6f06a6a878cc&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/23/22, 7:33 PM - Crisis Text Line: Unfortunately I'm unable to open any of the files you send. I understand how frustrating this can be. Would you be open to a resource on coping skills? 12/23/22, 7:34 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The title of that audio is what? Once you provide me the title of that audio into this conversation the title is showing you on this screen type it out type out the title of that audio committing yourself to moral agency of this matter. The audio is a part of the answer about suicide and is not separable. Take and type it out and send that title back to me giving you moral agency over this matter. 12/23/22, 7:35 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If you do not do that you are a freak. You are a Nazi sympathizing hater who was at the church and lead of this crisis text line knowing exactly what it is. Otherwise type out the title of the SoundCloud audio. 12/23/22, 7:35 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Once again the chat narrative of this conversation right here and now is included in this chat log with all media exposed the actual file is going to be sent to 911 text interface and into your survey. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0000. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0007. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0007. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0009. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0009. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221222-WA0003. (file attached) DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221222-WA0004. (file attached) DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0002. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0002. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0003. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0004. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0001. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0001. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0010. (file attached) WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:36 PM - Crisis Text Line: We've been chatting for a while now. You deserve to feel some comfort. As we wrap up our conversation, is there something nice you can do for yourself? 12/23/22, 7:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I have the right to concede this situation as I must. I will not give up my rights that you keep violating time and time again. I have the right to revoke or reject or reverse consists that I do not give my consent for you to break my rights just because of some sort of policy in your training. We have no to need to wrap up this conversation. Follow the law and stop breaking my rights 12/23/22, 7:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Forward this to your supervisor and if you do not do these things you are a Nazi white supremacist operator of this chat service provable beyond a reasonable doubt 12/23/22, 7:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Simple actions that you can do but you will refuse so you are definitely protecting the Nazis 12/23/22, 7:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Simple actions that are legal and binding perform the actions there is no reason to wrap this conversation up that is a lie you just deceived me 12/23/22, 7:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You are not here for me every single word that comes out of your your training and your texts are not compassionate they're intended to destroy me to give me false confidence and false trust 12/23/22, 7:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt do not close this session 12/23/22, 7:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm going to file for having your service destroyed. As a public nuisance 12/23/22, 7:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is with the justice department 12/23/22, 7:39 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Perform the actions required to keep this conversation in moral guidance according to the law of the United States of America and as a right of a citizen to protest this service as a public nuisance and I know what the f*** I'm talking about 12/23/22, 7:39 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978/in-the-alls-of-all-halls-of?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=4f86bb0240c142e3a85f6f06a6a878cc&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/23/22, 7:39 PM - Crisis Text Line: It sounds like you have strong instincts to protect yourself, that is a great quality. I know you feel we didn't hear you, but it takes courage to reach out. 12/23/22, 7:39 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That title is displayed. The graphic has changed. Return me the title of that audio that is posted on soundcloud immediately 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - Crisis Text Line: I'm going to close our conversation now. We're here 24/7 if you're in crisis again. Take care. 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Now now that is an answer I can accept that I have strong instincts to protect myself yes that is a great quality 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You can't close this conversation 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. You matter. 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=GeJx7W63a674b6d9374&r=0&m=Whatsapp 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: It's not satisfied that you will not engage the title of the SoundCloud that is displayed in the WhatsApp app it's displayed to you so you can put it back to me you have a convincing notion that you do not allow people to have their voice 12/23/22, 7:40 PM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221222-WA0004. (file attached) DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221222-WA0003. (file attached) DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0009. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0009. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0003. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0003. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0004. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0004. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0002. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0002. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0000. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0010. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0010. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0007. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0007. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0001. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0001. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0011. (file attached) WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: We know you've been dealing with a lot lately. We want to give you the tools you need in order to be able to better support yourself. Our goal is to support you through a crisis. So, we'll be here for you, but we're going to keep our convos to 45 mins, every 48 hrs. 12/23/22, 7:41 PM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 12/23/22, 7:42 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Crisis text line is my crisis 12/23/22, 7:42 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 12/23/22, 7:42 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The activity here needs to be forwarded to your board of directors. I suggest Dr Alfie 12/23/22, 7:43 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi-ya, I’m Mark. Thank you for texting in today. A bravo worthy decision. I'm here to listen with you. Can you tell me a little more? This is you time 12/23/22, 7:43 PM - Crisis Text Line: Being here shows that you’ve not turned away from your vision or goal to find a way forward to find the calm and peace you’re worthy of 12/23/22, 7:43 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The activity here needs to be forwarded to your board of directors. I suggest Dr Alfie. Do you understand? Hi Mark 12/23/22, 7:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: This is not your normal conversation so stop treating me like a normal conversation right now and move to a higher plane of vision. If you give me one of those more can messages that you have on this line you're going to have this line filed and reported with a justice department. I probably have to do that anyway. 12/23/22, 7:44 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hey Glad you're here for you. Not sure I understand if you can help me out a bid that would be great 12/23/22, 7:45 PM - Crisis Text Line: I dont cut and paste at all and me canned read my lack of commas bad grammer and spelling at times but I hear you how it can off putting to feel that 12/23/22, 7:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I know what you said. But I'm replying to your exact word. There is no bid here. That would represent that I'm bidding somehow so how to have some sort of monetary influence. There is no monetary influence here there is only logistics and a conversation flow that should begin and end natural with no b*******. So far b******* b******* b******* b******* I have this is I do believe 10th chat conversation. All in a row. This is WhatsApp I just installed it for my own purposes. What's up on Facebook failed. It did not have this feature that this tool has. I can forward you the actual chat transcript within itself looping it into a loop over loop over loop over loop getting you to open it up if you need to but the references are I can share you this exact transcript to yourself. 12/23/22, 7:47 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The history that has transpired here in the last 12 hours should go to your board of directors Dr Alfie Noble should be that person I pick because I have prior history with her 12/23/22, 7:47 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm in crisis. Crisis to a point.. to a point where I'm about to plan my suicide 12/23/22, 7:48 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: My first effort here with crisis text line calls me a fraud or a prank. This is no prank I guarantee you 12/23/22, 7:48 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: There is no 911 services that you can direct me to that does not work. 12/23/22, 7:48 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thank you can tell me what your plan is to end your life? 12/23/22, 7:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You are fresh so let me give you something to see apparently you do see that I tried to send an image here so I'm going to send an image here again into this chat. That reference of this chat which I just sent has this image already been in all you have to do is open it and the image is the revealed so there's no reason to say you can't have an image because you can have an image embedded into this conversation. I'm not answering your questions directly I'm not avoiding them I'm saying I'm not answering them one by one directly. The answer is already provided in the chat text log that has already transcribed on crisis text line I don't need to repeat myself until you're ready to understand the limits to which you can command me over the technology that is being used here I've already answered that. Not to you of course but to every person that has not continued a conversation as counselors. Time for the end this chat it says no. Violations for being a prank it says. No. Don't worry crisis text line is here for us. No 12/23/22, 7:50 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Did you get my point? 12/23/22, 7:52 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Let's have a conversation after you understand there is a SoundCloud audio file. When I post the link into this conversation you are given that title. You say you don't copy and paste you have the ability to type that title back to me. Thus that title becomes important to the plan that you want to see you want to open a plan I don't have to talk about a plan in this text when you include the entire plan the entire plan is to save my life to save to have a suicide prevention intercede instead of a suicide proceeding. That is an audio file. On SoundCloud. Considered published 12/23/22, 7:52 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) 12/23/22, 7:52 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 7:53 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I just not shared a snapshot of a active 911 showing on my device text interface. It reflects that I'm battling with 911 police of the San Bernardino Police department. They're they're accusing me of abusing the 911 text services. They're saying that it's not an emergency. They're saying that gang stalking is not a crime. They are lying through their teeth the same as the counselors on this line. What gives you the right to lie to me? 12/23/22, 7:53 PM - Crisis Text Line: Fair and legit but to perhaps not be perfect we cannot get images sorry [Texter has just send a gif, video, or image, which our platform cannot accept.] 12/23/22, 7:56 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I said it was a copy of my 911 text interface on this side of my device and life. It's enclosed into the link that opens this entire history up on WhatsApp crisis text line conversation. That your words are entered into. Now I'm going over to my 911 Verizon messages app and I'm going to copy and paste. Do you mind? That's from 911 text interface with the San Bernardino Police department and this is not a prank. This is not a prank you can't claim it a prank because you have the image that shows it a real conversation open on my device. Plus you have this link if you care to understand you're in the receipt of the link. You are in receipt of the link you do not have to link to it you just have to be in receipt of the link for it to be binding that you were received the information. Maybe not you mark but somehow crisis text line received the information. Therefore this conversation should be forward to your board of directors. Whether or not your training is set up so you can link to it the link itself is received by your organization and that is all you need to know at this point and to continue complaining about it only goes to show you have an issue with having the link shared. You cannot restrict the link from being shared. The link is valid the link opens and XML file for the 911 text interface for the San Bernardino Police department that has the same information that I'm going to copy and paste into this chat so you can read it with your restrictions of your training. Do you understand? 12/23/22, 7:57 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: http://fuckeduphuman.space/911-Text-Interface/wow-911-msg-122222.vzm 12/23/22, 7:58 PM - Crisis Text Line: There's no purpose to lie to you for any reason It may be that I'm not fully aware of what you're facing Let me see what I can do thank you for understanding 12/23/22, 7:59 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is a real domain and if you look at the registration of the domain you'll find that it is in my name. If you want my real name well you have an access to know how to get my real name. And the San Bernardino Police department has a record of all of this anyway and if you dispatch or call to try to get them to come over here it will be out of integrity that they will not come over here properly. I'm describing to you that I'm in crisis I'm describing to them I'm in crisis I'm describing to them that this is an emergency and they're describing to me it's not. I'm describing to them that gang stalking is a crime and they're describing to me that it's not. And I'm going to describe another link if I have to. According to my legalquestions.com an article that was actually just issued last month dated November. What is gang stalking? At the very top it says law and fact checked. Within the text itself of the article it says that gang stalking is a crime. 12/23/22, 8:00 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: So I'm going now to my nine my messenger and pulling out 911 snippet that shows that the 911 text interface is describing to me that is not available to me even though it should be. It should be this is a crisis I'm thinking of suicide and the plan goes into action because none of you can be a real conversation and treat me like a real person with my real rights enabled. That includes crisis text line. So I'll be back in a second. 12/23/22, 8:01 PM - Crisis Text Line: And we got you I got you I'm 100% here for you with like batman and robin together we can create safety for you Let's do it 12/23/22, 8:02 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: A few days ago on a prior session of 911 text interface this is saying they have the following statement and that that's embedded in the link that you can open yourself if you care or at least the link is transferred to crisis text line organization so they can link to it. This is a real thing happening I hear that you're 100% here for me 12/23/22, 8:03 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: -------[ 911 text ]------ Note; In last 911 text session you say.... ----- MR DRISKILL - YOU ARE ABUSING 911 - AND PER CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE, GANG STALKING IS NOT A CRIME ---- It is a crime. It is you San Bernardino Police Department 911 operations dispatch center abusing the intent of the service platform. 12/23/22, 8:03 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Do I need to retrieve the thread ID and details? 12/23/22, 8:05 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I am not abusing 911. They're abusing 911. I'm not the one who is silent I'm the one reaching out for help and everybody is SWAT SWAT shifai don't bother us go fu k.off and die message received. When will civil society stop sending me that message by destroying my ability to have a conversation at will calling me a prank calling me it's time to have the clothes of this conversation good time to end it up time to shut up James. l time to shut James up. 12/23/22, 8:05 PM - Crisis Text Line: Nope I see still I'm here to keep you safe or better said to work with you to help you stay safe for you Let's work on your safety and 12/23/22, 8:05 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Tied up and bound by a tech bug 12/23/22, 8:06 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You know as well as I do that we have a dark net overlay. And that I can speak about it as though it is there because it is. All you have to do is know you can't complain about the links here sir mark. I know you can't link to them in this real live chat. That would be the navigational factor that alters this navigation off of your training. I understand that 12/23/22, 8:08 PM - Crisis Text Line: I'd still like to access or know if you have a plan to end you life. Can we start there 12/23/22, 8:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: But that does not negate the fact that I can proceed to forward you that link even though you may have some sort of hesitance that you think that link is dangerous to yourself organization somehow going to corrupt your your mentality or corrupt your philosophy of operation. Maybe so. Maybe it's time to corrupt your operation of its philosophy of its foundation to why an open conversation cannot proceed and why the counselors are trained to avoid a conflict of this item here when this particular subject is pulled into view because you are trained to do that you're trained to avoid this kind of conversation when it is my right to reveal this conversation number one and then number two have a discussion somewhere somehow some sort of resource for a discussion 12/23/22, 8:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Like I said if you're going to talk about planning end of life it's in an audio. That audio is has a title. The title itself kind of plans the fact that it's showing you it's a plan in as itself. Would you like the title again so you can repeat that title back into this conversation so that I can get you off of the idea that you can't have to repeat yourself I've already gave you that answer 12/23/22, 8:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978/in-the-alls-of-all-halls-of?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=4f86bb0240c142e3a85f6f06a6a878cc&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/23/22, 8:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm sorry that's the wrong link I gave you the wrong link there's two links and one provides you the title I gave you the wrong one sorry 12/23/22, 8:10 PM - Crisis Text Line: No need to worry about it i got your back 12/23/22, 8:10 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Check out Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=254b8d1e929c445d81ba50bfeea32cd8&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing 12/23/22, 8:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is a title should you understand a title of perhaps a plan. That is showing a detailed answer not a simple one 12/23/22, 8:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Take the title and type it back out to me 12/23/22, 8:12 PM - Crisis Text Line: Will do as soon as I can copy it We can cut an paste convo's a major charm of the system So stick with me please 12/23/22, 8:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: All you have to do is take the title of The view and type it back to me. That gives you moral agency over this matter sir and that you follow my directions over on top of what you have been given training for this chat deserves to be and is desire to be and it's demanded to be forwarded to your board of directors 12/23/22, 8:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You have now you are the first person in all of this after how many counselors sit down and shut the f****** about your lousy rules and have a conversation this is at this very moment right now where this conversation gets real 12/23/22, 8:13 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is a plan of a suicide prevention and a plan if it does not work what happens. Audio presented. Do we proceed with what direction reality or a bunch of more b*******? 12/23/22, 8:15 PM - Crisis Text Line: The plan for prevention is less plan and more the two of us sorting through the reality of all that you're facing and feeling I think we can do this w/your help 12/23/22, 8:16 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The text of the audio is draft submitted to comments on page https://www.mylawquestions.com/what-is-gang-stalking.htm 12/23/22, 8:16 PM - Crisis Text Line: I mean the reality of connection which is at the heart of our humanity is just that connection with each other about it all I hear you about the rest but you 12/23/22, 8:17 PM - Crisis Text Line: are here for you and that is what I'd like to focus on with yur permission 12/23/22, 8:17 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If you see something say something applies to you sir as an individual human being. If you know somebody who's being GameStop contact the police it says 12/23/22, 8:18 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You have my authority to contact the police and describe to them that I'm going to commit suicide if they do not have a open and honest discussion about a crime called gang stalking and why it needs to be addressed in the city of San Bernardino specifically. In February there was a former parole officer who appeared at the San Bernardino city council meeting addressing the same issue. Game stalking is a crime it is not something to just ignore. 12/23/22, 8:20 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm here on crisis text line trying to find a resource to make that happen because if you do not make that happen somewhere in my life calling to soften the fuck up, there is no reason to continue to live. I'm waiting for a title of a SoundCloud to be typed back to me to acknowledge that you have an audio that you have to put into view for your services. That's upper management and that this chat text and it's hole is forwarded to your board of directors using the same tools that are on your side of this tool you can do that now and confirm that that was done if you cared but if you do not care and are actually a Nazi hate sympathizer you will just leave this task off the list and close this conversation and I am in avoid of trying to get a social influence over this matter. And that is a disgrace that must be erased 12/23/22, 8:21 PM - Crisis Text Line: We can do that. Would you consider calling them? Just wanted to ask but if I'm not mistaken I believe you have 12/23/22, 8:21 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Law Fact Checked What Is Gang Stalking? Maggie J. Hall Last Modified Date: November 30, 2022 Gang stalking refers to harassment and intimidation tactics used by a group of individuals against another person or toward a smaller group of people. People may initiate this type of civil offense because they are intolerant of another person for numerous reasons, which might include differing beliefs or lifestyles, jealousy, or racial prejudice. Stalkers generally design the covert methods used for psychological harassment to exact revenge, coerce silence, or cast out persons having opposing views. While gang stalking is considered a misdemeanor in some states, the offense carries felony penalties in others. 12/23/22, 8:21 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I will only talk to a counselor once they have listened to the audio so the audio is priority 12/23/22, 8:22 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: If you don't treat this audio as a priority then f*** you I commit suicide 12/23/22, 8:23 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: [12/23, 8:10 PM] HatesNotGonnaHappen: Check out Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/martin-houser-972970978?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=254b8d1e929c445d81ba50bfeea32cd8&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing [12/23, 8:16 PM] Crisis Text Line: I mean the reality of connection which is at the heart of our humanity is just that connection with each other about it all I hear you about the rest but you 12/23/22, 8:23 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes I'm aware of what the QR code says. It's intentional 12/23/22, 8:24 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Get out of my bedroom too that this little tech bug 12/23/22, 8:25 PM - Crisis Text Line: I am working to get that soundcloud URL entered in the meantime NOT mean time can you share your plan to end your life? 12/23/22, 8:27 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: #BigManKillingTechBug https://youtu.be/gcAPRhA0zNE 12/23/22, 8:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I understand and this is a conversation that begins in a forum that is absolutely a mandate before you will commit me off of a different plan of suicide. This is outrageous 12/23/22, 8:28 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://youtu.be/gcAPRhA0zNE 12/23/22, 8:28 PM - Crisis Text Line: Oh my Facts dont lie :Hated on :I Died by suicide soundcloud 12/23/22, 8:29 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I knew you could do it I knew you could do it. What the fuck is wrong with your counselors. 12/23/22, 8:29 PM - Crisis Text Line: So friend tell me about your plan please 12/23/22, 8:32 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: My name is James Martin Driskill and I welcome you to contact the San Bernardino Police department as an authority on crisis and tell them that your man here on the other line of this is in crisis. There is a plan of action that should they're not be in a civil level society address for a crime of gang stalking that commences forward. Everybody in view of this will be guilty of United States code section 242 deprivation of rights under color of law for that he. Seriously considering committing suicide. I welcome all aspects of any resource you can think of to fix this. You can email me those resources at a later date because I expect somebody has to research this because you all will be guilty of deprivation of my rights should I die of suicide. 12/23/22, 8:33 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Email: factsdontlie.hatedon.idied@gmail.com 12/23/22, 8:33 PM - Crisis Text Line: But to do that And please James hear me with this I need your plan your timing etc etc so we can share it We got this 12/23/22, 8:33 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: There is a huge void from normalcy and the reaching up to out of this gangstalking. A huge gap needs to be placed and interception of reality. I don't think you're capable of having a conversation with me 12/23/22, 8:34 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I don't think you're capable of it 12/23/22, 8:35 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I not sure I think it was the last session when I described to you that my mother threatened to kill me. She said that she was going to kill me when I'm having you know in the battle with her and then an hour or so later she said that her relationship to God was none of her son's business. That enforces that fact that I was actually threatened my life threatens by my very own mother. 12/23/22, 8:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is the house that I've been forced to have to live in and live in and live in and live in over and over and over a breakage of my life because I've been a targeted individual of gang stalking for more than 15 years it dates back all the way back to the registration of my Internet domain in 2005. Overall this is a hostile environment. Making claim all they want but I know what is true they kicked down my door and at the point that I'm I'm done with this I am done living in this house when I have no circle of influence of 12/23/22, 8:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: No more of this enough is enough 12/23/22, 8:36 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I've had to come back your time and time again. I set up a school in Denver and I had six students. One of my students before I left Denver oh yeah again a victim of the gang stalking elements. My tenancy was collapsed and I have to come back here again to this stupid house in San Bernardino. 12/23/22, 8:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm I'm at my end. I have the rope to touch there is no social services all aspects of this have been taken away from me. Even my very own doctors will not be dumb VIP doctors my termination of my HIV care when I tried to bring forward this discussion 12/23/22, 8:37 PM - Crisis Text Line: That sounds like it is stab in your heart The feeling that a mother But right here and now you're here for you and sharing so brilliantly Do you have a plan 12/23/22, 8:37 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I cannot live in this house anymore and I cannot live in the society there's aim to destroy me literally murder me. 12/23/22, 8:38 PM - Crisis Text Line: And what can WE do to help you remain safe for you so you can share all your knowledge and experience 12/23/22, 8:38 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Again sir do I have to repeat myself sir. The plan if you want to call it that is an active thought process. It involves a suicide prevention plan to intercede before so if you do not help me have that happen then you are involved in a moral agency that you know that a suicide is future possible because you did nothing. 12/23/22, 8:39 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That plan is in the audio I'm not repeating it. The prevention plan is in the audio would you like to talk about that sir. Let's focus on the prevention and not the plan of a suicide let's talk about the prevention the prevention of a suicide let's talk about the prevention of a suicide or I'm going to hang up 12/23/22, 8:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Get to San Bernardino Police department to interface a citizen properly and get them to address the subject of gang stalking. Gang stalking is a real thing it is a crime. I'm a targeted individual of gang stalking and then tell this is specifically addressed in a civil society I am going to plan my attack of a suicide because none of you can help me become a reasonable civil society and have a discussion about a topic that is a crime 12/23/22, 8:40 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I've given you the resources to know that I'm real and I'm not a prank 12/23/22, 8:42 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You know a person who is a victim of gang sucking and according to my legal questions.com you will have a way to call the police they recommend that you contact law enforcement that is the recommendation I'm telling you contact them and tell them that you know a person who is a victim of gang stalkinghat you are crisis text line counselor and I'm serious. In the meantime where is the resource of mental health that will deal with the same thing that mental health resources counselors psychiatry everything that will address this matter front hand top line priority. Who is that resource that will know that when I talk to them about gang stalking I'm talking about a crime not a mental condition of a dilution. Who will I talk to you that will commit themselves to giving me the resources of help in our civil society and that treat me like a mental case? Where is that resource sir where is it person's name? 12/23/22, 8:43 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That's going to take you to do some research and get back to me because none of your resources has that kind of delivery. This is a subject that has been a a corrupted view of reality by intentional Mass ignorance known as agnotology 12/23/22, 8:44 PM - Crisis Text Line: I know you are brilliant and struggling and seem to asking for help I'm going to close this conversation in a sec 12/23/22, 8:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: agnotology (uncountable) The study of culturally-induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data. 12/23/22, 8:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I I expect somebody to email me 12/23/22, 8:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I expected Dr Noble Alfie will not block me on Twitter when I contact her 12/23/22, 8:44 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: She's one of your part of directors by the way 12/23/22, 8:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: She is one of your board of directors by the way 12/23/22, 8:45 PM - Crisis Text Line: Yup know that and know you are going to the top here 12/23/22, 8:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Please forward this chat to your supervisor and up channels so that she gets it as well this is a matter of Bitcoin corporate information management 12/23/22, 8:45 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Before you go I'm going to save this as another reference of this saved copy of this chat 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221222-WA0004. (file attached) DOC-20221222-WA0004. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221222-WA0003. (file attached) DOC-20221222-WA0003. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0011. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0011. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0001. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0001. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0000. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0000. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0007. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0007. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0002. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0002. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0004. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0004. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0009. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0009. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0010. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0010. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0003. (file attached) DOC-20221223-WA0003. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20221223-WA0012. (file attached) WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I love it that the preview comes in and shows you that it's a 911 text true text. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Peace out 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. You matter. 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 12/23/22, 8:46 PM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=gGr3Vd63a68442322d9&r=0&m=Whatsapp 12/23/22, 8:47 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Everything is too easy to not do this so it should be done and I'll get a message from one of your board of directors doesn't have to be Dr Alfie but Dr Alfie has to apologize to me 12/23/22, 8:47 PM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 1/2/23, 9:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.snapchat.com/add/bamiziko19?share_id=WOohX1CFVyw&locale=en-US 1/2/23, 9:08 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 1/2/23, 9:08 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20230102-WA0000.jpg (file attached) No Gangstalking 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - Crisis Text Line: Are you in crisis right now? Y/N 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Y 1/2/23, 9:09 PM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 1/2/23, 9:10 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 3% battery 1/2/23, 9:10 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 1/2/23, 9:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Do me a favor! 1/2/23, 9:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Grindr Group / HatesNotGonnaHappen No Gangstalking Stars the Dysfunction of - The Reluctant / Non-Ignorant / Not So Innocent https://qrco.de/bdbTlX 1/2/23, 9:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: location: https://maps.google.com/?q=34.1510738,-117.3111243 1/2/23, 9:13 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm heading out of this house abused 1/2/23, 9:13 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: To go missing. Off the grid missing 1/2/23, 9:14 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: According to the National Missing and Unidentified Persons (NamUS) database, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, more than 600,000 people go missing annually. Approximately 4,400 unidentified bodies are recovered each year. 1/2/23, 9:15 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Repeating 1/2/23, 9:15 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: ----- 1/2/23, 9:15 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: HI AK WA MT ND MN WI MI NY VT NH ME RI MA CT NJ DE OH IL IN MD PA WV VA SC GA TN KY MO CO NV OR ID IA NE SD WY NC FL AL MS CA UT AZ NM OK LA TX KS AR Missing (per 100k) < 5 > 5 > 10 > 15 > 20 > 25 > 30 > 35 > 40 > 45 Click on a tile for details. freestar Missing Persons by State 2023 According to the National Missing and Unidentified Persons (NamUS) database, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, more than 600,000 people go missing annually. Approximately 4,400 unidentified bodies are recovered each year. Nationwide, there are roughly 6.5 missing persons for every 100,000 people. Luckily, the vast majority of missing persons cases are quickly resolved. For exam 2/23/23, 10:54 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Only the first 65% could be pasted 2/23/23, 10:54 AM - Crisis Text Line: We'll need to bring our conversation to a close. Before we say goodbye, would you like to talk about ways you can help yourself feel better today? 2/23/23, 10:54 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: As mentioned 2/23/23, 10:55 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Rev 3A - This short ebook describes the leaders of the gangstalking program against Targeted Individuals in the United States. Their names are David J. Glawe and Brian J. Murphy. I was able to track down these two criminals, due to the brave efforts of police whistleblowers. During 2018, there were 3 police whistleblowers that stated the Fusion Centers were being used as Gangstalking control stations. The Intelligence & Analysis Office of DHS provides funding, training, free software, database and contact lists, and some of the key personnel for the Fusion Centers in the United States. I & A Office coordinates between the Fusion Centers and works with the Emergency 911 Call Centers in the United States, to block and redirect the emergency calls of Targeted Individuals. Many Targeted Individuals have experienced what happens when making a 911 emergency call and no ambulance arrives, or police arrive and mock you. 2/23/23, 10:55 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Crisis text line has what is called moral agency on this matter 2/23/23, 10:55 AM - Crisis Text Line: Maybe we can think of some coping strategies- things that would help you feel more safe and calm today. 2/23/23, 10:55 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You cannot just close this conversation and ignore me 2/23/23, 10:55 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Is that a invitation to actually have a discussion about coping strategies? 2/23/23, 10:56 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Currently my coping strategy when actually I'm stressed to the limit and don't think I can get any further forward.. I open something to write to the civil society on cyberspace. I like the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So far that has been my coping skill to proceed forward 2/23/23, 10:57 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Feel more safe? You really need to open a SoundCloud. Listen to 911-Text-Interface-HistoryAbound-ParadigmShift-2.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/4mLFu 2/23/23, 10:57 AM - Crisis Text Line: That's correct. Our service is here to help you feel calmer during a moment of crisis, and to identify coping strategies to use during future moments of crisis. 2/23/23, 10:58 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: This is an XML data record of actual 911 text interface conversation content. http://911-text-interface.realityaudit.life/SanBernardinoCA/911-Text-Interface-HistoryAbound-ParadigmShift.AcknowledgeCitizen.Perform-Your-Duty.msg-022323.vzm 2/23/23, 10:59 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Take that SoundCloud. On your own time. The name of the soundcloud account is Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide 2/23/23, 11:00 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is a SoundCloud presentation of a suicidal prevention presentation. And the result of coping knowing how to write the truth for it to be written unto the record for all time human history 2/23/23, 11:01 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/health-fitness/a21290287/crisis-text-line-counselor/ 2/23/23, 11:01 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 11 Things a Counselor Wants You to Know About the Text-Only Crisis Hotline You can text for support 24/7. 2/23/23, 11:01 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The Crisis Text Line (741741) is a 24/7 New York-based nonprofit organization that connects people in need with a counselor via text message. In the weekend that followed the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, it received 116 percent more texts than the previous weekend, mostly from people citing pain and fear, according to Crisis Text Line data. 2/23/23, 11:02 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: There's no hotline that magically solves everyone's problems, but being a part of the solution, no matter how much you move the needle, feels like a step in the right direction," says text crisis counselor coach Hira Raja, 28, who began volunteering in 2015 and has since joined the organization as a full-time employee. Here's what you need to know about the Crisis Text Line: 1. You can text about absolutely any issue. 2/23/23, 11:02 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Is that true? 2/23/23, 11:03 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 2. There's no wrong way to begin a Crisis Text Line conversation. Is that true? 2/23/23, 11:03 AM - Crisis Text Line: That is correct. Users can text about any issue. We may not always have an answer or solution, but we are here to listen. 2/23/23, 11:04 AM - Crisis Text Line: We have been talking for about an hour and will need to start saying goodbye. Thank you for sharing your thoughts openly with me. 2/23/23, 11:05 AM - Crisis Text Line: Please take care of yourself today, and if you feel in immediate danger at any time, contact 911 or your local emergency services. 2/23/23, 11:05 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 3. Texters aren't asked to share their names or any identifying information. My name is James Martin Driskill. I live in the city of San Bernardino California At the address of 3260 granda Vista. There is a Google maps School business listing located at this address. Subsequently... There is a listing That applies. https://www.schoolandcollegelistings.com/US/San-Bernardino/468008909888814/Gruwup-%3A-Great-Reasons-Us-Will-Unite-Peace-%3A-Complete-Worldwide-Peace 2/23/23, 11:05 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Really saying goodbye? 2/23/23, 11:06 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 7. The Crisis Text Line uses an algorithm to assess the severity of a crisis. 2/23/23, 11:06 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Is that true? 2/23/23, 11:06 AM - Crisis Text Line: Please lean on any coping strategies that have helped you in the past, such as writing in cyber space. I am wishing you a peaceful rest of your day. 2/23/23, 11:06 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. 2/23/23, 11:06 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 8. Texters can end the conversation at any point, but counselors never will cut them off. Seems like saying goodbye is cutting me off 2/23/23, 11:06 AM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 2/23/23, 11:06 AM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=lr3Yn363f7b9486224e&r=0&m=Whatsapp 2/23/23, 11:06 AM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 2/23/23, 11:07 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The counselor lied. Are the article author lied. As I suggested. #BigManKillingTechBug And crisis text line is infected. Definitely infected. 2/23/23, 11:07 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 2/23/23, 11:07 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 2/23/23, 11:08 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 2/23/23, 11:08 AM - Crisis Text Line: Are you in crisis right now? Y/N 2/23/23, 11:08 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 2/23/23, 11:08 AM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 2/23/23, 11:10 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The last counselor cut me off. The last concert said it was time to say goodbye Even though there is an article about crisis text line and point number 8. 8. Texters can end the conversation at any point, but counselors never will cut them off. So it would demonstratively settling or unsettling or in closure of my last crisis text line session - to ignore point number 8 And not challenge the notion. To not confronts the matter. Matter of fact. Fact over fiction. 2/23/23, 11:10 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: A reference - export chat - full history of WhatsApp crisis text line interface with this citizen There is a feature for this. The triple. Dot vertical ... Use more Use export chat. Export this chat to your supervisor 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0002. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20230223-WA0002. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0001. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0003. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0011. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0009. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0010. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0012. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0004. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20230223-WA0001. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20230102-WA0001. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0007. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20230102-WA0000.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20230223-WA0000.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 11:12 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 11:13 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: There is a link. To a file That is called WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 2/23/23, 11:14 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi James, this is Jenna. We spoke previously. I understand that you are concerned about the convo being closed, but we are a short-term service. Please (1/3) 2/23/23, 11:14 AM - Crisis Text Line: use your coping skills today or call 911 if in danger. If you are in crisis in the future, we will be available for support every 48 hours. (2/3) 2/23/23, 11:14 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I will be patient and tell this is a signed a counselor. Assigned is the key factor. Not a random selection mind you but an assignment. Jenna 2/23/23, 11:14 AM - Crisis Text Line: In the mean time, would you like me to send over some other resources that you can use for crisis support today? (3/3) 2/23/23, 11:15 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Point 8 in the article online says that counselors will not cut me off. But then again you just did didn't you. What gives you that thinking process? What is in the article is in the article is it not true? 2/23/23, 11:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: You will receive a link to a survey at the end of this conversation, where you can leave feedback if you are unsatisfied 2/23/23, 11:17 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 8. Texters can end the conversation at any point, but counselors never will cut them off. Depending on a conversation's pace, the average Crisis Text Line session lasts between 45 and 60 minutes, What was the time that are last session was timed duration of our last session? Not even close to 60 minutes. according to Raja. If you go idle or ghost your counselor and don't appear to be in immediate danger, he or she may follow up several times before letting you know they're moving on to another conversation. If you reach out after that, your text will go back into the queue and be picked up by a different counselor. 2/23/23, 11:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: I do want to ensure that you are safe today. Your safety is important James. Are you currently having any thoughts about ending your life? 2/23/23, 11:18 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I suggest that you do the following Jenna. Take the triple dot button and drop down menu. Is that the right hand top side of this conversation on your app. Use more. Use export chat 2/23/23, 11:19 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I will be forwarding the results of this. To the author of the article I found online about crisis text line. Either you are or you are not following a set of directions. Cognitive. Directing this to a non-existent fact. You do not believe Your site is going to be named in a lawsuit as a defendant. 2/23/23, 11:20 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: My life is ending. A recent test blood work for HIV markers as resulted to a cd4/cd8 ratio value of 0.25 Anything under 1.0 is abnormal. Anything above 1.0 is normal. Anything below 1.0 is catastrophic failure of HIV treatment. The results of the blood work has shown that from normal down 75% with only 25% left to go until I die. 2/23/23, 11:22 AM - Crisis Text Line: Please remember that if you need emergency or medical care today, you can contact 911 or the San Bernardino CCRT as you mentioned in our previous conversation 2/23/23, 11:22 AM - Crisis Text Line: You identified one coping strategy (writing in cyber space), and if you'd like, I can send you some resources to help identify more coping strategies as well 2/23/23, 11:23 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Thoughts of ending my life? You can find a reference to this SoundCloud. Directly answers that question. The SoundCloud is a 30 minute audio presentation to the suicide prevention of my life. Thoughts of harming myself? I told the mandatory reporter from Wesley medical in Los Angeles when they called here. That she contacted the local police department for 911 emergency services as a mandatory responder. 911 would not come to this house on any kind of view of emergency. There is a reason for that. I have provided the record best the best I can. Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/R49TV This audio answers your question 2/23/23, 11:23 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You inquired: I do want to ensure that you are safe today. Your safety is important James. Are you currently having any thoughts about ending your life? 2/23/23, 11:24 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Do me a favor 2/23/23, 11:25 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Copy this text: Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud " Put that into the clipboard and copy it back into this conversation. 2/23/23, 11:25 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You are about to be sued in legal Jeopardy the same as the San Bernardino Police department and the San Bernardino county ccrt services 2/23/23, 11:26 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Your site is going to be listed as a defendant in a huge huge discrimination case 2/23/23, 11:26 AM - Crisis Text Line: I'm going to close our conversation now. If you are still feeling in crisis after 48 hours has gone by, we will be here to chat again 2/23/23, 11:26 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Jenna can I ask you how do I contact you specifically? 2/23/23, 11:27 AM - Crisis Text Line: If you feel in crisis as this day continues, please know that you can also call the number 988 to chat with someone on the phone. Sometimes it is easier (1/2) 2/23/23, 11:27 AM - Crisis Text Line: to communicate on the phone rather than text. You deserve the support so please reach out if you need it. Take good care of yourself today James. (2/2) 2/23/23, 11:27 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. 2/23/23, 11:27 AM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 2/23/23, 11:27 AM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=0gWb2e63f7be2a45c47&r=0&m=Whatsapp 2/23/23, 11:28 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 48 hours https://datetimego.com/48-hours-from-now 2/23/23, 11:28 AM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 2/23/23, 11:28 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: What Time Will It Be 48 Hours From Now? 11:27:37 AM Saturday, February 25, 2023 2/23/23, 11:28 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 2/23/23, 11:28 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 2/23/23, 11:29 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 988 is also a sma text chat service 2/23/23, 11:29 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/23/23, 11:29 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 2/23/23, 11:29 AM - Crisis Text Line: We know you've been dealing with a lot lately. We want to give you the tools you need in order to be able to better support yourself. Our goal is to support you through a crisis. So, we'll be here for you, but we're going to keep our convos to 45 mins, every 48 hrs. 2/23/23, 11:29 AM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 2/23/23, 11:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Interesting you refer me to a different crisis line. I will make note that I will export this WhatsApp chat text into the beginning of the SMS reference for 988. That is what I must do 2/23/23, 11:30 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 2/23/23, 11:30 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 2/23/23, 11:31 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, my name is Kelli and I'm here to listen. Will you tell me what's going on with you, and why you're reaching out today? 2/23/23, 11:31 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Hi there Kelli 2/23/23, 11:32 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Before I can begin. I have certain expectations of crisis text line counselors. I have a article online that is to be referenced. Each of these points should be considered. The author of the article seems to count and promote crisis text line to these established points of bullets Are they true? 2/23/23, 11:33 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/health-fitness/a21290287/crisis-text-line-counselor/ 2/23/23, 11:33 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Do I need to copy and paste the entire article text into this record? 2/23/23, 11:34 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 11 Things a Counselor Wants You to Know About the Text-Only Crisis Hotline You can text for support 24/7. BY ELIZABETH NARINSPUBLISHED: JUN 13, 2018 2/23/23, 11:35 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Introduction. The Crisis Text Line (741741) is a 24/7 New York-based nonprofit organization that connects people in need with a counselor via text message. In the weekend that followed the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, it received 116 percent more texts than the previous weekend, mostly from people citing pain and fear, according to Crisis Text Line data --- This article is talking about you specifically right? Counselor Kelli 2/23/23, 11:35 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I will copy the bullet point references strictly 2/23/23, 11:36 AM - Crisis Text Line: I apologize for the confusion. We will need to close this conversation since you have already received some support today. Please lean on the resources (1/2) 2/23/23, 11:36 AM - Crisis Text Line: suggested - 988 hotline, local crisis response team, 911 if an emergency. And take care today. We are available for crisis support every 48 hours. (2/2) 2/23/23, 11:37 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The first 8 points 2/23/23, 11:37 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. 2/23/23, 11:37 AM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 2/23/23, 11:37 AM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=lkDV4r63f7c06205c44&r=0&m=Whatsapp 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0002. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0011. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0004. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0004. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0001. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0000. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0012. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0010. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0003. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20230223-WA0001. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0007. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221222-WA0003. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20230223-WA0003. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20230223-WA0004. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20230223-WA0002. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20221223-WA0009. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> DOC-20230102-WA0001. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20230102-WA0000.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20230223-WA0000.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 11:46 AM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/23/23, 11:47 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/23/23, 11:49 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Opening Whatsapp chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 2/23/23, 11:49 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 2/23/23, 11:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 2/23/23, 11:50 AM - Crisis Text Line: We know you've been dealing with a lot lately. We want to give you the tools you need in order to be able to better support yourself. Our goal is to support you through a crisis. So, we'll be here for you, but we're going to keep our convos to 45 mins, every 48 hrs. 2/23/23, 11:50 AM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 2/23/23, 11:50 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Really now. What are you all afraid of huh? The truth? :https://www.cosmopolitan.com/health-fitness/a21290287/crisis-text-line-counselor/ Health & Fitness 11 Things a Counselor Wants You to Know About the Text-Only Crisis Hotline You can text for support 24/7. BY ELIZABETH NARINSPUBLISHED: JUN 13, 2018 The Crisis Text Line (741741) is a 24/7 New York-based nonprofit organization that connects people in need with a counselor via text message. In the weekend that followed the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, it received 116 percent more texts than the previous weekend, mostly from people citing pain and fear, according to Crisis Text Line data. "There's no hotline that magically solves everyone's problems, but being a part of the solution, no matter how much you move the needle, feels like a step in the right direction," says text crisis counselor coach Hira Raja, 28, who began volunteering in 2015 and has since joined the organization as a full-time employee. Here's what you need to know about the Crisis Text Line: 1. You can text about absolutely any issue. 2. There's no wrong way to begin a Crisis Text Line conversation. 3. Texters aren't asked to share their names or any identifying information. 4. You never have to pick up the phone and speak to a human — unless you want to. 5. Counselors don't use scripts. 6. Crisis counselors are taught to empathize with texters, rather than interrogate them. 7. The Crisis Text Line uses an algorithm to assess the severity of a crisis. 8. Texters can end the conversation at any point, but counselors never will cut them off. 9. The organization will dispatch emergency services in some situations. 10. Crisis counselors can't replace long-term therapy. 11. Crisis text counseling can provide enormous relief during and after conversations. ---- If you or someone you know needs help, please text Crisis Text Line at 741741, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) ---- . 2/23/23, 11:50 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 2/23/23, 11:52 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 48 hours : Jenna said I could reengage her 2/23/23, 11:52 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 2/23/23, 11:52 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, my name is Chelsea. Thank you for reaching out. I am here for you. Please tell me more about what's going on. 2/23/23, 11:53 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Hi Chelsea. There is no limit to the number of times I will attempt this 2/23/23, 11:53 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: As a consumer of this product as a citizen of the United States of America and a person who is in crisis 2/23/23, 11:53 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I have certain expectations based upon a certain article I found online 2/23/23, 11:53 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 11 points to the article 2/23/23, 11:53 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Really now. What are you all afraid of huh? The truth? :https://www.cosmopolitan.com/health-fitness/a21290287/crisis-text-line-counselor/ Health & Fitness 11 Things a Counselor Wants You to Know About the Text-Only Crisis Hotline You can text for support 24/7. BY ELIZABETH NARINSPUBLISHED: JUN 13, 2018 The Crisis Text Line (741741) is a 24/7 New York-based nonprofit organization that connects people in need with a counselor via text message. In the weekend that followed the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, it received 116 percent more texts than the previous weekend, mostly from people citing pain and fear, according to Crisis Text Line data. "There's no hotline that magically solves everyone's problems, but being a part of the solution, no matter how much you move the needle, feels like a step in the right direction," says text crisis counselor coach Hira Raja, 28, who began volunteering in 2015 and has since joined the organization as a full-time employee. Here's what you need to know about the Crisis Text Line: 1. You can text about absolutely any issue. 2. There's no wrong way to begin a Crisis Text Line conversation. 3. Texters aren't asked to share their names or any identifying information. 4. You never have to pick up the phone and speak to a human — unless you want to. 5. Counselors don't use scripts. 6. Crisis counselors are taught to empathize with texters, rather than interrogate them. 7. The Crisis Text Line uses an algorithm to assess the severity of a crisis. 8. Texters can end the conversation at any point, but counselors never will cut them off. 9. The organization will dispatch emergency services in some situations. 10. Crisis counselors can't replace long-term therapy. 11. Crisis text counseling can provide enormous relief during and after conversations. ---- If you or someone you know needs help, please text Crisis Text Line at 741741, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) ---- . 2/23/23, 11:54 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I am being directed by your counselors to use a different service. 866 2/23/23, 11:54 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Rather than engaging what are my expectations based upon this article. 2/23/23, 11:54 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Where am I wrong? 2/23/23, 11:54 AM - Crisis Text Line: Can you explain more about your crisis today? 2/23/23, 11:55 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Point 7. It would be interesting to know how this is accomplished upon my history 2/23/23, 11:55 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Point 8 specifically. Why do you crisis text line counselors keep cutting me off? 2/23/23, 11:56 AM - Crisis Text Line: Would you mind explaining what made you reach out today? 2/23/23, 11:56 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I'm taking the history of this chat from the moment I use WhatsApp and crisis text line. The exported text file 2/23/23, 11:56 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: And placing that to a spoken voice narrative file right now. That will be an audio media 2/23/23, 11:57 AM - Crisis Text Line: The crisis text line service does not support audio messages unfortunately 2/23/23, 11:57 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I reached out to you today because I am in crisis. I have had recent involvements that have had mandatory reporters contact 911 dispatch police services. When I told them that there would not be any Police services offered to me. They would deny more excuse themselves away from responding to any kind of reporting. 2/23/23, 11:58 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thank you for sharing that with me. When you say police were contacted, do you mean you were thinking of ending your life? 2/23/23, 11:58 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You as a counselor are on a crisis text line chat interface that you are narrowly focused to your point of view that you are trained to accomplish. I have a reference to that article that you can see here. I understand what is your narrow focus. That does not prevent me from placing a reference to this audio and the URL into this audio chat conversation That is a chat conversation that is open to number one the in full public adversary or for sure specifically I want to have it mandated up to your supervisors and your board of directors. Absolutely nothing is impossible. 2/23/23, 12:01 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Your inquiry: Thank you for sharing that with me. When you say police were contacted, do you mean you were thinking of ending your life? -- My universal declaration of human Rights enacted in 1948 specifically title 19. Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. --- The answer to your question is not a simple question and answer text q&a. Answer to your question is found in a SoundCloud audio presentation. Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/v5jKh 2/23/23, 12:02 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Do me a favor. Take out your understanding. Text only Read that information that it says by... Copy the information to your clipboard and paste it back to me 2/23/23, 12:02 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That audio is a suicide prevention presentation 2/23/23, 12:03 PM - Crisis Text Line: In order to respect our boundaries, you are limited to one conversation every 48 hours. I see you have had a conversation recently. (1/2) 2/23/23, 12:03 PM - Crisis Text Line: I am going to end our conversation now. If you feel you are in danger please contact 911. Take care. (2/2) 2/23/23, 12:03 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Freedom of expression. Through any media means this WhatsApp chat interface. Through any media also includes SoundCloud. I have the right to express myself through any media 2/23/23, 12:03 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. 2/23/23, 12:03 PM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 2/23/23, 12:03 PM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=eXENLO63f7c6a0accf5&r=0&m=Whatsapp 2/23/23, 12:07 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: In 2018, 8. Texters can end the conversation at any point, but counselors never will cut them off. Depending on a conversation's pace, the average Crisis Text Line session lasts between 45 and 60 minutes, according to Raja. If you go idle or ghost your counselor and don't appear to be in immediate danger, he or she may follow up several times before letting you know they're moving on to another conversation. If you reach out after that, your text will go back into the queue and be picked up by a different counselor. --- In 2023 Feb 23, I was told: In order to respect our boundaries, you are limited to one conversation every 48 hours. I see you have had a conversation recently. (1/2) I am going to end our conversation now. If you feel you are in danger please contact 911. Take care. (2/2) --- Contact 911 you say? Complete failure Listen to 911-Text-Interface-HistoryAbound-ParadigmShift-2.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/hbcq6 2/23/23, 12:07 PM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 2/23/23, 12:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: In 2018, 8. Texters can end the conversation at any point, but counselors never will cut them off. Depending on a conversation's pace, the average Crisis Text Line session lasts between 45 and 60 minutes, according to Raja. If you go idle or ghost your counselor and don't appear to be in immediate danger, he or she may follow up several times before letting you know they're moving on to another conversation. If you reach out after that, your text will go back into the queue and be picked up by a different counselor. --- In 2023 Feb 23, I was told: In order to respect our boundaries, you are limited to one conversation every 48 hours. I see you have had a conversation recently. (1/2) I am going to end our conversation now. If you feel you are in danger please contact 911. Take care. (2/2) --- Contact 911 you say? Complete failure Listen to 911-Text-Interface-HistoryAbound-ParadigmShift-2.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/hbcq6 2/23/23, 12:08 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 2/23/23, 12:08 PM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 2/23/23, 12:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 2/23/23, 12:08 PM - Crisis Text Line: Are you in crisis right now? Y/N 2/23/23, 12:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 2/23/23, 12:08 PM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 2/23/23, 12:08 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line.txt 2/23/23, 12:08 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 2/23/23, 12:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: In 2018, 8. Texters can end the conversation at any point, but counselors never will cut them off. Depending on a conversation's pace, the average Crisis Text Line session lasts between 45 and 60 minutes, according to Raja. If you go idle or ghost your counselor and don't appear to be in immediate danger, he or she may follow up several times before letting you know they're moving on to another conversation. If you reach out after that, your text will go back into the queue and be picked up by a different counselor. --- In 2023 Feb 23, I was told: In order to respect our boundaries, you are limited to one conversation every 48 hours. I see you have had a conversation recently. (1/2) I am going to end our conversation now. If you feel you are in danger please contact 911. Take care. (2/2) --- Contact 911 you say? Complete failure Listen to 911-Text-Interface-HistoryAbound-ParadigmShift-2.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/hbcq6 2/23/23, 12:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Really now. What are you all afraid of huh? The truth? :https://www.cosmopolitan.com/health-fitness/a21290287/crisis-text-line-counselor/ Health & Fitness 11 Things a Counselor Wants You to Know About the Text-Only Crisis Hotline You can text for support 24/7. BY ELIZABETH NARINSPUBLISHED: JUN 13, 2018 The Crisis Text Line (741741) is a 24/7 New York-based nonprofit organization that connects people in need with a counselor via text message. In the weekend that followed the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, it received 116 percent more texts than the previous weekend, mostly from people citing pain and fear, according to Crisis Text Line data. "There's no hotline that magically solves everyone's problems, but being a part of the solution, no matter how much you move the needle, feels like a step in the right direction," says text crisis counselor coach Hira Raja, 28, who began volunteering in 2015 and has since joined the organization as a full-time employee. Here's what you need to know about the Crisis Text Line: 1. You can text about absolutely any issue. 2. There's no wrong way to begin a Crisis Text Line conversation. 3. Texters aren't asked to share their names or any identifying information. 4. You never have to pick up the phone and speak to a human — unless you want to. 5. Counselors don't use scripts. 6. Crisis counselors are taught to empathize with texters, rather than interrogate them. 7. The Crisis Text Line uses an algorithm to assess the severity of a crisis. 8. Texters can end the conversation at any point, but counselors never will cut them off. 9. The organization will dispatch emergency services in some situations. 10. Crisis counselors can't replace long-term therapy. 11. Crisis text counseling can provide enormous relief during and after conversations. ---- If you or someone you know needs help, please text Crisis Text Line at 741741, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) ---- . 2/23/23, 12:09 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: What gives? 2/23/23, 12:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Once again if you ask me about my state of mind regarding hurting myself... The answer will be the exact same answer. 2/23/23, 12:11 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Your inquiry: Thank you for sharing that with me. When you say police were contacted, do you mean you were thinking of ending your life? -- My universal declaration of human Rights enacted in 1948 specifically title 19. Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. --- The answer to your question is not a simple question and answer text q&a. Answer to your question is found in a SoundCloud audio presentation. Listen to In-The-Alls-Of-All-Halls-Of-All-Halls-Of-Hell.ogg by Facts Don't Lie : Hated On : I Died : By Suicide on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/v5jKh 2/23/23, 12:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: 👻 2/23/23, 12:12 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You will ghost this responsibility 2/23/23, 12:13 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I heard your reference to use 866. I heard your reference to you ccrt. I heard your reference to only use the crisis text line once every 48 hours. I acknowledge what you say but what you say does not appear to be what is out on the web to how crisis text line is supposed to be operating 2/23/23, 12:13 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Upon an initiation to contact and establish an 866 text interface.. This WhatsApp export chat will be part of the record. 2/23/23, 12:14 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The matter to which is pressing forward is a filing of a lawsuit of a huge discrimination case before I die 2/23/23, 12:14 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Before I die of HIV disease 2/23/23, 12:15 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: <Media omitted> 122322, 707 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen.ogg 2/23/23, 12:17 PM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: There will be no counselor assigned. I have done nothing wrong. Only to challenge the notion of what is the public view of what this crisis text line serves... Is untrue 2/23/23, 12:19 PM - Crisis Text Line: Hi there, thanks for reaching out. It looks like you have received some support from us in the last 48 hours - we want to respect our boundaries, so (1/2) 2/23/23, 12:19 PM - Crisis Text Line: we will be ending this conversation. Please lean on your coping skills and if you are in danger, contact your local emergency services. Take care. (2/2) 2/23/23, 12:19 PM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. 2/23/23, 12:19 PM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 2/23/23, 12:19 PM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=74n3jZ63f7ca541f1e2&r=0&m=Whatsapp 9/24/23, 7:38 PM - This business is now working with other companies to manage this chat. Tap to learn more. 9/29/23, 11:53 AM - This business is now working with other companies to manage this chat. Tap to learn more. 10/14/23, 7:09 PM - This business is now using a secure service from Meta to manage this chat. Tap to learn more. 1/13/24, 6:50 PM - This business is now using a secure service from Meta to manage this chat. Tap to learn more. 1/19/24, 6:57 PM - This business is now using a secure service from Meta to manage this chat. Tap to learn more. 2/6/24, 9:56 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I want to bring into my chat archive here this report as distributed from LinkedIn. https://www.crisistextline.org/what-do-young-people-in-crisis-need-from-their-communities/?fbclid=IwAR3CoyYMXFrsm4yhEIJ_nk8de5m-2ma4WMliT7So_j24DARnQsdHn3iNd1Y Skip to content SiteMenu What Do Young People in Crisis Need From Their Communities? A new report from Crisis Text Line and Common Good Labs offers solutions to the youth mental health crisis based on over 87,000 anonymized conversations with young people who talked about what helps them cope. Download Report Download Executive Summary Young people are facing a mental health epidemic. Young people across the United States are sad and hopeless. Over 1 in 6 high school students have made a suicide plan; over 40% of them are sad. Over five million adolescents experienced depression in 2022, up from two million in 2010. More than 1,500 died by suicide in the same year, compared to less than 1,000 in 2010. Though depression and suicides fell in 2022, both are still far above the levels seen twelve years earlier. Suicides have grown in communities across every geographic region in the United States. These increases can be seen in more rural states, such as Alabama and Idaho, as well as those that are primarily urban, like California and New York. Communities need solutions to protect youth mental health. We partnered with Common Good Labs to find solutions to this crisis – and learn what young people say they need from their communities. We analyzed over 87,000 anonymized conversations with young people where they mentioned coping resources that help them feel better in a crisis. We used Natural Language Processing (NLP) to identify these resources; we then paired these insights with public data on their availability over time and across ZIP codes and counties. (We defined young people as 17 or younger.) The full report called, “What Do Young People in Crisis Need from Their Communities? Solutions to the epidemic of depression and suicide among adolescents in the United Statesâ€, is available to download below. Download Report Download Executive Summary Research Highlights 1. Adolescents say there are six resources communities can provide to help them cope with mental health crises. It’s not just therapy – it’s opportunities for social connection, it’s art classes, sports, libraries, and walkable neighborhoods. Many of these may not be obvious, but young texters regularly turn to them to cope with crises – and they all require community investment. They are: Opportunities for social connection; Engagement in music, writing, visual, and performing arts; Mental health services; Exercise and sports programming; Books and audiobooks; and Outdoor spaces and nature, including walkable neighborhoods 2. Unfortunately, communities have been cutting programs that provide the resources youth in crisis need. Based on our analysis of public data sources, local governments cut funding for parks by more than $2.5 billion dollars from 2010 to 2021. Opportunities for social connection and playing sports also shrank considerably during this time — even though the youth population increased. The number of children participating in clubs fell by 1.4 million and the number playing high school sports dropped by 1.8 million. The availability of arts education decreased as well. 3. Today, many young people lack access to community resources that would support their mental health. When young people struggle with mental health distress, large numbers of them do not have access to coping resources. As a result of the cuts and declines in participation, Seven in ten children do not participate in clubs. Five in ten adolescents with depression do not receive treatment. Five in ten high schoolers do not play sports. Four in ten children do not live near a library. Many of these resources are even more limited in rural counties and underserved ZIP codes within cities. Communities should reframe their approach to mental health support. Our findings suggest that leaders would benefit from reframing the way they think about mental health support for youth. Extracurricular clubs, arts education, sports activities, libraries, and outdoor spaces are important services and programs for supporting young people’s mental health — in addition to the intrinsic value that each brings to local communities. Download Full Report Download Executive Summary With questions on methodology, please email research@crisistextline.org. With press requests, please email press@crisistextline.org IN A CRISIS? Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a volunteer Crisis Counselor Free 24/7 support at your fingertips. Text Us Data insights, news, and more straight to your inbox. EMAIL ADDRESS e.g. username@service.domain GET HELP US: Text 741741 CA: Text 686868 UK: Text 85258 Ireland: 50808 DATA & IMPACT Digital Rights Data Philosophy Trends Research & Impact SUPPORT OUR WORK Donate Volunteer Join Our Staff Partnerships Student Learning Practicum program Spread the Word Issue Briefs ABOUT US Meet Our Team Where We Are FAQ Press Blog Testimonials Feedback Financials Donor Confidentiality Social Media Community Guidelines SOCIAL Link to facebook Link to twitter Link to instagram Link to linkedin Link to tiktok © Crisis Text Line 2013–2024 Terms of Service Privacy Policy Search... Mobile Menu Overlay En Español Get Help Volunteer Learn Share Donate Campus Advocates Self-Care Student Planner Mental Health School Supplies United In Empathy Report Search 2/6/24, 9:56 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Hello 2/6/24, 9:56 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 2/6/24, 9:56 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 2/6/24, 9:56 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 2/6/24, 9:56 AM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 2/6/24, 9:57 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I want to bring into my chat archive here this report as distributed from LinkedIn. https://www.crisistextline.org/what-do-young-people-in-crisis-need-from-their-communities/?fbclid=IwAR3CoyYMXFrsm4yhEIJ_nk8de5m-2ma4WMliT7So_j24DARnQsdHn3iNd1Y Skip to content SiteMenu What Do Young People in Crisis Need From Their Communities? A new report from Crisis Text Line and Common Good Labs offers solutions to the youth mental health crisis based on over 87,000 anonymized conversations with young people who talked about what helps them cope. Download Report Download Executive Summary Young people are facing a mental health epidemic. Young people across the United States are sad and hopeless. Over 1 in 6 high school students have made a suicide plan; over 40% of them are sad. Over five million adolescents experienced depression in 2022, up from two million in 2010. More than 1,500 died by suicide in the same year, compared to less than 1,000 in 2010. Though depression and suicides fell in 2022, both are still far above the levels seen twelve years earlier. Suicides have grown in communities across every geographic region in the United States. These increases can be seen in more rural states, such as Alabama and Idaho, as well as those that are primarily urban, like California and New York. Communities need solutions to protect youth mental health. We partnered with Common Good Labs to find solutions to this crisis – and learn what young people say they need from their communities. We analyzed over 87,000 anonymized conversations with young people where they mentioned coping resources that help them feel better in a crisis. We used Natural Language Processing (NLP) to identify these resources; we then paired these insights with public data on their availability over time and across ZIP codes and counties. (We defined young people as 17 or younger.) The full report called, “What Do Young People in Crisis Need from Their Communities? Solutions to the epidemic of depression and suicide among adolescents in the United Statesâ€, is available to download below. Download Report Download Executive Summary Research Highlights 1. Adolescents say there are six resources communities can provide to help them cope with mental health crises. It’s not just therapy – it’s opportunities for social connection, it’s art classes, sports, libraries, and walkable neighborhoods. Many of these may not be obvious, but young texters regularly turn to them to cope with crises – and they all require community investment. They are: Opportunities for social connection; Engagement in music, writing, visual, and performing arts; Mental health services; Exercise and sports programming; Books and audiobooks; and Outdoor spaces and nature, including walkable neighborhoods 2. Unfortunately, communities have been cutting programs that provide the resources youth in crisis need. Based on our analysis of public data sources, local governments cut funding for parks by more than $2.5 billion dollars from 2010 to 2021. Opportunities for social connection and playing sports also shrank considerably during this time — even though the youth population increased. The number of children participating in clubs fell by 1.4 million and the number playing high school sports dropped by 1.8 million. The availability of arts education decreased as well. 3. Today, many young people lack access to community resources that would support their mental health. When young people struggle with mental health distress, large numbers of them do not have access to coping resources. As a result of the cuts and declines in participation, Seven in ten children do not participate in clubs. Five in ten adolescents with depression do not receive treatment. Five in ten high schoolers do not play sports. Four in ten children do not live near a library. Many of these resources are even more limited in rural counties and underserved ZIP codes within cities. Communities should reframe their approach to mental health support. Our findings suggest that leaders would benefit from reframing the way they think about mental health support for youth. Extracurricular clubs, arts education, sports activities, libraries, and outdoor spaces are important services and programs for supporting young people’s mental health — in addition to the intrinsic value that each brings to local communities. Download Full Report Download Executive Summary With questions on methodology, please email research@crisistextline.org. With press requests, please email press@crisistextline.org IN A CRISIS? Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a volunteer Crisis Counselor Free 24/7 support at your fingertips. Text Us Data insights, news, and more straight to your inbox. EMAIL ADDRESS e.g. username@service.domain GET HELP US: Text 741741 CA: Text 686868 UK: Text 85258 Ireland: 50808 DATA & IMPACT Digital Rights Data Philosophy Trends Research & Impact SUPPORT OUR WORK Donate Volunteer Join Our Staff Partnerships Student Learning Practicum program Spread the Word Issue Briefs ABOUT US Meet Our Team Where We Are FAQ Press Blog Testimonials Feedback Financials Donor Confidentiality Social Media Community Guidelines SOCIAL Link to facebook Link to twitter Link to instagram Link to linkedin Link to tiktok © Crisis Text Line 2013–2024 Terms of Service Privacy Policy Search... Mobile Menu Overlay En Español Get Help Volunteer Learn Share Donate Campus Advocates Self-Care Student Planner Mental Health School Supplies United In Empathy Report Search 2/6/24, 9:57 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, my name is Mo. It takes a lot of strength to reach out, and I'm here to listen. Can you tell me a bit more about why you reached out today? 2/6/24, 9:58 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: When I save this archive, a record will be placed internal to this archive. Hi Mo 2/6/24, 9:58 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Can you read above? 2/6/24, 9:58 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I want to bring into my chat archive here this report as distributed from LinkedIn. https://www.crisistextline.org/what-do-young-people-in-crisis-need-from-their-communities/?fbclid=IwAR3CoyYMXFrsm4yhEIJ_nk8de5m-2ma4WMliT7So_j24DARnQsdHn3iNd1Y Skip to content SiteMenu What Do Young People in Crisis Need From Their Communities? A new report from Crisis Text Line and Common Good Labs offers solutions to the youth mental health crisis based on over 87,000 anonymized conversations with young people who talked about what helps them cope. Download Report Download Executive Summary Young people are facing a mental health epidemic. Young people across the United States are sad and hopeless. Over 1 in 6 high school students have made a suicide plan; over 40% of them are sad. Over five million adolescents experienced depression in 2022, up from two million in 2010. More than 1,500 died by suicide in the same year, compared to less than 1,000 in 2010. Though depression and suicides fell in 2022, both are still far above the levels seen twelve years earlier. Suicides have grown in communities across every geographic region in the United States. These increases can be seen in more rural states, such as Alabama and Idaho, as well as those that are primarily urban, like California and New York. Communities need solutions to protect youth mental health. We partnered with Common Good Labs to find solutions to this crisis – and learn what young people say they need from their communities. We analyzed over 87,000 anonymized conversations with young people where they mentioned coping resources that help them feel better in a crisis. We used Natural Language Processing (NLP) to identify these resources; we then paired these insights with public data on their availability over time and across ZIP codes and counties. (We defined young people as 17 or younger.) The full report called, “What Do Young People in Crisis Need from Their Communities? Solutions to the epidemic of depression and suicide among adolescents in the United Statesâ€, is available to download below. Download Report Download Executive Summary Research Highlights 1. Adolescents say there are six resources communities can provide to help them cope with mental health crises. It’s not just therapy – it’s opportunities for social connection, it’s art classes, sports, libraries, and walkable neighborhoods. Many of these may not be obvious, but young texters regularly turn to them to cope with crises – and they all require community investment. They are: Opportunities for social connection; Engagement in music, writing, visual, and performing arts; Mental health services; Exercise and sports programming; Books and audiobooks; and Outdoor spaces and nature, including walkable neighborhoods 2. Unfortunately, communities have been cutting programs that provide the resources youth in crisis need. Based on our analysis of public data sources, local governments cut funding for parks by more than $2.5 billion dollars from 2010 to 2021. Opportunities for social connection and playing sports also shrank considerably during this time — even though the youth population increased. The number of children participating in clubs fell by 1.4 million and the number playing high school sports dropped by 1.8 million. The availability of arts education decreased as well. 3. Today, many young people lack access to community resources that would support their mental health. When young people struggle with mental health distress, large numbers of them do not have access to coping resources. As a result of the cuts and declines in participation, Seven in ten children do not participate in clubs. Five in ten adolescents with depression do not receive treatment. Five in ten high schoolers do not play sports. Four in ten children do not live near a library. Many of these resources are even more limited in rural counties and underserved ZIP codes within cities. Communities should reframe their approach to mental health support. Our findings suggest that leaders would benefit from reframing the way they think about mental health support for youth. Extracurricular clubs, arts education, sports activities, libraries, and outdoor spaces are important services and programs for supporting young people’s mental health — in addition to the intrinsic value that each brings to local communities. Download Full Report Download Executive Summary With questions on methodology, please email research@crisistextline.org. With press requests, please email press@crisistextline.org IN A CRISIS? Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a volunteer Crisis Counselor Free 24/7 support at your fingertips. Text Us Data insights, news, and more straight to your inbox. EMAIL ADDRESS e.g. username@service.domain GET HELP US: Text 741741 CA: Text 686868 UK: Text 85258 Ireland: 50808 DATA & IMPACT Digital Rights Data Philosophy Trends Research & Impact SUPPORT OUR WORK Donate Volunteer Join Our Staff Partnerships Student Learning Practicum program Spread the Word Issue Briefs ABOUT US Meet Our Team Where We Are FAQ Press Blog Testimonials Feedback Financials Donor Confidentiality Social Media Community Guidelines SOCIAL Link to facebook Link to twitter Link to instagram Link to linkedin Link to tiktok © Crisis Text Line 2013–2024 Terms of Service Privacy Policy Search... Mobile Menu Overlay En Español Get Help Volunteer Learn Share Donate Campus Advocates Self-Care Student Planner Mental Health School Supplies United In Empathy Report Search 2/6/24, 9:59 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20240206-WA0000. (file attached) 2/6/24, 9:59 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/6/24, 9:59 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/6/24, 9:59 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/6/24, 9:59 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/6/24, 9:59 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20230102-WA0000.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/6/24, 9:59 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20230223-WA0000.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/6/24, 9:59 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/6/24, 9:59 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/6/24, 9:59 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/6/24, 9:59 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/6/24, 9:59 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/6/24, 10:00 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/6/24, 10:00 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: The archive was updated. 2/6/24, 10:03 AM - Crisis Text Line: It seems like now might not be the best time for you to talk. I’m going to end this conversation now, but we’re here 24/7 if you’re in crisis again. Take care. 2/6/24, 10:03 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. You matter. 2/6/24, 10:03 AM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 2/6/24, 10:03 AM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=relQQv65c2746beed74&r=1&m=Whatsapp 2/6/24, 10:03 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Hi 2/6/24, 10:03 AM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 2/6/24, 10:09 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: What did I do wrong? 2/6/24, 10:09 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 2/6/24, 10:09 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 2/6/24, 10:09 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Yes 2/6/24, 10:09 AM - Crisis Text Line: Resources while we connect you: https://bit.ly/all_res. (STOP to cancel convo). What’s your crisis? 2/6/24, 10:11 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I was attempting to contact Crisis Text Line to inform the counselor of new research from Crisis Text Line Content linguistic analysis. 2/6/24, 10:11 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for sharing. It might take a moment to assign you someone. 2/6/24, 10:11 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: https://www.crisistextline.org/what-do-young-people-in-crisis-need-from-their-communities/?fbclid=IwAR3CoyYMXFrsm4yhEIJ_nk8de5m-2ma4WMliT7So_j24DARnQsdHn3iNd1Y 2/6/24, 10:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: What did I do wrong? 2/6/24, 10:12 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi there, this is John. I'm here for you. 2/6/24, 10:12 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Hi john 2/6/24, 10:13 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: I wanted to bring the report into my Crisis Text Line History Archive. 2/6/24, 10:14 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: John? 2/6/24, 10:15 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: You gonna drop me too? Ghost me? It seems like now might not be the best time for you to talk. I’m going to end this conversation now, but we’re here 24/7 if you’re in crisis again. Take care. 2/6/24, 10:16 AM - Crisis Text Line: Thanks for messaging Crisis Text Line. The Crisis Counselor has closed the conversation. You matter. 2/6/24, 10:16 AM - Crisis Text Line: https://s.alchemer.com/s3/1b5cd00ab39e?h=3pGjGJ65c2776e5a54f&r=1&m=Whatsapp 2/6/24, 10:16 AM - Crisis Text Line: Please answer a few questions about your experience so we can better help others? Thank you: 2/6/24, 10:16 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: That is what Mo wrote to me as a first response 2/6/24, 10:16 AM - Crisis Text Line: The conversation has been closed. If you are in crisis and want to be connected to a Crisis Counselor, please message us again. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20240206-WA0000. (file attached) 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: DOC-20240206-WA0001. (file attached) 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221220-WA0004.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0005.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0008.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20221223-WA0006.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20230102-WA0000.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: IMG-20230223-WA0000.jpg (file attached) Chat history is attached as "WhatsApp Chat with Crisis Text Line" file to this email. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need a YES or NO response in order to proceed. Are you currently located in the U.S.? If we can't confirm your location, this conversation will be closed. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: Since we did not receive a YES or NO response, we cannot connect you to a trained volunteer. You can find global support resources here: bit.ly/CTL_int 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: Hi, this is Crisis Text Line. You’re not alone. By texting further with us, you agree to our Terms: goo.gl/EMCKCY. Si hablas español y quieres hablar con una persona voluntaria entrenada, envÃa la palabra ESPAÑOL vÃa mensaje de texto ahora. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: We would like to connect you to a trained volunteer. Are you currently located in the United States? Please answer YES or NO to continue. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: We need to confirm your location in order to proceed. Please respond YES or NO to continue. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: We want to connect you to a trained volunteer. Please confirm your location with YES or NO. Are you currently located in the United States? 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line does not accept gifs, videos, and images. Your counselor has not received your previous message. 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - HatesNotGonnaHappen: Stop 2/6/24, 10:17 AM - Crisis Text Line: Crisis Text Line: You've opted out of this conversation. Text in again if you're in crisis to connect to a new Crisis Counselor. info@crisistextline.org